My Rich Wife

Bumping Into Jin Lun

Bumping Into Jin Lun

Sister Lin saw Qin Yu's hasty, so she didn't keep him hanging anymore.     

She said seriously, "Life Aura is very rare. Most of them are born in the chaos of heaven and earth or live in the body of some creature."     

"I have built my connections In the past few years at the auction, and one of my clients might have Life Aura."     

Qin Yu hurriedly asked, "Your client? Where is he?"     

Sister Lin smiled and said, "I'll give you the contact details later, but... Life Aura is so precious. Whether you can get it or not depends on your own ability."     

"Thank you, Sister Lin!" Qin Yu held back his excitement and said.     

At this time, the waiters of Heros Bar had already served the food.     

Sister Lin took a bite of the food and said while eating, "By the way, what do you want Life Aura for?"     

Qin Yu frowned and didn't know how to explain himself.     

"If you don't want to tell me, just forget about my question," Sister Lin said with a smile. "But... how will you pay your gratitude debt?"     

Qin Yu put on a wry smile. "I'm afraid I can't help you much with my level now."     

Sister Lin rolled her eyes. "Don't underestimate yourself. I heard about your battle with Ling Yun a few days ago. It's not easy for a freelance martial artist like you to defeat Ling Yun."     

"Sister Lin, I am flattered. I owe you a debt of gratitude. If you need me someday, just let me know, sister Lin," Qin Yu said.     

Sister Lin raised her eyebrows and said, "Then I'll take it seriously."     

Qin Yu nodded repeatedly. "It's a deal."     

After this, the two chatted as they ate.     

However, in the short time that Qin Yu had stayed in Holy Region, he suffered two betrayals. Therefore, he didn't dare to trust anyone.     

After the meal, Sister Lin took out a note and handed it to Qin Yu.     

"There's his address on it, but I guess he's traveling now. You'd better wait before you set off," said sister Lin.     

Qin Yu took the note and glanced at the address on it, which he had never heard before.     

Fortunately, Qin Yu still had a map in his hand, so it wasn't difficult to find him.     

"I'm a little curious. Why didn't you choose to join a sect?" Sister Lin asked curiously with her hand supporting her chin.     

Qin Yu was silent for a moment, then sighed and said, "Do you think anyone would still want me now? I've offended Tianyun Sect. Who would want to get involved in this problem?"     

Sister Lin smiled and said, "Perhaps no one in Nanzhou is willing to take this risk, but not necessarily outside Nanzhou."     

Qin Yu nodded and said, "Yes, I have indeed considered it, but leaving Nanzhou is not an easy matter... Also, I will never let go the conflict between Tianyun Sect and me."     

Qin Yu, who tended to hold grudges, would definitely not forgive Tianyun Sect easily.     

In the eyes of outsiders, Qin Yu's actions were like bringing a knife to a gunfight, but only he knew his own ability.     

"Sister Lin, if there is any Life Aura in the auction, please keep an eye out for me," Qin Yu said.     

Sister Lin smiled. "Okay, then you owe me a second favor."     

As she said this, Qin Yu suddenly saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eye.     

"What?" Qin Yu frowned, and a cold look flashed across his face.     

"Jin Lun... I didn't expect to see you here."     

Qin Yu slowly stood up. He looked at Sister Lin and said, "Sister Lin, I am afraid I have to leave now. I'll see you around."     

After saying this, Qin Yu hurriedly walked in the direction of Jin Lun.     

Even though Jin Lun covered his face, his huge body was too eye-catching, and it was unforgettable.     

Qin Yu walked all the way to his back and raised his hand to put it on Jin Lun's shoulder.     

A huge force grabbed Jin Lun tightly, for Qin Yu worried he would escape.     

"Jin Lun, here we are again," Qin Yu said coldly.     

Jin Lun heard Qin Yu's voice, and his expression changed drastically!     

He suddenly raised his head and wanted to leave, but Qin Yu's palm force was too strong, making him unable to move.     

Jin Lun gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and said, "What do you want?"     

Qin Yu said coldly, "You killed the team leader. What do you think I want?"     

"Haha, don't you think there's something weird about the team leader's death?" Jin Lun said coldly.     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes. "What do you mean?"     

"Why don't we sit down and talk?" Jin Lun said.     

Qin Yu sneered and said, "There's nothing to talk about between us. If you have something to say, just say it."     

Jin Lun knew that Qin Yu was not just a nobody. As he looked at Qin Yu coldly, there was a hint of hatred in his eyes.     

"I am not the one who killed him. It's Zhong Wu and Ling Yun!" Jin Lun said coldly.     

Qin Yu's expression changed slightly.     

It was as he had thought.     

Following that, Jin Lun told Qin Yu everything that had happened.     

"I never thought that I would be used by Zhong Wu!" Jin Lun clenched his fists, and his eyes were wide open.     

"No wonder he had the white bone scepter..." Qin Yu whispered.     

Jin Lun raised his head and looked at Qin Yu, saying, "I also want to tear Zhong Wu into pieces! It's a pity that I don't have the chance."     

"Is that so?" Qin Yu couldn't help but sneer.     

"No matter what, the person who killed the team leader was indeed you. You must pay the price for this." Qin Yu's voice was extremely cold, and Jin Lun immediately had a bad feeling.     

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