My Rich Wife

Mr. White Appears Again

Mr. White Appears Again

Su Song respectfully explained, "Mr. Qin, it's like this. People have been wanting to visit you for the past few days. I was afraid that they would disturb your alchemy, so I stayed here to guard the door."     

Qin Yu couldn't help the surprise he felt.     

Su Song's attitude had changed rather a lot.     

"Okay, then thank you very much," Qin Yu said a little perfunctorily.     

After that, Qin Yu went to the pharmacy and brought a batch of herbs with him, just in case he needed them.     

After all this, Qin Yu was ready to leave.     

However, when many alchemists heard that Qin Yu was leaving, they surrounded him, wanting to seek advice from Qin Yu.     

This was nothing but a headache to Qin Yu. These alchemists were very stubborn. If he didn't give them what they wanted to some extent, they would probably chase him to the ends of the Earth.     

The Alchemy King was becoming more and more furious in the dark as he watched.     

He clenched his fists tightly, wishing that he could kill Qin Yu right this instant.     

"He really wanted to leave," the Alchemy King said coldly.     

If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have needed to inform the Tianyun Sect.     

Thus, he appeared to be someone narrow-minded and intolerant.     

"Forget it. Since I've already informed them, I'll just be have to persist until the end," thought the Alchemy King, as his eyes turned icy cold.     

After that, he pushed open the door and walked towards Qin Yu.     

"Mr. Qin," said the Alchemy King as he bowed slightly to Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu glanced at him and said, "I'm ready to leave. Please help me by asking them to move aside."     

The Alchemy King smiled and said, "Mr. Qin, everyone is very curious about your alchemy skills. Since everyone is so enthusiastic, why don't you stay for another couple of days and teach some lessons to them?"     

Qin Yu raised an eye brow and couldn't help the surprise he felt.     

In Qin Yu's impression, the Alchemy King was a narrow-minded person, someone who was afraid of his position and title being snatched away by someone else. How could he be so generous all of a sudden today?     

"Mr. Qin, if you can teach everyone a couple of moves, it will be a good thing for the entire Medicinal Saint Hall," the Alchemy King continued.     

"That's right, Mr. Qin. We won't take too much of your time."     

"We've never seen an alchemy genius like you before. Please pass on your insights and experience to us. Please!"     

The Alchemy King was almost exploding from anger, but still, he had to force himself to endure it, afraid that Qin Yu would see through his plot.     

Qin Yu thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Alright then. After all, I did take a lot of things from here. Think of it as a return of the favor to all of you."     

Immediately, the Alchemy King on the side heaved a sigh of relief.     

As long as he could think of a way to keep Qin Yu here, his mission was accomplished.     

"Then, thank you very much," the Alchemy King said with a smile.     

Qin Yu acknowledged his sentiment and said, "Find me a room quickly and get it ready. I'm in a hurry."     

"Alright," the Alchemy King nodded hurriedly.     

Soon after that, he arranged a room for Qin Yu so that Qin Yu could give his lectures.     

This was an extremely spacious room that could accommodate hundreds of people.     

Almost everyone in the entire Medicinal Saint Hall was able to participate.     

The room filled with people in less than five minutes. Among these people, many of them were quite advanced in age, but their alchemy skills were still rather mediocre.     

Actually, Qin Yu was somewhat moved by their persistence in alchemy.     

"Let me say this first. I can only share my own personal experience. If everyone has any questions, I will definitely tell you everything I know," Qin Yu said to them.     

"Of course, if my lecture is not so good, I hope everyone can understand."     

Thus, Qin Yu's class began officially.     

He first introduced to them the resources on Earth and its environment to everyone. Then, he mentioned many of Earth's outstanding alchemists.     

For example, the likes of Divine Alchemist Pavilion Master, and Xiang Danqing.     

This class would take a total of two days, but Qin Yu didn't expect that these people were even more enthusiastic than he imagined.     

They asked one question after another, and Qin Yu had almost no time to rest.     

Meanwhile, on the other side.     

The Alchemy King didn't participate in the lecture.     

There was no reason other than that he was reluctant to admit that he was lesser than Qin Yu.     

"According to the timeline, the First Elder and the others should be arriving soon," the Alchemy King thought to himself.     

He closed his eyes slightly and tried to maintain a calm state of mind. However, the lively sounds in the lecture made it impossible for him to remain still.     

Hence, the Alchemy King simply stood up and walked out of the Medicinal Saint Hall.     

He quietly waited for the people of the Tianyun Sect near the Medicinal Saint Hall.     

As time passed, the Alchemy King grew more and more anxious.     

He would occasionally raise his head to look at the Medicinal Saint Hall behind him, and he grew more and more worried.     

"This Qin Yu... Will he take this opportunity to occupy the Medicinal Saint Hall for his own?" The Alchemy King narrowed his eyes slightly as he thought to himself.     

If Qin Yu took all the alchemists away, then this Medicinal Saint Hall would most likely only be in name only, with nothing but an empty shell.     

Just as the Alchemy King was worried by these thoughts, he suddenly felt a powerful aura approaching.     

The Alchemy King's eyes lit up, as he excitedly muttered, "They are here!"     

He raised his head and looked in the direction of the aura, feeling an extreme excitement.     

"Little bastard, let's see how long you can last!" the Alchemy King uttered angrily to himself.     

Soon, a few figures appeared in the sky.     

The person in lead was none other than Mr. White. Behind him was the famous eighteen immortals of the Tianyun Sect!     

From the moment he appeared until he came in front of the Alchemy King, it took no more than the time for a breath.     

Seeing these newcomers, the Alchemy King hurriedly put his hands together and said, "Greetings, sir. I am from the Medicinal Saint Hall..."     

"Enough! There's no need to introduce yourself." Mr. White rudely interrupted the Alchemy King mid-speech.     

This enfuriated the sensitive Alchemy King once again!     

In just a few short days, he had already been ignored by a lot of people!     

"Just tell us where Qin Yu is. As for who you are, we aren't interested." The eighteen immortals behind him spoke at the same time.     

The Alchemy King raised his head to look at the eighteen immortals behind him.     

The eighteen immortals were extremely famous in Nanzhou, and the Alchemy King had heard of them before.     

"Even the eighteen immortals have been mobilized! Qin Yu, you're dead meat for sure!" The Alchemy King couldn't help but felt a great ecstasy in his heart!     

"What are you standing there for? Are you deaf? Hurry up and take us to him!" Mr. White said somewhat unhappily.     

"Yes, everyone, please follow me," the Alchemy King nodded.     

Immediately, Mr. White and the others followed behind the Alchemy King as they walked towards the roof.     

As for the eighteen immortals, they set up an inescapable formation with extremely fast speed in the vicinity, in order to prevent Qin Yu from escaping!     

The eighteen immortals stood in the air like emotionless killing machines.     

Inside the Medicinal Saint Hall, Qin Yu, who was giving a lecture, suddenly frowned.     

"This aura... is so familiar!" Qin Yu's expression changed instantly!     

Qin Yu had not encounter many people with such a powerful internal qi. In an instant, Qin Yu guessed the identity of the person!     

"Mr. Qin, you haven't answered my question," someone below said.     

Qin Yu did not say anything. He only looked coldly in the direction of the door.     


Soon, the door was being opened violently.     

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