My Rich Wife

Taking Water of Life

Taking Water of Life

The iron rod, with an intense force, split the air, leaving a crack in it!     

The Hand of Death was unwilling to give up. It did not dodge as it clenched its fist and tried to block the attack!     


The strength of this iron rod was beyond imagination. Qin Yu felt pain in his wrist and almost could not hold it anymore!     

The Hand of Death felt even more miserable. His right fist was shattered, and green blood gushed out!     

Qin Yu ignored the pain in his wrist. He raised the iron rod again and roared angrily. He planned to kill the Hand of Death while he had the upper hand.     

But then the Hand of Death suddenly disappeared, as if it had gone hidden in space!     

The iron rod smashed onto the ground, creating a huge crater.     

Qin Yu frowned. He immediately activated his desolate divine eye and scanned his surroundings.     

However, what surprised him was that he could not see any traces of the Hand of Death.     

Qin Yu scanned the space again and looked into the thick fog. But there was nothing.     

"Ugh? How can this be?" Qin Yu was stunned. He checked once again and sure enough, there were not any traces of the Hand of Death.     

Qin Yu felt extremely uneasy. Since the desolate divine eye could not see it, it meant that its hiding method was even more advanced than the desolate divine eye.     

"Could it be that it entered a deeper space?" Qin Yu thought to himself.     

He looked around warily and did not dare to relax.     

He knew very well that if this beast launched a sneak attack, it would be fatal.     

With great caution, he scanned his surroundings as he moved forward.     

After he had walked for half an hour, the Hand of Death still did not appear.     

"Could it be... that he escaped?" Qin Yu wondered.     

But where could he have escaped to in such a short time? How could he run so fast?     

"Forget it. Let's find the Water of Life first," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

At this moment, Brother Dao, who had been waiting outside, got worried and tiptoed in.     

Seeing Qin Yu covered in blood, Brother Dao quickly walked over and frowned. "Are you okay? Where is that thing?"     

Qin Yu smiled and said, "I'm fine. I fought with it and it ran away."     

"Ran away?" Brother Dao was stunned, then he waved his hand and said, "Don't joke with me. I have seen the ability of that beast."     

Qin Yu did not explain to him. Instead, he smiled and asked, "This is not important. Brother Dao, where is the Water of Life? Now take me to it."     

Brother Dao immediately led the way and walked deeper into the cave.     

After passing through the place where the Hand of Death had stood, they continued forward.     

Along the way, Qin Yu was terrified. He was afraid that the Hand of Death would attack again.     

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way. The Hand of Death did not appear.     

Soon, the two of them stopped at a cliff.     

"This is the place." Brother Dao stopped and pointed at the cliff.     

It was a sloping cliff. The surface of the cliff was covered by drops of dew.     

Strangely, these drops of dew clung to the cliff and did not fall.     

Brother Dao pointed at the dew and said, "This is the Water of Life."     

Qin Yu said with some disappointment, "Is this all there is?"     

Brother Dao glanced at Qin Yu and said, "I can see that you are ignorant about it. Do you know how much life energy it takes to turn into a drop of Water of Life?"     

Qin Yu thought about it and agreed.     

The amount of gas turning into this liquid must be huge.     

"Hurry up and collect it," Brother Dao said and handed Qin Yu a jade bottle.     

Qin Yu took the bottle and climbed up the cliff, carefully collecting the Water of Life.     

There were a total of four drops of Water of Life here, and each drop exuded the aura of life.     

Qin Yu collected all four drops of Water of Life into the jade bottle and then jumped down from the cliff.     

"We finally got it." Qin Yu shook the bottle and let out a long sigh of relief.     

He looked at Brother Dao and said, "Brother Dao, there are four drops of the Water of Life in total. Two drops for each of us. How about it?"     

Brother Dao rolled his eyes and said, "Those four drops have already mingled. How are you going to share two drops with me?"     

Qin Yu's expression changed. He patted his head at this realization.     

"Brother... Brother Dao, don't worry. I will split the Water of Life into two portions!" Qin Yu hurriedly said.     

However, Bro Dao shook his head and said, "Forget it. I know this Water of Life is very important to you. Take it."     

Qin Yu was stunned. He looked at Bro Dao and said, "Bro Dao, are you serious?"     

"Do you think I'd lie to You? However, you owe me a big favor. Moreover, I believe that this favor will be returned to me very soon," said Bro Dao.     

Hearing this, Qin Yu took the offer graciously. He put away the Water of Life and cupped his hands, saying, "Brother Dao, I will remember this favor. This Water of Life is indeed very important to me, so I take it."     

Brother Dao waved his hand and said, "Alright, let's leave this place now."     

Qin Yu agreed and quickly followed Brother Dao.     

After obtaining the Water of Life, Qin Yu did not want to waste any more time in this place. He followed Brother Dao out of the waterfall and left the karst cave.     

"Qin Yu, I've got to go." Brother Dao said, "I have something to do. Let's part ways here."     

"Brother Dao, where can I find you?" Qin Yu hurriedly asked.     

"Ask Sister Lin. She will tell you," said Brother Dao.     

After saying this, he turned and left.     

In a few flashes, he disappeared without a trace.     

"Phew." Qin Yu heaved a sigh of relief. "I finally got the Water of Life."     

At this moment, Iron Egg reminded him, "Don't you think it's a little strange? Since Brother Dao didn't dare to face the Hand of Death, how did he know the location of the Water of Life? You know that the Water of Life is in the depths of the cave. If you want to see the Water of Life, you can't do it without meeting the Hand of Death."     

Qin Yu frowned slightly. He had never thought of this.     

"Maybe he got the location by deduction?" Qin Yu guessed.     

Iron Egg shook his head and said, "Unlikely. I think Brother Dao's is more than what he seems."     

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