My Rich Wife

Lord of Divine Capital City

Lord of Divine Capital City

The First Elder heard the news, and his face instantly turned red.     

In the next second, he spat out some blood and sat on the ground. His face instantly turned extremely pale.     

"He... he..." the First Elder opened his mouth, and his internal qi became even weaker.     

In less than half a second, he fell to the ground and fainted.     

More than half an hour later, the sect master stood before the First Elder and looked at his pale face.     

His heart was filled with mixed feelings.     

"Sect master... I... have embarrassed Tianyun Sect..." the First Elder opened his mouth and said as he struggled.     

The sect master, who originally wanted to hold him accountable, shook his head at this moment.     

He waved his hand and said, "You should take a good rest. This is nothing. Don't forget your love for martial arts because of this."     

Hearing this, the First Elder had tears in his eyes.     

He said in a trembling voice, "Sect master, I will definitely kill Qin Yu and make up for Tianyun Sect..."     

However, the sect master waved his hand and then left.     

At this moment, the sect master stood on Cultivation Mountain.     

He put his hands behind his back and remained silent.     

He looked at the horizon, and no one knew what he was thinking.     

He was once a great pioneer who conquered the entire Nanzhou in one go.     

After that, he was a leader who ruled the entire Tianyu Sect.     

But now, he was no longer the proud hero anymore. He even thought that he was old and could not keep up with the times.     

A moment later, the sect master sighed.     

He said in a low voice, "Let me handle this matter personally."     


The news of the First Elder running away from Qin Yu spread once again.     

Although Tianyun Sect tried its best to suppress the news, everyone in Nanzhou heard about what had happened.     

"Have you heard about the news? The First Elder was beaten severely by Qin Yu!"     

"Yes, the First Elder fled in a coward. Haha, Wen Wanchong also did the same thing to him not long ago, and now it was Qin Yu. The First Elder must be embaressed."     

"It is said that Qin Yu sneak attack. It was unfair."     

Everyone knew that Qin Yu won the First Elder through sneak attacks. Therefore, there were different opinions in Nanzhou.     

Some people felt that Qin Yu had defeated the First Elder in a shady way.     

Some people also felt that it wasn't a challenge, but they were enemies. Therefore, everything was based on winning. There was no problem with any means.     

In short, the First Elder's reputation had been completely destroyed. After this incident, people even started to call him "the best runner of Tianyun Sect."     

The First Elder had been defeated twice in a row.     

When the First Elder lay on the bed and heard this title, he again fainted from anger.     


Meanwhile, Qin Yu was at Divine Capital City.     

He looked at the divine inscription formation everywhere and could not help but feel puzzled.     

"How long can this formation can last?" Qin Yu mumbled.     

Back then, before Qin Yu had the chance to ask, Iron Egg had already fainted.     

"Forget it, let's just ignore it." Qin Yu waved his hand.     

With his current state, there weren't many people in Nanzhou who could kill him.     

Even the First Elder could not break through Qin Yu's defense, let alone others.     

A few days later, Qin Yu got up and planned to head to Yang City to look for the last bit of Life Aura.     

However, just as he was about to leave, a tall man suddenly came from outside.     

This man was travel-worn and had an extraordinary internal qi.     

He looked up at the three big words on Divine Capital City's gate and said in a low voice, "Divine Capital City... Here we are."     

Qin Yu frowned slightly. He walked to the gate and said in a deep voice, "Are you from Tianyun Sect?"     

The man shook his head and immediately asked, "Are you Qin Yu?"     

Qin Yu looked at the other party suspiciously with a hint of vigilance in his eyes.     

The man noticed his attitude and hurriedly said, "I am on Tianyun Sect's wanted list, and I heard that Divine Capital City can resist them. That's why I came to hide from them. What do you say, Mr. Qin?"     

Qin Yu was somewhat surprised, for he had never expected someone would come for his or Divine Capital City's protection.     

In a short moment, there were people who rushed here again.     

All of them were here to hide from Tianyun Sect.     

Qin Yu could not refuse, so he welcomed all of them into Divine Capital City.     

In the next few days, more and more people came for protection.     

Most of these asylum-seekers had offended Tianyun Sect.     

The desolate Divine Capital City suddenly was filled with the hustle and bustle in just a few days.     

They were all cultivators, after all. With their abilities, rebuilding a city wasn't difficult.     

Under the joint efforts of everyone, Divine Capital City had more and more buildings. Once again, this deserted city seemed to be on the verge of rising.     

Qin Yu stood on top of the tall attic, looking at the thriving Divine Capital City. His heart was filled with mixed feelings.     

He had never expected this, witnessing Tianyun Sect's enemies all become citizens of Divine Capital City.     

A few more days passed, and Qin Yu did not waste any more time.     

He left the Divine Capital City with a flying beast, planning to head to Yang City to find the last bit of Life Aura.     

Divine Capital City was very far from Yang City, so it would take Qin Yu several days to reach there.     

On his way, Qin Yu passed by an extremely prosperous city.      

He hadn't eaten for a long time, so he landed in this city.     

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