My Rich Wife

An Invitation from Yong Ji

An Invitation from Yong Ji

No one seemed to have expected that Qin Yu could actually withstand the eighteen immortals' Divine Dragon Slash.     

In Tianyun Sect, the First Elder's face was ashen.     

"This Qin Yu is really not simple. No wonder you have lost against him several times," Deputy Sect Master said from the side.     

The First Elder, who was already mad, was even more furious when he heard this.     

"Are you mocking me?" The First Elder said with a grim face.     

Deputy Sect Master laughed and said, "I didn't mean that. If they really can't deal with Qin Yu, I'll ask the sect master to help."     

"There's no need!" The First Elder rejected Deputy Sect Master's suggestion without even thinking.     

He said with an upset face, "killing Qin Yu would be like a walk in the park for the eighteen immortals. Just wait and see."     

Outside of the house, the eyes of the eighteen immortals became colder and colder.     

They looked at Qin Yu, planning to attack again.     

Qin Yu couldn't come up with any strategy to defeat the eighteen immortals at the moment.     

"Ultimate... Imperial Seal!"     

At this moment, the eighteen immortals shouted at the same time!     

They attacked together, striking out an extremely powerful seal!     

This seal swept across the void as if it had come from a different time and space!     

The extremely powerful pressure made Qin Yu feel a little breathless.     

Even if he had the cosmic form, he was still unable to resist the attack!     

The eighteen immortals were one of Tianyun Sect's trump cards, so their power was beyond people's imagination.     

Qin Yu was just a Nascent Soul Realm cultivator, so Tianyun Sect's hidden forces made him an underdog.     

Qin Yu raised his head and roared angrily. His entire body glowed with golden light, attempting to resist this technique.     

However, at this moment, a resplendent beam of light seemed to come from the sky and pierced straight towards the seal.     


A loud sound exploded beside Qin Yu's ear! Ultimate Imperial Seal was actually shattered!     

"What's going on?" The crowd was greatly shocked.     

With a closer look, they saw that the light was wrapped around a dagger.     

This seemingly simple dagger had directly destroyed Ultimate Imperial Seal!     

"Tianyun Sect sent out eighteen gods to deal with a junior. Don't you think you have gone too far?"      

A voice slowly came over.     

In the next second, several figures appeared in front of everyone.     

The person in the lead was actually Mr. Yong Ji!     

Meanwhile, Yong Ji's adopted sons surrounded him!     

"Mr. Yong Ji? Why is he here?"     

"Could it be that Qin Yu is still in contact with Mr. Yong Ji?"     

"D*mn, how can this boy be this fuc*ing lucky? He's friend with all the Nanzhou's big shots except for Tianyun Sect!"     

Seeing Yong Ji suddenly arrive, Qin Yu was also somewhat surprised.     

He put away his cosmic form, and his body size returned to normal. Then, he quickly walked toward Yong Ji.     

"Mr. Yong Ji, why are you..." Qin Yu looked at Yong Ji suspiciously.     

They weren't even close, so Yong Ji had no reason to help him.     

Yong Ji said with a faint smile, "I knew you would come to seek revenge from Tianyun Sect. With your strength alone, how could you be a match for Tianyun Sect?"     

Qin Yu was silent. He had indeed underestimated Tianyun Sect.     

A sect that could control Nanzhou for ages was indeed rather powerful.     

"Yong Ji! What are you doing here?"     

At this moment, the phantom of the First Elder suddenly appeared.     

He glared angrily at Yong Ji and shouted, "Yong Ji, Tianyun Sect and Eternal City have always stayed out of each other's way. Do you want to start a war with us?"     

Yong Ji smiled and said, "I don't dare to start a war. It's just that I like Qin Yu very much, so I stepped in to save him."     

"Fu*king bullsh*t!" The First Elder said angrily.     

"Yong Ji, I advise you not to meddle in this matter. Qin Yu must die!"     

Yong Ji put his hands behind his back and said indifferently, "I will definitely meddle in today's matter."     

The First Elder and Yong Ji looked at each other, and the atmosphere became a bit strange.     

"Yong Ji, you'd better not mess around with TianYun Sect," the First Elder said coldly.     

Yong Ji bowed and said, "Of course I don't want to piss Tianyun Sect off, but I won't sit on the sidelines today."     

Then, Yong Ji looked at his adopted son and said with a smile, "I have eighteen people with me. Maybe they can fight with the eighteen immortals from your sect."     

The First Elder gritted his teeth, for he didn't expect that Yong Ji would be involved.     

However, Yong Ji was powerful and had extraordinary hidden force. If the sect master didn't come out, none of them would be able to deal with him.     

"Qin Yu, you are lucky." The First Elder looked at Qin Yu coldly.     

Qin Yu also sneered, "I am not chopping off your disgusting heard now, but I will do it by myself one day!" The First Elder didn't say anything else, and his phantom slowly disappeared.     

The eighteen immortals also turned around and returned to Tianyun Sect without saying a word.     

Yong Ji looked at Qin Yu and said, "Is everything okay? Are you injured?"     

Qin Yu touched the huge bloody hole in her chest and shook her head. "I'm fine. It's just a little cut."     

Yong Ji nodded and said, "Do you want to come to Eternal City with me?"     

"No worries. I still have some matters to deal with," Qin Yu said casually.     

Although Yong Ji had saved Qin Yu, he felt that he was not a good person for some reason.     

Yong Ji smiled and did not force him.     

"I've invited many top cultivators from Nanzhou to have a meeting in Eternal City in two weeks. You should come along," Yong Ji suddenly said.     

Before Qin Yu could reply, Yong Ji continued, "Your friend, Jue Wu, will also be there. Of course, Xiao Hai and the others will come as well."     

Hearing this, Qin Yu said awkwardly, "How am I qualified to participate in such a grand event?"     

Yong Ji laughed loudly and said, "You are one of the best in your generation, so you are more than welcome to come. Stop making excuses."     

Yong Ji had just saved Qin Yu, so he shouldn't keep refusing him.     

He could only nod and accept the invitation.     

Yong Ji didn't stay any longer, turned around, and left with his disciples.     

After he left, Qin Yu wasn't in a hurry to leave either.     

He didn't have the time to visit the last time he came to this city, so today was an opportunity.     

Qin Yu directly walked toward An Feng Lou.     

The main door of An Feng Lou was shut, and no one dared to open it when they heard the knocking.     

"Mr. Zheng, open the door," Qin Yu shouted.     

Mr. Zheng, who was sitting in An Feng Lou, heard this, and his body immediately trembled.     

"Guys, don't make a noise..." Mr. Zheng said in a low voice.     

At this moment, Qin Yu's shout came from outside the door, "Open the door. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. I just want to stay here for a few days."     

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