My Rich Wife

Huangji Buddha Flame

Huangji Buddha Flame

"Brother Qin, I think you'd better stay away from this thing."     

However, at this moment, Wen Da's words were like a wet blanket for Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu frowned and asked, "Why?"     

Wen Da said, "People always chase after this thing. If you are not strong enough, why do you even bother to bid on it? It's just a waste of money."     

"Exactly. You don't know what kind of trouble it can bring you." Wen Er kept nodding.     

Qin Yu didn't say anything. Although what they said was true, he still wanted to give it a shot.     

"Huangji Buddha Flame, the starting price is three million spirit coins." The auctioneer said with a smile.     

"Three million, there's still hope!" Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Soon, people began to raise the price.     

"I bid four million!"     

"Five million!"     

"Seven million!"     

"Nine million!"     

The price kept rising. In a few short moments, it had reached ten million.     

This made Qin Yu lose confidence. He only had a little more than ten million, so there was no way for him to afford Huangji Buddha Flame.     

Soon, the price of the Huangji Buddha Flame came to twenty-eight million.     

However, the number still didn't stop the crowd from bidding.     

"This bid is too boring. 35 million!" at this moment, Wen Da raised his hand and shouted.     

Qin Yu glanced at Wen da and whispered, "You are also interested in Huangji Buddha Flame?"     

Wen Da waved his hand and said, "I'm not interested. This thing is worthless for me."     

"Then why did you raise the price?" Qin Yu asked.     

Wen Er said from the side, "In any case, there will definitely be someone who will continue to raise the price. Just call out a high price and show off. Also, the auctioneer will be impressed."     

When Qin Yu heard this, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.     

These two brothers seriously tried to look cool as much as they could.     

After a while, the price of the Huangji Buddha Flame had reached 50 million.     

At this point, the crowd gradually quieted down.     

Even for a distinguished family, this was not a small amount.     

"50 million is enough to pay for my drink for the rest of my life." Wen Da said with a sarcastic tone.     

In the end, Huangji Buddha Flame was sold for 5,300 million.     

The person who bought this item was an old man who had white hair and hunched body.     

Even though he had restrained his internal Qi, people could still feel that he was extraordinary.     

Qin Yu sighed in his heart. Without enough power, it was impossible to buy anything in the auction.     

No matter how much he bought, it might not belong to him in the end.     

For the remaining time, there was nothing Qin Yu could bid.     

He eagerly waited for Life Aura. Unfortunately, even after the auction ended, it did not show up.     

Many treasures had appeared in this auction, but none of them could be compared to the Huangji Buddha Flame.     

"This auction ends here. Thank you for participating," the auctioneer said with a smile.     

"Let's go, let's go." Wen Da dragged Wen Er and hurriedly walked backstage.     

Qin Yu thought for a moment and finally followed.     

They walked all the way backstage. Everyone was queuing up to receive the items they had won.     

The person in charge of this matter was still the auctioneer from earlier.     

When it was Wen Da's turn, he spat out some saliva to put on his hair.     

After this, he put on an expression that he found attractive and walked to the auctioneer.     

When she saw Wen Da, she knitted her eyebrows without hiding her disgust.     

However, out of professional courtesy, she still politely said, "Sir, please take your auction item."     

Wen Da chuckled and casually took out a flower from his auction items.     

This flower had an overflowing fragrance and extraordinary medicinal properties. Moreover, it looked extremely alluring.     

Wen Da took the flower, waved it in front of the auctioneer, smiled faintly, and said, "It's your auction item."     


Qin Yu, who was standing at the side, couldn't help but laugh out loud.     

The female auctioneer's face couldn't be colder.     

She suppressed the anger in her heart and said, "Sir, please have some self-respect."     

Wen Da was a little embarrassed. Since his move failed, he started talking about his grandfather immediately.     

"I'm Wen Wanchong's grandson, and I am his favorite one."     

"One of the favorite ones!" Wen Er quickly added.     

The expression of the auctioneer became colder and colder.     

"Does it have anything to do with me? You are from the top nine families, so what? It's not my business," the auctioneer said emotionlessly.     

Wen Da's expression became more and more awkward, while Wen Er burst into laughter.     

At this point, Wen Da knew he should quit. The next second, he walked away frustratedly.     

Qin Yu seized the opportunity and quickly walked forward, bowing and saying, "Nice to meet you. I wonder if there is Life Aura in the auction house?"     

The auctioneer sized Qin Yu up, smiled, and said, "It's hard to say. Sometimes there is, and sometimes there isn't."     

Qin Yu bowed and said, "If it's possible, I would like to for a hlep. Please let me know when there is Life Aura in your auction house."     

The auctioneer thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "Okay, may I have your contact then?"     

"Oh, I will be staying in Heros Bar for the time being," Qin Yu said with a smile.     

"Okay, I will definitely inform you if there is any," the auctioneer said with a smile.     

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