My Rich Wife

Purple Jade Primordial Snake

Purple Jade Primordial Snake

No matter how much one plans things out, life always intervenes.     

No one had expected someone to accept the request slip that had been left untouched for so long.     

Qin Yu pulled down the brim of his hat and turned around, secretly surveying the person who had accepted the job request.     

When he saw who that person was, his expression changed slightly.     

"Jiang Yi?" Qin Yu was extremely surprised.     

He did not expect Jiang Yi to appear and take on the job request.     

"Master, he..."     

Di Zun was about to speak when Qin Yu stopped him.     

Jiang Yi didn't stay but left soon after taking the job request slip.     

As Qin Yu concealed his face and no spiritual power was fluctuating in his body, Jiang Yi did not notice him.     

Once he was far away from them, Di Zun couldn't help asking, "Master, why didn't you teach him a lesson?"     

Qin Yu remained silent for a while, then sighed a little and said, "I know that person."     

"You... You know him?" Di Zun got even more confused.     

Qin Yu waved his hand and didn't explain further.     

Since they parted on bad terms back then, Jiang Yi had held a grudge against Qin Yu.     

A huge battle between them one day would be inevitable.     

The night was falling at that moment.     

And it was about time for the Purple Jade Primordial Snake to be released from its cage.     

With Di Zun leading the way, Qin Yu arrived near the Island Master's manor to register for the event.     

Still, many people were signing up today, and a total of eight individuals registered.     

The eight individuals were powerful beings with incredible abilities, while Qin Yu was the only person who looked rather ordinary.     

"Those who have signed up, come with me."     

After a short while, a strong-looking man walked out.     

Di Zun wanted to follow, but he was mercilessly rejected. So, he could only buy a ticket and sit among the audience.     

Qin Yu followed behind these people. They passed through a long corridor before finally stopping at where the contestants would be sitting.     

The place reserved for the contestants wasn't quite what he had imagined. Instead of just a cold bench for them to sit on, it was more like a banquet.     

There was food, drinks, and even entertainment. It had everything one would expect to find.     

There were beautiful women and handsome men, all for the contestants to choose from.     

"This is my first time seeing such a spread in the contestants' zone." Qin Yu couldn't help exclaiming in surprise.     

Hearing this, the person in charge sneered and said, "Our Island Master has a compassionate heart. So before you go on your way, we naturally should satisfy all your needs."     

After hearing what he said, Qin Yu looked at the other contestants and said, "Why do all of you sign up for this, knowing that you might die today?"     

"You asked why? Because the terms were attractive." Someone said.     

"There's bound to be brave fighters when a large sum of money is involved. Isn't it the same for you?"     

Just as Qin Yu was going to ask about the reward, he heard cheers from outside.     

Qin Yu wasn't interested in merry ways, so he immediately stood up and walked out of the banquet hall.     

Standing where the contestants were, Qin Yu could see a little of what was happening outside.     

He could see a massive snake in the big manor.     

Its body exuded a surging purple aura, which made it look even fiercer and not to be trifled with.     

The snake had two fangs protruding from its mouth, flicking its whip-like tongue repeatedly, making it look extremely terrifying.      

There was a golden rope on the Purple Jade Primordial Snake, which looked like a collar.     

The rope was tightly tied to the Purple Jade Primordial Snake's neck, preventing it from going berserk.     

"It looked quite domineering." Qin Yu voiced his thoughts after seeing the giant Purple Jade Primordial Snake.     

"It probably finds you rather adorable." A contestant came over from beside him and said.     

This participant had his hands behind his back, like a formidable master. He exuded a faint aura, which made him even more mysterious.     

Qin Yu smiled and said, "You looked rather confident."     

The contestant said with a smile, "My only goal today is to kill this beast. No one is to take away the chance from me."     

"Oh, then I'll let you go first." Qin Yu smiled and said.     

That contestant snorted lightly and said, "No matter who goes first, the ending will be the same. All of you are just cannon fodders."     

Qin Yu didn't say anything else. He doesn't know this contestant, nor does he understand the Purple Jade Primordial Snake, so he couldn't just jump to any conclusions.     

However, every single movement made by this contestant was indeed quite pretentious.     

The atmosphere on the stage became increasingly exciting, and many people were cheering.     

Amidst the cheers, the master of Deer Emperor Island slowly walked out.     

He wore a purple robe and had long hair. Looking firm and tall, he had a faint smile on his face.     

However, his smile had a hidden sharpness that one couldn't ignore.     

"He is the Island Master?" Qin Yu looked at the noble-looking man and said in a low voice.     

"That's right. That man is the Island Master, Deer Emperor." The contestant beside him said.     

"It was said that the Deer Emperor is someone who had lived for thousands of years. He set up this Deer Emperor Island because he got sick of the mundane worldly life."     

Qin Yun looked at the Deer Emperor on the stage and was quite surprised.     

Though Qin Yu was a famous man, he had never heard of this Deer Emperor.     

It seemed like there were still many secrets in this world that no one knew about.     

Deer Emperor sat in the seat exclusively for him and whispered to the people around him. The person in charge immediately jumped toward Qin Yu and the others.     

The person in charge glanced at Qin Yu and the others. He then raised his hand and pointed at them as if he were numbering them.     

"Alright, all of you will go in in this order." The person-in-charge said.     

Qin Yu counted in his head and realized he was the seventh person.     

As for the pretentious man from before, he was the second contestant to go on the stage.     

"Alright, go on." The person in charge waved his hand.     

The first contestant immediately jumped down from the stage and walked toward the Purple Jade Primordial Snake.     

"Another contestant is going to die in vain." The pretentious man said indifferently.     

He then looked at Qin Yu and the rest and said, "All of you should be thankful that I am going in before every one of you."     

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