My Rich Wife

Alchemy King

Alchemy King

Alchemy King remained silent, and the entire great hall was silent.     

It was as if everyone could sense a trace of danger.     

This kind of dilemma wasn't a good thing for them.     

"I do have an idea." Just as everyone didn't know what to do, a guard at the side suddenly spoke.     

"What idea can a guard like you have? Do you have the right to speak here!" An old man immediately shouted.     

The guard's body tensed up, not daring to make a sound.     

At this moment, Alchemy King waved his hand and said, "Let's hear it first. Maybe he really has a good idea."     

The old man wanted to say something else, but Alchemy King's waved his hand to cut him off.     

Alchemy King looked at the guard and suggested that he could continue.     

The guard smiled. "He wants to take the test, right? It's not that complicated. In any case, you will be the one designing the test. Why Don't you give him a particularly difficult question to stop him from passing the test?"     

"Like this, we won't make Qin Yu or Tianyun Sect uncomfortable."     

After everyone heard his explanation, their eyes instantly lit up.     

The guard's words inspired them and gave them a way out!     

"Humph, what kind of solution is this? You're just a guard! Go to do your job and shut up!"     

There was no expected compliment as the guard had expected. Instead, he was scolded.     

"Get the f*ck out of here and guard the gate." The few old men waved their hands and kicked him out.     

After he walked far away, Alchemy King said in a low voice, "I have to say, what he said might work."     

"Mm, let's do as he says and think about how to make the test difficult for Qin Yu tonight," another old man said.     

Alchemy King sent a trusted subordinate to contact Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu, who was waiting, saw the guard coming down and hurriedly stood up.     

"How was it?" Qin Yu asked.     

The guard opened his mouth and said with a grim face, "I don't know. Anyway, I've already told them. You can wait here if you want to."     

After answering Qin Yu, he didn't say anything more.     

Qin Yu couldn't help but mutter, "What's wrong with him..."     

Just as Qin Yu was getting confused, an old man came down from upstairs.     

This old man looked like he was in his eighties or nineties, as skinny as a twig.     

He walked toward Qin Yu with a smile, bowed, and said, "Are you Mr. Qin?"     

Qin Yu raised his eyebrows and thought this man recognized him.     

"It's me. I'm here to take the alchemist test." Qin Yu went straight to the point.     

The old man smiled and said, "Sure.It will be Medicine Saint City's pleasure to have Mr. Qin join us. After our discussion, we decided to hold the test for you in three days. What do you think?"     

"It's too late. I can't wait that long. Can't we do it sooner?" Qin Yu said with a hasty tone.     

Hearing this, the old man was stunned. Then he smiled bitterly and said, "Then I'll discuss with the others and come back to you as soon as possible. What do you think?"     

"Just tell me when," Qin Yu said as he waved his hand.     

The old man thought for a moment and said, "How about this? Come back here the day after tomorrow."     

"Okay, it's a deal." Qin Yu immediately stood up from the ground.     

He patted the soil on his butt and turned around to leave.     

With the time they had set, the test would come in two days.     

Qin Yu did not want to waste any time, so he bought a batch of herbs from Medicine Saint City and found a place to stay for the time being.     

That night, Qin Yu took out his cauldron and began to refine Nascent Soul Pill.     

He would like to see if he still remembered how to refine a pill, for he hadn't done it for a long time.     

Moreover, he wanted to test if the herbs could really affect the quality of the pills.     

That night, Qin Yu refined five Nascent Soul Pills, two of which were damaged.     

The next day, Qin Yu refined eight, one of which was damaged.     

At night, Qin Yu had already picked up the refining technique. At the same time, he had nearly twenty Nascent Soul Pills.     

Qin Yu wiped the sweat off his forehead, looked at the flames dancing in his palms, and could not help but smile.     

The next day was the day they had agreed to the test.     

Qin Yu rushed toward Medicine Saint City without any preparation.     

At the entrance of Medicine Saint City, the old man from a few days ago had been waiting for him.     

After seeing Qin Yu, the old man walked over quickly.     

"Mr. Qin." The old man bowed.     

Qin Yu nodded slightly and said, "So? Can we begin?"     

The old man smiled and said, "Of course. The examiners are waiting for you upstairs. Please follow me."     

Qin Yu nodded, followed behind him, and stepped into Medicine Saint Hall.     

The moment he stepped in, Qin Yu sensed an extremely strong medicinal scent. As this smell came to his nostril, Qin Yu's pores even opened.     

"This is indeed Holy Region," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

This was the first time he felt the resource difference after coming to Holy Region.     

It was impossible to find somewhere like this on earth.     

"If I grew up in Holy Region, I would definitely be not just a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Even on earth, Qin Yu was already a powerful cultivator, which meant he would go somewhere in the future.     

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