My Rich Wife

The Mission Is to Kill You!

The Mission Is to Kill You!

The loud voice immediately attracted the attention of many people.     

For a moment, everyone turned their heads to look.     

They saw Mr. White walking over with a cold expression.     

His eyes quickly landed on Qin Yu.     

"Qin Yu, I really didn't expect you to actually be here," Mr. White said nonchalantly.     

"Who are you to address Master Qin like this?!" someone suddenly shouted.     

Mr. White narrowed his eyes. He raised his finger and pointed forward. A beam of light instantly shot out and directly shattered that man's head!     

When everyone saw this, their faces turned to one of loath and fear.     

Qin Yu said with a coldness on his face, "You dog trash, our business has nothing to do with them!"     

Mr. White said with a faint smile, "It doesn't have anything to do with them, but he offended me, so he deserves to die."     

"You're unreasonably aggressive," Qin Yu said with a darkened face.     

Mr. White laughed loudly and said, "So what? Qin Yu, you're about to die. Don't you know it?"     

Qin Yu's eyes swept in all directions.     

He could see that the surrounding area of this Medicinal Saint Hall was already covered with a faint radiance.     

Qin Yu immediately understood that this time, Mr. White was not alone.     

"Could it be the eighteen immortals?" Qin Yu wondered.     

He immediately released his divine sense and shrouded all of the Medicinal Saint Hall.     

As expected, the eighteen immortals were waiting outside.     

Qin Yu had a feeling that things were not looking too good. Qin Yu had experienced the abilities of the eighteen immortals. He was definitely not their match.     

"The First Elder really went to great lengths to try to capture me," Qin Yu said coldly.     

Mr. White laughed loudly and said, "No, you're wrong. I'm not going to capture you, but... I am going to kill you!"     

A trace of solemnity flashed across Qin Yu's face. He slightly closed his eyes and quickly devised of an escape plan.     

"Damn it. If I had more time to step into the Mighty Realm, I would not have to be afraid of them!" Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Unfortunately, not everything could be done according to his wishes.     

"Looks like... this has to be the only way." At this moment, a hint of coldness flashed across Qin Yu's face.     

In the next second, he activated the line word formula and appeared in front of Mr. White in a blink of an eye!     

Mr. White was astounded. He did not expect Qin Yu to make a sudden move like this!     

"Little bastard, how dare you..."     


Before Mr. White could finish speaking, the palm of Qin Yu's had was already pressed against Mr. White's forehead.     

"As soon as I exert any force, I will be able to destroy your divine sense," Qin Yu said coldly.     

"Therefore, I advise you to be more cooperative."     

The expression on Mr. White's face immediately turned unpleasant. He had never thought that he would be captured alive by Qin Yu!     

"Young man, do you really think this was enough for me to be afraid of you!" Mr. White shouted his taunt loudly.     

Qin Yu sneered and said, "You can try. But I guarantee that before you do anything, your head will turn into a rotten watermelon."     

Mr. White's body tensed up. He did not doubt the authenticity of these words in the slightest.     

With Qin Yu's personality, he would definitely do as he said!     

Mr. White said in a deep voice, "Qin Yu, do not act recklessly. I'm telling you, the eighteen immortals do not mess around and they won't let you go ."     

"Cut the crap!" Qin Yu coldly berated, "Follow me!"     

Mr. White was already in Qin Yu's hands, so he dared not say anything to contradict him. All he could do was following Qin Yu obediently and walking out with him.     

When they were outside of the door, Qin Yu quickly discovered the Alchemy King who was in the corridor.     

When their eyes met, the Alchemy King's expression changed slightly. Then, he hurriedly walked forward and said with a hypocritical expression, "Qin Yu, what... what's going on? What happened?"     

Qin Yu sneered and said, "You know what happened. Alchemy King, it seems that you did not take my words seriously."     

The Alchemy King's expression changed drastically, and he secretly cursed to himself.     

"Don't worry, I won't die today," Qin Yu added coldly.     

The Alchemy King, who was already anxious, could hear his heart drop.     

If Qin Yu didn't die, then the one who dies in the future must be himself!     

But the Alchemy King couldn't do anything at the moment. He didn't even dare to admit the truth.     

If he admitted it, he was afraid that he would be despised by everyone from the Medicinal Saint Hall!     

"Qin Yu, you misunderstood. I... I don't know anything!" the Alchemy King braced himself and said.     

Qin Yu had no intention to continue talking nonsense with him. He grabbed Mr. White and continued to walk downstairs.     

"Alchemy King, what does Qin Yu mean? Do you really have something to do with this?" Su Song asked with a frown.     

The Alchemy King's face darkened as he retorted, "Of course it has nothing to do with me! This is clearly a misunderstanding. Can't you see that?"     

Although Su Song did not believe him, he had no evidence and could not pursue it further.     

The Alchemy King looked at Qin Yu's departing figure as his expression turned even colder.     

But soon, he smiled again.     

With the eighteen immortals here, what was there for him to worry about? They were the Tianyun Sect's great weapon for kill. Who knew how many people they had killed in all the years past!     

Even if Qin Yu had great abilities, it was absolutely impossible for him to escape from the hands of the eighteen immortals!     

"Qin Yu, you're dead meat!" The Alchemy King couldn't help the cold laughs that escaped from his mouth.     


Qin Yu hooked one arm around Mr. White's neck, while his other hand touched Mr. White's forehead.     

If he had any ill intentions, he would definitely be killed by Qin Yu in an instant.     

"Qin Yu, let me tell you, if the eighteen immortals don't fall for your tricks, you... you can't kill me just like this," Mr. White begged shamelessly.     

"Shut up!" Qin Yu could not help but cut him off.     

Mr. White's expression was somewhat unsightly, and he felt an increased sense of unease.     

If the eighteen immortals did not fall for this trick and Qin Yu killed him, then it would not be good news.     

Mr. White had thought of countless solutions in his mind. The most reliable one was to abandon his own physical body.     

But this also meant that the cultivation of his lifetime would probably be destroyed in the process!     

It would take countless years to reconstruct another physical body!     

The further down he went, the more uneasy Mr. White felt.     

He couldn't help the sense of regret. Why did he have to say so much just now to give Qin Yu the chance?     

"God bless me..."Mr. White mumbled in his heart.     

Soon, Qin Yu led Mr. White out of the Medicinal Saint Hall.     

Outside the Medicinal Saint Hall, the eighteen immortals were standing high in the sky, looking at Qin Yu coldly.     

The moment Qin Yu appeared, a powerful murderous intent approached!     

And this murderous intent came directly from the eighteen immortals!     

They were like merciless killing machines that did not reveal the slightest emotion. There was only cold murderous vibes all around them!     

Qin Yu looked coldly at the eighteen immortals and chided them, "Mr. White is in my hands. I warn you to not do anything stupid."     

The moment these words were said, Qin Yu and Mr. White both became very nervous.     

The authority to kill was in the hands of the eighteen immortals!     

"Go ahead and kill him if you want to. The order we have was to kill you."     

After a while, the eighteen immortals finally spoke.     

As soon as these words were said, both Qin Yu and Mr. White had an awful look on their faces!     

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