My Rich Wife

Making the Nascent Soul Pill

Making the Nascent Soul Pill

The Alchemy King's expression changed slightly; his expression was extremely unnatural.     

"Let me tell you something: I don't care about anything that you care about, so you don't have to treat me like an enemy. Of course, you don't really have the qualifications either," Qin Yu said coldly.     

Although the Alchemy King was unhappy about what he said, he didn't dare to antagonize Qin Yu.     

Eventually, his mood gradually soothed and calmed down.     

"Okay, I got it," the Alchemy King said as he took a deep breath.     

Qin Yu grunted and said, "I won't stay here for long. I'll leave as soon as I finish making the pill I wanted."     

"Okay, I will not be disturbing you during this period of time," said the Alchemy King.     

Qin Yu didn't say anything else but merely waved his hand. "Okay, you can go back minding your own business now."     

Having said that, Qin Yu began to search for herbs on the top floor.     

Undeniably, the resources here were indeed very rich. Compared to Earth, this place was simply a Holy Land in itself.     

Herbs that were tens of thousands of years old could be seen everywhere. Whatever Qin Yu wanted was there with even more to come.     

If one was careful, one could even discover herbs that were 100,000-year-old.     

"This is just a tiny little Nanzhou. How rich are the resources in Zhongzhou..."Qin Yu couldn't help but sighed.     

Compared to this, the cultivation environment on Earth was really too harsh.     

It was really not easy to produce geniuses like Yan Jinyao or Chang Mang.     

"Alright, it's time for me to start making the Nascent Soul Pill ," Qin Yu said to himself.     

He picked a batch of herbs and found a room. Then he sealed the room before starting the process to make the pill.     

Meanwhile, on the other side.     

After the Alchemy King returned to his own quarters, he could not calm himself down for a long time.     

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. The rosary beads in his hand were crushed by him!     

As the Alchemy King of Nanzhou, the topmost alchemist of the Medicinal Saint Hall, he was revered everywhere he went. When had he ever been so wrong?     

"Damn it!"     

The Alchemy King raised his hand and slammed it down the table. The table immediately shattered!     

"This bastard dared to humiliate me so publicly! I will definitely not let him off the hook!!" Although the Alchemy King wanted to roar as loudly as he could, he was afraid that Qin Yu would hear him. For a moment, he felt extremely uncomfortable.     

He thought for a moment before laughing coldly.     

"Qin Yu, just you wait. I will definitely make you pay!" said the Alchemy King coldly.     

He immediately sent people to Tianyun Sect, intending to inform the First Elder of development in this matter.     

Now, the First Elder was still in charge of Tianyun Sect. The hatred between him and Qin Yu exceeded even that of the hatred between Qin Yu and Tianyun Sect!     

"When the First Elder learns about your location, he will definitely send people after you to kill you!" the Alchemy King laughed coldly.     

"So what if you have talent? If you don't know how to behave yourself properly, you will only end up being nothing but a skeleton!"     


Of course, Qin Yu didn't know what the Alchemy King was thinking. At this moment, all of his attention was focused on pill alchemy.     

Around evening time, Qin Yu successfully made the first batch of pills. Inside the Dragon Cauldron, seven Nascent Soul Pill s lay quietly.     

Qin Yu took out the Nascent Soul Pill from the Dragon Cauldron and examined them carefully.     

Different herbs had indeed, produced different quality of pills.     

The pills in Qin Yu's hand looked fuller in color than the Nascent Soul Pills made from ten-thousand-year-old herbs, and the spiritual qi was even more abundant.     

Furthermore, the number of pills made from the same amount of herbs was also completely different.     

Compared to the ten-thousand-year-old herbs, this batch of herbs had produced pills three times over.     

"With this, I can shorten the time of production," thought Qin Yu.     

His goal was to make forty Nascent Soul Pills. However, because of this batch of herbs, Qin Yu planned to make a hundred Nascent Soul Pills in case he didn't have enough.     

Then, Qin Yu got up to fetch another batch of herbs and continued with the pill alchemy.     

Time passed day after day, and in the blink of an eye, three days had passed.     

During these three days, Qin Yu never left the room.     

And during these three days, there were alchemists from the Medicinal Saint Hall who wanted to visit Qin Yu, but they were unable to open the door.     

For a time, there was an endless stream of visitors loitering in front of Qin Yu's door.     

The Alchemy King, who was already furious, was even more enraged when saw what was taking place.     

"This Qin Yu had to die!" the Alchemy King said through gritted teeth.     

Especially Su Song, who actually took the initiative to stand guard in front of Qin Yu's room.     

As soon as anyone came to the door, they were persuade to leave by him.     

Even if Qin Yu didn't have the intention to fight for the title of Alchemy King, his alchemy skills had long spread among the crowd.     

In the long run, the Alchemy King might not live up to his title.     

"You won't be able to strut like this for long." The Alchemy King hid in the dark and watched coldly from the side.     


Tianyun Sect.     

The people sent by the Alchemy King had already told the First Elder the whereabouts of Qin Yu.     

This made the First Elder extremely furious. He had asked Mo Hong to keep an eye on Qin Yu, but in the end, Qin Yu had already left, while that Idiot remained watching nearby.     

"This idiot!" The First Elder couldn't help but cursed.     

After that, he once again found Mr. White.     

"Immediately head to the Medicinal Saint City with the eighteen immortals," the First Elder said coldly.     

Mr. White said with a slight surprise, "Why do you want us to go to the Medicinal Saint City?"     

"Qin Yu is there," said the First Elder with a dark visage.     

Mr. White said with a faint smile, "There is no need to bother the eighteen immortals? I can kill him myself!"     

However, the First Elder shook his head and said, "Absolutely not. I have to make sure that Qin Yu dies there."     

When Mr. White saw this, he could not help but stood up and say, "First Elder, the war at the border is getting more and more serious. A large number of people from the North Plain have poured into the border, and seem to want to take thirty stars by force. Why don't you send the eighteen immortals to the northern border?"     

When this matter was brought up, First Elder felt an extreme headache coming on.     

He did not want to care about the North Plain at all. As long as it did not affect Tianyun Sect, he did not care how many people died.     

However, the sect master had given the order, so all he could was to follow it.     

"I have already sent people to the border," said the First Elder.     

"Moreover, there is still that idiot Xiao Hai to support us. There is no need to worry."     

Mr. White saw through the First Elder's thoughts.     

In the First Elder's eyes, Qin Yu was much more important than the North Plain.     

"Alright." Mr. White did not say anything else. "I will leave right now."     

"Mmm," First Elder nodded lightly. Then, he summoned the eighteen immortals to depart secretly to the Medicinal Saint Capital to kill Qin Yu.     

At this moment, Qin Yu was completely unaware of any of this. He was still making the pills at a leisurely pace.     

It was uncertain whether it was the improvement in his technique or the increase in the power of his primordial spirit, but Qin Yu's speed of making the pill was getting faster and faster.     

He originally thought that he needed ten days to complete the task. However, in just six days, Qin Yu had successfully made a hundred Nascent Soul Pills.     

"A normal person needs at most ten pills. I have prepared a hundred pills--it should be enough," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Therefore, he pushed open the door, ready to leave.     

As soon as he stepped out, he saw Su Song standing there.     

"Mr. Qin." Su Song put his hands together to salute Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"     

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