My Rich Wife

Strange Creatures

Strange Creatures

Chen Cang knew he could no longer stop them, so he did not keep it a secret.     

He said in a deep voice, "These mountains are strange. Once you step into it, everything before you will turn gray."     

Qin Yu and Wan'er did not dare to say anything more. They quietly listened to Chen Cang's explanation.     

Chen Cang continued, "I don't know what this internal qi is. I only know that it is extremely thick and heavy. It is like a huge mountain pressing on you. You can feel the heavy pressure on your chest when you take a deep breath."     

"Some people in Yang City have speculated about the aura in these mountains. Some say it's chaotic qi, some say it's netherworld qi, but most people think it's demonic qi."     

Qin Yu was surprised. He couldn't help but ask, "demonic qi? What is that?"     

It wasn't just Qin Yu. Even Wan'er and Ah San, natives of the Holy Region, didn't know anything about it.     

Chen Cang said slowly, "This is a name given by the locals of Yang City."     

Ah San snorted, "It's just a strange internal qi. What's so dangerous about it?"     

Chen Cang glanced at Ah San. His eyes flashed with intense displeasure.     

He snorted and said, "If it's just the internal qi, there's nothing dangerous about it. But do you know why the internal qi in these mountains is called demonic qi?"     

"How would I know?" Ah San frowned.     

Qi Yu noticed something unusual.     

He stroked his chin and said, "Could it be that... these internal qi are hiding some strange creatures?"     

"How do you know?" It was Chen Cang's turn to be surprised.     

Qin Yu pointed at the marks on the armor and said, "These marks seem to be left by some sharp blade or claws. In addition, the name of this internal qi is bizarre, so I'm guessing that this internal qi is hiding some creatures."     

"That's right!" Chen Cang nodded.     

"The creature inside is not scarier than the ones in the Azure Rock Forest. It's even more terrifying than the demonic beasts in the outer area!"     

"I once saw a claw crushing someone's head with my eyes!"     

"What's more terrifying is that we can't see its appearance. We can only see a vague outline. It's a creature that is flashing with a strange green light."     

At this point, Chen Cang pointed at the marks on the armor and said, "These creatures have different strengths. The deepest one almost scratched through the armor."     

Qin Yu could not help but squint his eyes and thought as he muttered, "I wonder if my desolate divine eye can see through these creatures..."     

"What?" Chen Cang asked.     

Qin Yu shook his head and said, "It's nothing. Please continue."     

Chen Cang nodded, saying, "These mountains are similar to the Azure Rock Forest. The deeper you go, the more powerful that strange creature becomes."     

At this point, Chen Cang paused again.     

His eyes swept over the three people and said coldly, "Do you know why someone guessed this is the chaotic qi?"     

"It must be because the aura here is extremely thick!" Ah San hurriedly shouted as if he wanted to show off in front of Wan'er.     

However, Chen Cang snorted coldly and said, "You can't look at things only from the surface. If you can't see through the essence, you will never have a great future."     

Hearing this, Ah San was furious. He gritted his teeth and eventually endured it.     

"Could it be that this aura has a restriction on cultivation? Is it similar to the dark energy?" Qin Yu guessed.     

A smile appeared on Chen Cang's face.     

He looked at Qin Yu with admiration and said, "As expected of the person Lin has her eyes on. Not bad. This place is indeed similar to dark energy. It can also suppress one's cultivation level. That is also why I have stopped you from stepping into this place."     

Qin Yu became happier the more he heard.     

His desolate divine eye could see through almost everything. And now, he no longer had any spiritual power in his body. He was relying on his body to fight.     

The horror of these mountains seemed insignificant to Qin Yu.     

Seeing the smile on Qin Yu's face, Chen Cang frowned and said, "I'm saying this because I hope you can turn back. It's not too late to go back now."     

Qin Yu smiled and said, "Old Mr. Chen, thank you for your information. But we still want to go in and take a look."     

"That's right!" Ah San agreed.     

Chen Cang sighed. He waved his hand and said, "In that case, I have nothing more to say. But I suggest that you guys don't push yourself. When you feel things are out of control, leave immediately."     

"Sure," Qin Yu bowed.     

Chen Cang did not say anything more and immediately walked down the mountain.     

Looking at these vast mountains filled Qin Yu with anticipation.     

If he could obtain Life Aura from this, he could recover his strength.     

It would solve all problems.     

"Miss Wan'er, remember to follow behind me after entering the mountains," Qin Yu looked at Wan'er and said.     

Ah San snorted coldly and said, "Follow behind you? Brat, you better take care of yourself."     

Qin Yu smiled and said, "If you're afraid, I don't mind you following behind me."     

"Heh, I hope you won't pee in your pants when we enter these mountains later," Ah San retorted.     

After saying this, he grabbed Wan'er's hand and said, "Miss, let's go."     

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