My Rich Wife

He Teng's Attack

He Teng's Attack

Lu Yun and the others wouldn't be the only sect that would come to extradite people.     

Besides, there were many ways to go to the Holy Region, so they might not necessarily have to rely on them.     

The reason the Pavilion Master had to keep it a secret was very simple.     

If others found out, Qin Yu was worried that others would give up, such as Chang Mang and Yao Qing.     

This was Qin Yu's private matter. He couldn't implicate others because of this.     

Furthermore... Qin Yu could use this opportunity to find He Teng and Heavenly Blood Rainbow.     

"Pavilion Master, if I still haven't reached the Holy Region in a year's time, I'll have to trouble you to come pick me up," Qin Yu said.     

Pavilion Master nodded. "Alright."      

Qin Yu sat in the room for a long time before he sighed slightly.     

Qin Yu didn't have any right to comment on his father's actions. He had to mind his own business.     

That night, Qin Yu found a disciple who was quite talented.     

This disciple was called Yu Xin. He handed Yu Xin a black robe and asked him to pretend to be him to go to the Holy Region.     

The next day.     

Everyone headed to the first Mystic Realm. They were ready to step on the ancient array platform and cross the void to go to the Holy Region.     

Qin Yu hid in the dark and quietly watched.     

The group of people stood on the ancient array platform with some excitement on their faces.     

"Qin Yu, why are you suddenly wearing a black robe today? Are you pretending to be cool?" Chang Mang patted Yu Xin and said jokingly.     

Yu Xin didn't dare to say anything. He was afraid that he would be exposed if he spoke.     

Fortunately, the Pavilion Master at the side mediated, "He doesn't want anyone to see his white hair. Alright, don't ask anymore."      

Chang Mang shrank his neck and didn't say anything more.     

The group of people stood on the ancient array platform, extremely excited.     

Lu Yun had already set up the array flag. She brought Lu Guan along. The two of them stood on the array platform. Their hands were covered in divine light, and they were mumbling something, as if they were casting some kind of spell.     

As waves of light shone, the entire ancient array platform began to shake violently!     

In the next second, the light turned incandescent, obscuring everyone's vision.     


A loud sound erupted from the ancient array platform!     

The light gradually dimmed, slowly fading away.     

When the light completely dimmed, there was no longer any trace of anyone on the array platform.     

At this moment, Qin Yu was filled with mixed feelings.     

There was regret, but also some longing.     

The people on the array platform were all Qin Yu's loved ones and friends. Now that they had left, Qin Yu felt empty.     


Qin Yu let out a long breath.     

"It's time for me to go and settle my matters."      

Then, Qin Yu left the ancient array platform and began to wander around every corner of the world, looking for traces of his mother.     

This must have been an extremely long process. Qin Yu knew nothing about his mother. Other than that gentle face that was imprinted in his mind, there wasn'thing else.     

But as long as she was a human, she would definitely leave a mark on the world.     


The Immortal Slaying Sect.     

A young man was sitting cross-legged on the seat that the sect leader had once occupied.     

His expression was gloomy and uncertain, and his heart was filled with hatred.     

"Holy Region... I've paid so much for the Immortal Slaying Sect, but I didn't have the chance to go to the Holy Region!" Heavenly Blood Rainbow punched the stone chair hard!     

"What's the rush? You're not the only one who didn't go to the Holy Region..."      

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded.     

Heavenly Blood Rainbow narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "You're really like a sewer rat. You're everywhere."      

"Hehe, aren't you the same? You've worked hard all your life just to work for someone else..."      

The speaker was none other than He Teng.     

He had predicted that Heavenly Blood Rainbow would be in the same situation as him, so he came to the Immortal Slaying Sect to look for Heavenly Blood Rainbow.     

Heavenly Blood Rainbow's expression changed slightly and he said with a gloomy look, "You know a little too much."      

A murderous intent radiated from his body. This murderous intent was extremely cold.     

He Teng wasn't flustered. He said as he walked, "Don't act recklessly. The current you is definitely not my match."      

"Moreover, I didn't come to find you to fight with you."      

Heavenly Blood Rainbow snorted lightly and said, "Speak. What is it?"      

He Teng said indifferently, "I know that you are indignant. Actually, it's not just you. There are too few spots this time, so few that it's ridiculous, and Qin Yu alone has taken up two-thirds of the spots."      

"Even Mighty Realm powerhouses who have been in seclusion for many years weren't able to participate in this trip to the Holy Region."      

This made Heavenly Blood Rainbow somewhat surprised.     

"Even they weren't able to go? Didn't Qin Yu organize a public selection?" Heavenly Blood Rainbow said with a frown.     

He Teng glanced at Heavenly Blood Rainbow and said with a sneer, "Have you forgotten that those more than twenty Mighty Realm powerhouses have followed Gu Xinghe. Do they dare to show their faces in front of Qin Yu?"      

Hearing this, Heavenly Blood Rainbow couldn't help but curse inwardly, "Even Mighty Realm powerhouses actually don't even dare to provoke Qin Yu..."      

"Alright, no need for nonsense. What exactly are you looking for me for? Could it be that you have a way to enter the Holy Region?" Heavenly Blood Rainbow changed the topic and asked coldly.     

He Teng shook his head and said indifferently, "If I had that ability, I wouldn't be here right now."      

"Then why are you bullshitting with me?" Heavenly Blood Rainbow said with extreme displeasure.     

He Teng sneered and said, "So what if we go to the Holy Region? So what if we don't go to the Holy Region? Use your brain to think. Isn't this an opportunity for us?"      

"What do you mean?" Heavenly Blood Rainbow asked with some confusion.     

He Teng couldn't help but feel a little vexed.     

Heavenly Blood Rainbow actually didn't understand such a hint.     

He took a deep breath and said, "Your master has already left, right?"      

Heavenly Blood Rainbow didn't say anything, which could be considered as a tacit agreement.     

"Qin Yu and the group of people around him have also left, right?" He Teng continued to guide him patiently.     

Heavenly Blood Rainbow finally understood.     

He suddenly stood up and said, "You mean... no one can stop us now?"      

"That's right!" He Teng sneered again and again.     

"This isn't the only chance to go to the Holy Region. Now that Qin Yu isn't here, why don't we take advantage of this and do something important?"      

"Don't you control the secret technique of the Immortal Slaying Sect? You can use the same trick again. This time, no one can stop you!"      

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