My Rich Wife

Fame Throughout the World

Fame Throughout the World

Di Zun hurriedly added, "Elder Bai, if you hear any important news, you must tell me!"     

"Don't worry," Elder Bai said lightly.     

There was a long table in the assembly hall.     

The sect master, who had not made an appearance for a long time, was sitting at the opposite end of the long table.     

Besides the sect master, the Deputy Sect Master, elders, and executive elders also arrived. Even a few guest elders were present as well.     

This was enough to prove how important this matter was to the sect master.     

Elder Bai quickly walked forward and sat down in his seat.     

The First Elder sat at one side of the sect master, his face was filled with grief and anger.     

The sect master appeared to be a tall and handsome young man, but everyone here knew that he was actually hundreds of years in age, and his strength was unfathomable.     

Many years ago, he had led his disciples to conquer a large portion of territory. Although he had retired, his strength was becoming increasingly powerful and mysterious.     

"Sect master, Ling Yun was my most beloved disciple. But he was killed by two punches in front of me. There must be a retribution to this matter!" the First Elder said furiously.     

In the entire sect, perhaps only the First Elder dared to speak to the sect master in this manner.     

There was no other reason than that he contributed considerably to Tianyun Sect.     

The sect master's cold gaze swept across everyone who were present.     

He said in a deep voice, "Killing Ling Yun was equivalent of slapping Tianyun Sect in the face. This concerns the dignity of Tianyun sect. If we don't deal with it properly, who will fear us Tianyun Sect in the future ?"     

"That's right. That Qin Yu must die," said an elder next to him.     

"Such an arrogant person must be publicly executed!"     

"Ling Yun's death must be avenged."     

Everyone was talking at the same time as they expressed their thoughts.     

At this moment, the sect master said coldly, "I'm more concerned about who this Qin Yu is than taking revenge."     

Almost everyone's gaze fell on Elder Bai when they heard these words.     

Elder Bai quickly stood up and recounted the whole story with flourish.     

After hearing Elder Bai's account, the Sect master didn't speak for a long time.     

His fingers tapped on the table, and the sounds were like knocks that pounded everyone's heart, making them tremble.     

"He has such level of cultivation at such a young age, why didn't you recruit him to the sect? Instead, you made an enemy out of him?" the sect master asked mercilessly.     

Elder Bai's expression changed suddenly!     

It seemed like he meant to hold him accountable!     

"Sect master, it's only a matter of abnormality in his physical body; he can't cultivate at all. This kind of person doesn't have much of a future, and there's no need to spend time on him..." Elder Bai hurriedly explained.     

The sect master asked coldly, "How do you know that he wasn't poisoned by the Twilight Qi? If he can't cultivate because of the Twilight Qi, then do you know what that means?"     

Elder Bai's expression became more and more unsightly, and beads of sweat kept breaking out on his forehead.     

Originally, he had thought that this was his chance. But now it seemed like it turned out to be a disaster for him.     

"If it's because of the Twilight Qi, then it means that not only did we miss out on a peerless genius, we had also offended him." The sect master's words became even colder, and even the elders couldn't help themselves but shuddered.     

"No... that's impossible, absolutely impossible..." Elder Bai's forehead was covered in sweat as he swallowed hard.     

However, at this moment, the First Elder said coldly, "I saw Qin Yu together with Zhao Wan'er from the Zhao family. As far as I know, Zhao Wan'er was poisoned by the Twilight Qi."     

"It's a coincidence, it must be a coincidence!" Elder Bai said with a flustered expression.     

"Coincidence? If Qin Yu wasn't poisoned by the Twilight Qi, why would he stay with Zhao Wan'er?" The First Elder asked coldly.     

"You are the instigator. If it wasn't you, my disciple wouldn't have died! And Tianyun Sect wouldn't have suffered shame because of it!"     

Elder Bai slumped in the chair and said with a trembling voice, "Sect master, this... this is absolutely impossible..."     

"How DARE YOU deny it!" The First Elder burst out in an angry shout. He clenched his fists as if he was going to make a move at any moment.     

At this time, the Sect master waved his hand and said, "Forget it. Don't be rash before the matter is thoroughly investigated."     

At this point, the sect master looked at Elder Bai and said indifferently, "However, this matter has something to do with you. In order to make up for the First Elder, hand your new disciple over to the First Elder."     

New Disciple? Did he mean Di Zun?     

After going around and around, the First Elder was actually aiming for Di Zun?     

"Sect master, Di Zun is my last disciple. I can't hand him over to someone else..."Elder Bai said reluctantly.     

At this moment, the First Elder slapped down hard on the table and said coldly, "That Di Zun's talent is not any less than that of Ling Yun; only he can make up for my loss. Furthermore, with your ability, how can you deserve to have such genius?"     

Elder Bai opened his mouth and tried to say something. But he knew that there was no room for negotiation in this matter.     

"Elder Bai, you'd better pray that Qin Yu didn't lose all his spiritual power because of being poisoned by Twilight Qi . Otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as losing a disciple," the First Elder said icily.     

These words didn't only express the will of the First Elder, but also represented the will of the sect master.     

After the meeting ended, Elder Bai's face was pale, as if someone had died.     

He knew very well that if Qin Yu had truly lost his spiritual power because of the Twilight Qi poison, then the Tianyun Sect would very likely negotiate with Qin Yu in order to recruit him.     

As for himself, it was very possible that he would become the condition for the negotiation, and the sect might hand him over to Qin Yu.     

"No, I absolutely won't allow such a thing to happen!" Elder Bai's face had a vicious expression.     

His eyes narrowed as countless thoughts flashed through his mind.     

"There's only one way now, and that is to intensify the conflict between Tianyun Sect and Qin Yu!" Elder Bai said coldly.     

Only by augmenting the conflict between the two parties to the point of irreconciliation could he have a chance to survive.     

A hint of coldness flashed across Elder Bai's face before he began laughing maniacally.     


The news of Qin Yu killing Ling Yun had already spread everywhere. The entire Yang City was trembling.     

They were afraid that Tianyun Sect would wipe out the entire City in a fit of rage.     

As Qin Yu walked on the streets of Yang City, everyone looked at Qin Yu with hostility.     

"Aye, looks like we can't stay here much longer," Qin Yu said with a bitter smile.     

Wan'er, who was next to him, nodded and said, "You can't blame them. They don't have the ability to fight against the Tianyun Sect."     

"That's true," Qin Yu agreed. "After looking at the time, it's time for us to go back."     

"Where do you plan to go, Young Master Qin?"Wan'er asked.     

Qin Yu thought for a moment and said, "Let's go back to Gu City. I have nowhere else to go except there."     

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