My Rich Wife

Searching for Life Aura

Searching for Life Aura

Seeing this, Qin Yu couldn't refuse and could only follow the two of them to the palace.     

They went all the way to the palace.     

It had to be said that the palace of Gu City was truly resplendent and magnificent.     

Seeing this, Qin Yu couldn't refuse and could only follow the two of them to the palace.     

All the way to the imperial palace.     

It had to be said that the palace of Gu City was truly resplendent and magnificent.     

Although Qin Yu had seen countless top manor houses, he was still shocked by the scene before him.     

The entire palace was shrouded in dense mist. From time to time, white cranes flew by. At a glance, it was as if one had stepped into heaven.     

"This is nothing. Our family's mansion is way better!" Wen Da saw Qin Yu's shocked look and immediately patted his chest.     

"Exactly. The mountain that I just booked that day is even more beautiful than this!" Wen Er also said.     

When the City Lord heard their words, he could not help but curse loudly in his heart.     

"They are just two trust fund babis. If it weren't for your grandfather, you would have been ripped off ten thousand times already!" The City Lord suppressed his anger and cursed madly in his heart.     

Although he thought so, he still had a pleasant expression on his face.     

They brought Qin Yu to the hall, where a banquet had already been set up.     

The civil and military officials of Gu City were all at the side to accompany them.     

This kind of etiquette was usually used to receive top-notch big shots.     

But now, they were receiving two good-for-nothing trust fund babies.     

This made the City Lord extremely uncomfortable.     

"Why did you find so many old men?" However, at this time, Wen Da was furious and put on an upset face.     

"Exactly. They look so ugly. How can we eat next to them? Get the f*ck out of here!" Wen Er waved his hand impatiently.     

The City Lord, who was already extremely unhappy, wanted to flip the table when he heard the Wen brothers' words.     

He suppressed the anger in his heart and waved his hand, saying, "Leave us alone."     

After kicking the civil and military officials out of the hall, Wen Da asked the City Lord to find a large group of beautiful women dressed in muslin clothes to dance and accompany them in drinking. It was truly a joyous occasion.     

Looking at the Wen brothers, who didn't care about the social norms, the City Lord gritted his teeth in hatred.     

These two brothers turned his palace into a brothel.     

Qin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He couldn't imagine a cultivator's descendants would have this kind of lifestyle.     

"Come, Brother Qin, drink. Let's Get Drunk Today!" Wen Da said with a wine glass in his hand.     

Qin Yu naturally wouldn't refuse. He accompanied the two Wen brothers and got drunk.     

At night, the three of them lay on the table and passed out.     

The City Lord's face was livid as he looked at the three of them coldly.     

"City Lord, what are these three people? They are savages!" Someone could not help but curse.     

The City Lord looked at him coldly and said, "Do you think I want to host them? These two brothers come from a distinguished family. Even Tianyun Sect doesn't want to offend them, let alone us."     

Following that, the City Lord waved his hand and said, "Find a room and throw the three of them in."     


The three of them were thrown into a rather luxurious room and stayed there for the time being.     

It was noon the next day when the three of them woke up in a daze.     

Qin Yu, who had a hangover for the whole night, had a headache.     

Without spiritual power, his drunken state was similar to that of an ordinary person.     

The Wen brothers were the same. Wen Da rubbed his forehead and cursed, "Damn it, I drank too much again. I won't drink anymore."     

"Exactly, drinking never helps." Wen Er nodded repeatedly.     

The two brothers looked at Qin Yu and asked, "Brother Qin, how do you feel?"     

Qin Yu had a wry smile and said, "It's alright, I can endure it."     

Wen Da nodded and said with a smile, "Qin Yu, you are really capable. Even Ling Yun isn't a match for you."     

"You can't say that. He was injured to begin with. If he was at his peak condition, it's hard to say who would win or lose," Qin Yu said with a serious face.     

Qin Yu was rather fearful of the huge vision that Ling Yun had condensed.     

"By the way, do you know where there is Life Aura?" Qin Yu looked at the Wen brothers.     

"Life Aura?" The two looked at each other and then frowned. "My grandfather seems to have a bit but not much. I can ask him later."     

Qin Yu waved his hand repeatedly. Life Aura was extremely precious. A person like Wen Wanchong would never give it to someone else.     

"Isn't there an auction in Gu City? You should give it a shot. There might be some there," Wen Da said.     

Qin Yu nodded slightly. He had also thought about this idea.     

Many treasures were born in the auction.     

As a city connecting everywhere, Gu City had endless treasures in the auction.     

Many top-notch martial artists from other cities would come here to search for treasures.     

"Let's go take a look at it tonight. We also want to check it out there," Wen Da said.     

Qin Yu nodded and said, "Okay, then it's a deal."     

The three of them traveled through the entire palace for the entire day.     

The extremely solemn imperial palace became like an amusement park because of the arrival of the two brothers.     

The City Lord noticed this but didn't dare to say anything.     

At night, Wen Da greeted the City Lord and left the imperial palace with Qin Yu.     

As he watched the three of them leave, the City Lord's expression turned even colder.     

"Go and get someone to watch the three of them. Once Qin Yu and Wen Da Wen Er part ways, inform me immediately," the City Lord said coldly.     

Although he couldn't afford to offend Wen Da Wen er, he was worried at all about a nobody like Qin Yu.     

Wen Wanchong would crazily fight for his grandsons but wouldn't do anything for an outsider.     

Moreover, the City Lord had just hosted Qin Yu. If the Tianyun Sect heard about this, he would probably be punished.     

It was not too late to make amends.     

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