Don't Go Against My Mommy

C661 He Didn't Want to Stay in the Sterile Ward

C661 He Didn't Want to Stay in the Sterile Ward

Besides, Qin Mo didn't like white. This color was too lonely. It was too dazzling. Qin Mo especially hated hospitals, and he hated sterile chamber even more. He didn't want him to communicate with others, so he felt like he was abandoned by the whole world.    


"Mo, you're not alone. This time, our whole family accompanied you to the sanatorium. Our room is next door. If you have anything to do, you can knock on the wall. We can hear you. " Lin Yuelin looked at the loneliness in Qin Mo's eyes and felt a slight pain in his heart.    


He was just a nine year old child, why did he feel like he had already experienced the vicissitudes of life?    


"I will say it again. I just don't want to be alone." In the past, it was the same, always leaving him alone in this room. Later on, even if he recovered, it would take a long time for him to see him again. Qin Mo's world was lonely. But he hated this kind of lonely environment.    


If he was lying alone in sterile chamber, he wouldn't be able to find the feeling of his existence. He wouldn't know if he was still alive or dead.    


That was why Qin Mo liked Lia so much. If it wasn't for her appearance, his days in the sanatorium would be forever dark.    


But now, there was no Lia here. There was only endless loneliness here. Once again, he felt as if he had been abandoned. He tightly hugged his body. It was said that Qin Mo was the strongest child, but in the end, he was still just a child. He was also very afraid of being alone.    


"But Mo, this is the sterile chamber. If my mother and sister were to stay here for a long time... The sterile chamber no longer has the meaning of being sterile." Lin Yuelin wanted to give Qin Mo a sense of security. He and Qin Fei would never give up on him.    


" But I don't care. I don't need the sterile chamber. I need your love. I need to feel your love. " This was the first time Qin Mo had confessed to his needs so directly. Lin Yuelin was slightly moved.    


Listening to Qin Mo's pleading look, Lin Yuelin was somewhat at a loss.    


When Qin Mo was transferred to sterile chamber, he was in a coma, so he didn't know that they had sent him to sterile chamber. When he finally woke up, he was still in a coma. He found that there was no one around him, so he was very nervous. The feeling of him being the only one left in the world was too intense.    


"Mo, you have to listen to me. You have to take good care of your body. This room is very good for your illness. You also have to think about your father and mother. If anything happens to you... What do you want us to do?" Lin Yuelin recalled Dean Loong's words. He wouldn't harm Qin Mo. Since he wanted Mo to stay in sterile chamber, he must have his reasons. Therefore, he couldn't do as Qin Mo said.    


"No, no. I know my current condition. I have stayed in sterile chamber once before. That time, my body was many times weaker than my current body. That's why I don't need to live here. Dean Loong only wanted to separate us from each other. Of course, I don't know why he would do that. But I know that my guess is correct." After knowing Dean Loong's true face, Qin Mo had no choice but to guess what he had done.    


"Since you can't guess Dean Loong's intention, perhaps he has no purpose?" Lin Yuelin said faintly.    


"I am very weak now, and my brain is not working well, so I can't figure out what his purpose is for the time being." Qin Mo's face showed some pain. If he used his brain now, he would feel very uncomfortable.    


"Mo, you are still too cautious of people. There are indeed many bad people in this world, but we still have to try to trust others." Lin Yuelin and Qin Mo were also too cautious. These words were meant for Qin Mo to hear, but also for himself.    


"This time, our whole family accompanied you to the sanatorium because we want to see you recover your previous healthy body. I believe you also want to give yourself a healthy body. Dean Loong has already promised me that he will make your body better. I want to believe him once. Even if it's for you, I have to believe him once. " Although Lin Yuelin had some doubts about Dean Loong, he had always been looking forward to beautiful things.    


"But I really don't like this place." Looking at this sealed room and the pale white walls, Qin Mo even felt a little hopeless.    


"Did you have some painful memories here?" Qin Mo's reaction was too intense, not because he was not used to it the first time he came in. Unless there were some bad memories that touched Qin Mo's heart.    


Qin Mo had left him and Qin Fei for a long time. Qin Mo had never mentioned what had happened to him during this period of time. He saw that he did not want to talk about it, so he did not ask about it.    


"No, I just don't like this place." Qin Mo didn't want to talk about the things that happened in the past. Moreover, even if he did, he wouldn't ask about it. His father would only feel that he was being hypocritical. After all, he had always been the one with the best treatment in the sanatorium. What he didn't like was the feeling of being swallowed by loneliness.    


