My Rich Wife

Wen Wanchong

Wen Wanchong

Qin Yu stayed at the Wen residence for the next few days.     

He accompanied Jue Wu to go shopping all day, and he really became her meat cushion.     

But Jue Wu looked too young, like a child, so Qin Yu didn't feel too much psychological pressure.     

Three days passed in a row.     

On the fourth day, Wen Wanchong, who hadn't shown up, finally came back from the outside.     

"Damn it, I'm so late." Wen Wanchong cursed as soon as he entered the door.     

Wen Da and Wen Er came up with smiles and said proudly, "Grandpa, we agreed that those who came back late would have to give one million spirit coins to the other party."     

With that, the two made the gesture of counting money.     

"Damn it!" Wen Wanchong cursed. Although he was extremely unwilling, he still gave the two one million spirit coins.     

At this moment, Qin Yu and Jue Wu walked in from outside.     

As soon as they entered, Jue Wu shouted, "Old Wen!"     

Wen Wanchong was stunned and hurriedly turned to look at Jue Wu.     

He changed his expression and said with a smile, "It's Jue Wu. Why are you here?"     

Jue Wu jumped down from Qin Yu's shoulders. She raised her head and said, "Why can't I come? Don't you welcome me?"     

"Of course not. I miss you day and night," Wen Wanchong said unconvincingly.     

Hearing this, Jue Wu suddenly jumped up and grabbed Wen Wanchong's beard.     

Wen Wanchong was an extremely huge old man, more than two meters tall.     

And Jue Wu was only about 1.4 meters or 1.5 meters. When she jumped up and grabbed Wen Wanchong's beard, she could almost use it as a swing.     

"If you miss me, why didn't you go to Huaning Mountain to find me?" Jue Wu asked while pulling Wen Wanchong's beard.     

"Aiyo, hurry up and let go..." Wen Wanchong covered his beard. He looked like he was in extreme pain.     

"I won't let go!" Jue Wu snorted.     

Qin Yu was dumbfounded.     

These two peerless powerhouses were actually smiling like two children. They completely subverted the image of the powerhouses in Qin Yu's heart.     

"Hurry up and get out!" Wen Da pulled Qin Yu and walked out dejectedly.     

"Sigh, the person my grandfather most doesn't want to see is Jue Wu." Wen Da patted his chest and said.     

"Yes, that's right." Wen Er also nodded and said.     

Qin Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Looks like your grandfather and Jue Wu are very close."     

"Of course, they have been friends for many years." Wen Da waved his hand and said.     

Qin Yu suddenly understood. No wonder the Tianyun Sect didn't want to offend Wen Wanchong.     

If Jue Wu and Wen Wanchong joined forces, the Tianyun Sect might not be able to do anything about it.     

Qin Yu, Wen Da, and the rest were drinking in the manor. It was only in the evening that Wen Wanchong called them to the dining area.     

The long table in the dining area was already filled with delicacies. Wen Wanchong was sitting at the side with a gloomy expression.     

His gaze landed on Qin Yu and he asked coldly, "Are you the Qin Yu who killed Ling Yun?"     

Qin Yu immediately cupped his hands and said, "Greetings, Senior Wen."     

Wen Wanchong nodded his head in admiration and said, "Not bad, you're quite capable. I heard that you killed Ling Yun in front of the First Elder?"     

Qin Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, it's also because of this that the Tianyun Sect is desperately looking for me."     

"What... What's there to be afraid of... Mmph..." Jue Wu mumbled as she stuffed food into her mouth.     

"You're my meat cushion. The Tianyun Sect... won't dare to do anything to you..."     

Wen Wanchong also nodded slightly and said, "As long as you're with me, the Tianyun Sect shouldn't come looking for trouble."     

Qin Yu acknowledged and said, "Then thank you very much, senior."     

Wen Wanchong sized up Qin Yu again and then asked, "No spiritual power? Crippled body?"     

"No, I was poisoned by the Twilight Qi," Qin Yu said in a deep voice.     

As soon as he said this, Wen Wanchong's eyes immediately lit up, but it only lasted for a moment.     

"So, you can't use your spiritual power because of the Twilight Qi?" Wen Wanchong said expressionlessly.     

He looked calm on the surface, but in his heart, he was overjoyed.     

Qin Yu nodded and said, "But my Twilight Qi poison is different from ordinary people."     

Then, Qin Yu told Wen Wanchong in detail what had happened.     

Wen Wanchong was calm on the surface, but in his heart, he had made up his mind.     

In the entire Wen family, Wen Wanchong only had two grandsons, and he didn't even have a personal disciple.     

And these two grandsons weren't interested in cultivation at all. Wen Wanchong was just wondering who he should pass on his knowledge to. Wasn't Qin Yu in front of him the best choice?     

"Alright, let's eat." Wen Wanchong said expressionlessly.     

After eating, Wen Wanchong wiped his mouth and stood up. "Qin Yu, accompany me for a walk."     

"Okay." Qin Yu didn't think much. He just had a few questions he wanted to ask, so he followed Wen Wanchong out.     

The two of them walked around the Wen family manor. Wen Wanchong asked, "Qin Yu, what do you think of my two grandsons?"     

Qin Yu thought for a moment and said, "Although Wen Da and Wen Er don't look serious, they are kind-hearted. I think they are quite good."     

Wen Wanchong coughed and said, "Ordinary cultivators usually wouldn't cast a second look at such people."     

Qin Yu smiled and said, "I don't think so. Everyone makes different choices. There's no way to say who's right and who's wrong."     

Wen Wanchong became happier the more he heard. His heart was blooming with joy.     

He suddenly stopped and looked down at Qin Yu with a serious face.     

"Qin Yu, are you willing to take me as your master?" Wen Wanchong said seriously.     

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