My Rich Wife

She Is Jue Wu?!

She Is Jue Wu?!

The golden fist broke through all the defenses, and the man's spells were shattered upon the moment of impact!     

This was the fist that had killed Ling Yun, let alone this young man in front of him!     


With a crisp sound, the young man's head exploded, even his primordial spirit was blasted apart!     

The corpse fell to the ground with a loud bang.     

Everyone in the surrounding was terrified, and their faces were like ash.     

What kind of a strike was it that the man didn't even have the strength to fight back?     

Those in Zhu Lan's entourage had an extremely terrible look on their faces. They had wanted to make fun of the Wen brothers, but didn't expect this was the outcome.     

"Do you still want to continue?" Qin Yu stepped forward and pressing towards Zhu Lan.     

Zhu Lan's expression was indescribably horrendous. His pride made it impossible for him to lower his head. However, fear made him abandon all sense of pride at that moment.     

"So it's our fellow cultivator, Qin Yu. I've long heard of you; I was mistaken," Zhu Lan put his hands together and said.     

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and shot back, "You know me?"     

"The news of you killing Ling Yun has spread throughout the entire Nanzhou," Zhu Lan put his hands together again.     

After Zhu Lan's reminder, the people around him also realized who they were facing.     

The young man before them was none other than the one who had killed Ling Yun with just two punches!     

Even Ling Yun couldn't withstand two punches from this man, let alone the likes of them!     

"So... so it's brother Qin. We've heard so much about you." The others also went up to greet him.     

Qin Yu said coldly, "Hurry up and get lost. I'm warning you, you'd better not come here and act like little bitches. Otherwise, you are responsible for the consequences."     

"Yes, yes." They didn't dare to say anything further and turned around to run away.     

After they went far, far away, Wen Da and Wen Er excitedly gave Qin Yu a hug.     

"Damn it, Qin Yu, you made up look really good!"     

"Well done!"     

The two of them gave Qin Yu a thumbs up, their faces full of excitement.     

Qin Yu said half-jokingly and half-seriously, "You see, some things have to depend on ourselves, right? Even your grandpa can't do anything about it."     

Wen Da waved his hand and said, "This is nothing. It's just an occasional thing."     

"That's right, that's right," Wen Er also nodded I agreement.     

Seeing this, Qin Yu could only let out a resigned laugh.     

It seemed that these two brothers' thinking was deeply ingrained and could not be changed easily.     

"Let's go and look at the flowers!" Wen Da pulled at Qin Yu and urged him.     

It was undeniable that this flower appreciation convention was filled with beauties, and each one of them was extraordinarily beautiful in their own right.     

Meanwhile, Wen Da and Wen Er, like anyone from a rich family in the ordinary world, had no trouble picking up girls.     

Qin Yu was not interested in this, however. His eyes kept surveying in all directions, as if he was looking for something.     

"Didn't they say that Jue Wu would be here? Why haven't I seen anything yet?" Qin Yu muttered to himself.     

Jue Wu was a famous figure in Nanzhou, one of the ones who stook at the peak. She must be an outstanding woman.     

"Hey, you're blocking me. Get out of my way!"     

At this moment, an extremely childish voice came from behind Qin Yu.     

Turning around, he saw a pretty little girl, about fifteen or sixteen years of age, staring fiercely at Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu took one look at her and smiled, "Little friend, I don't think I'm blocking you?"     

"Nonsense! Come over here, I want to ride on you to check out all the flowers!" The little girl said with an overbearing look.     

Qin Yu rolled his eyes at her and said, "Little friend, I don't think that's going to happen. We have to be polite out here in the world, understand? Say something nice to me, I will hold you in my arms to check out the flowers."     

"Hold me in your arms?" the little girl snorted. "I said I want to ride on you. Don't you understand?"     

Qin Yu rolled up his sleeves and responded, "If you continue to be so rude, I will have to teach you a lesson!"     

"Teach me a lesson? I will teach you a lesson is more like it!"     

The little girl's figure suddenly disappeared as if she had disappeared into space.     

Before Qin Yu could react, she had already sat on Qin Yu's shoulders.     

"Mmm, the view is much better this way," the little girl said to herself.     

Qin Yu was shocked inside.     

Her speed was truly terrifying.     

"The flower appreciation convention is really full of hidden talents," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

However, Qin Yu didn't want to lower himself to such juvenile level, so he smiled and said, "Are you satisfied now?"     

The little girl frowned and said, "Satisfied my ass. Your shoulder isn't comfortable at all. It's full of bones, and hurt my butt. I hereby order you to quickly get fatter and be my exclusive meat cushion."     

Qin Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard that.     

"You little brat, I overlook the fact that you climbed upon me without my consent, but now you dare to despise me?" said Qin Yu, pretending to be angry.     

The little girl glared at Qin Yu and said, "Shut up and don't interrupt me appreciating the flowers!"     

Qin Yu rolled up his sleeves and said, "If I don't teach you a lesson today, you will not know how the world works."     

"Qin Yu, what the hell are you doing here!"     

At this moment, Wen Da and Wen Er ran over to him.     

Qin Yu pointed at the little girl on his shoulder and said, "I want to teach this little brat a lesson. Don't stop me."     

Wen Da looked at the girl on Qin Yu's shoulder, but his expression instantly turned a little strange.     

"Auntie...Auntie Jue Wu, when did you arrive? How come you let us know?" Wen Da laughed a little bashfully.      

"That's right, that's right. It's would be good for us to arrange a banquet or something in your honor," Wen Er nodded in agreement.     

Qin Yu was stunned.     

Jue Wu?     

The little brat on his shoulder was the famous Jue Wu?!     

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