"You are my son, I am your father. We have the same blood flowing in our bodies. What else can't we say to our father? " Since Lin Yuelin wanted to have a talk with Qin Mo, he had to have a good talk with him. It seemed like he had never truly penetrated into Qin Mo's heart. He didn't know how much pain was hidden in Qin Mo's heart.    


"But there are a lot of things that I don't want to think about again." Qin Mo knew that his father was smart. Even if he didn't say it, he would know what he was hiding from him. That was why he said that he didn't want to mention it.    


"Mo, I have thought about a lot of things during this period of time. I know I was wrong. " Lin Yuelin looked at Qin Mo calmly. At this moment, he did not treat Qin Mo as a child. He just treated ___ as a peer who was equal to him.    


Looking at Lin Yuelin's gloomy expression, the anxiety in Qin Mo's heart was like a ball of fire meeting a rain, and it quickly calmed down.    


He really wanted to hear what his father was going to say next.    


"Mo, you are too sensible. You are so sensible that we have overlooked the fact that you are still a child. I have always been a person with a sealed heart. This might have something to do with my childhood experiences. I don't want to talk deeply about what I have in my heart. This also caused us to never have a serious conversation. In the end, I am just a failed father. I only found you after you were injured in the fire for so many years. Then to the time when I don't even know what you have experienced by Luh Cheng's side, I don't even know about all of this. But now, your body reminds me of the fire and the time you were by Luh Cheng's side. I really want to know." Lin Yuelin said casually. The pain in his eyes was about to drown Qin Mo.    


Lin Yuelin had never had such an emotional moment, but this time, he really didn't want to avoid the topic that they both avoided talking about.    


"Mo, I just want to make up for my lack of attention towards you in the past. Can you give me a chance?" The child Lin Yuelin had let down the most was Qin Mo. He had been indifferent to him ever since they met. He had never given ___ enough love after the separation.    


Qin Mo looked straight at Lin Yuelin. His nose was a little sour. He knew how rare it was to make his father say such words. Those words that he wanted to say to refuse suddenly became out of his mouth.    


"Can you talk to your father about it?" Qin Mo looked like him the most. From his personality to his appearance, he was a miniature version of himself. This made the two of them feel more like each other.    


"But I don't remember much either. I only know that I was knocked out by a heavy object in the fire. In my daze, a man saved me." As long as he tried his best to think about the fire, Qin Mo's head would ache.    


The doctor said that it was a miracle that Qin Mo survived. After all, Qin Mo was still so young at that time, and he suffered a heavy blow in the fire.    


"I woke up later and found that everything around me was strange. Only the vague memories in my mind were friendly, but I had never seen the people in my memory clearly. I came back to life, but I forgot everything. It is at this time that Luh Cheng appeared in front of me. I know that he is the person who saved me from the fire. " Qin Mo only knew Luh Cheng in a strange environment, and this person had given him his life. That's why when he first saw this person, he felt like he saw a god-like figure.    


The scene of Luh Cheng hugging him tightly in the fire had always been Qin Mo's memory, so Qin Mo did not understand. Why did he risk his life to save him? Since he wanted to take revenge on his father, what else could make his son's death hurt him more?    


Qin Mo knew that Luh Cheng had feelings for him, but in the end, he couldn't help but make use of him. Qin Mo couldn't accept this, and this was also the reason why he didn't want to forgive him.    


When Lin Yuelin heard what Qin Mo said, he felt more and more guilty towards Luh Cheng. He had always thought that it was Luh Cheng who asked his subordinates to save him, but he never thought that it would be him who entered the fire. If he wasn't careful during that fire, he would have been trapped inside. It was clearly his child. At that time, Luh Cheng had regarded him as an enemy. He had even risked his life to run into the fire to save Qin Mo.    


That period of time was also the worst memory in Lin Yuelin's life. He could not protect his wife, nor could he protect his own child. To a man, it was an unforgettable shame.    


Qin Mo's heart sank when he saw the regret in Lin Yuelin's eyes. It was not that he did not have complaints about Lin Yuelin. At that time, if he had not always believed that Shangguan Xue would get married to him with good medicine, he and his mother wouldn't have been kidnapped, and there wouldn't have been such things after that.    


"Mo, do you hate your father's incompetence? Lin Yuelin's eyes were full of pain. When he heard the broken memories from Qin Mo's mouth, he felt even more guilty.    


This chapter is over.    


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