My Rich Wife

Scheming Against Each Other

Scheming Against Each Other

At this moment, in the Tianyun Sect, the First Elder's face was livid.     

"The matter has been exposed." He was very displeased.     

At this moment, Di Zun walked out of the darkness.     

He stood beside the First Elder and said, "First Elder, why must we kill Qin Yu? Shouldn't we set our sights on the border now?"     

First Elder glanced at him and snorted, "To fight the foreign forces, you must first settle the internal affairs. If I don't kill him, he will come to me in the future."     

Di Zun promised, "I can act as the middleman and negotiate for you!"     

"Negotiate?" The First Elder sneered, "Di Zun, you are naive. He will definitely not let me off."     

Di Zun patted his chest and said, "First Elder, believe me. I will be the middleman. I can settle this matter!"     

First Elder opened his mouth and was about to say something when an idea occurred to him.     

First Elder narrowed his eyes. After a moment, he put on a smile and looked at Di Zun.     

"Di Zun, actually, I don't want the stalemate to continue. If there's a chance, I'm willing to negotiate with him." First Elder pretended to sigh.     

Di Zun immediately said, "First Elder, are you serious?"     

"Absolutely!" First Elder patted his chest and said.     

Di Zun immediately said, "First Elder, leave this matter to me. I'll go find him!"     

First Elder said in a deep voice, "Are you sure that Qin Yu will listen to You?"     

"I'm sure!" Di Zun hurriedly said.     

First Elder sighed slightly and said, "Good! Then I'll leave this matter to you. As long as you can persuade him, I'm willing to meet him and have a talk."     

Di Zun immediately said, "Good. First Elder, don't worry. I'll set off for Mount Hua Ning now!"     

Not long after, Di Zun left the Tianyun Sect for Mount Hua Ning to look for Qin Yu.     

First Elder looked at his back with a sneer.     

"You're still too young after all," First Elder said with a cold smile.     

At this moment, the deputy sect master walked over.     

"You plan to use this opportunity to get rid of Qin Yu?" The deputy sect master asked.     

First Elder said indifferently, "Not only to get rid of Qin Yu, but I also want to set Di Zun against Qin Yu."     

The deputy sect master opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but in the end, he did not say anything.     

"Gather the eighteen immortals. This time, we must kill him no matter what!" First Elder said coldly.     

Other than the eighteen immortals, First Elder also decided to bring the Reversion Void Artifact to kill Qin Yu!     

With these two trump cards, even if Qin Yu had great abilities, he would not be able to escape!     


Mount Hua Ning.     

After Jue Wu left, this place became Qin Yu's cultivation ground.     

Wen Da and Wen Er drank and enjoyed themselves every day.     

Even Jue Wu's two attendants had been corrupted by Wen Da and Wen Er.     

"It's a pity that Jue Wu left," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Right now, Qin Yu didn't get much information regarding Nanzhou. He had received most of it from Jue Wu.     

Without Jue Wu, Qin Yu planned to ask Zhuo Jing to scout out the news. He wanted to find a big grave to cultivate and strive to step into the mighty realm as soon as possible.     

Just as Qin Yu was about to leave, he sensed that someone was approaching. Furthermore, the aura of the person was not weak.     

Qin Yu's eyes narrowed slightly. He immediately activated his desolate divine eye and looked into the distance.     

"Eh? Di Zun?" Qin Yu was stunned!     

Why did he come here?     

Qin Yu immediately walked out.     

Very soon, Di Zun arrived in front of Qin Yu.     


After seeing Qin Yu, Di Zun quickly walked forward.     

Qin Yu smiled and said, "What are you doing here? How could the First Elder bear to let you leave?"     

Di Zun sighed and said, "Master, I came here... as the middleman."     

"Middleman? What do you mean?" Qin Yu frowned slightly.     

Di Zun said in a serious voice, "Now that the people of the North Plain are invading Nanzhou and many patriots have gone to the border to fight, I think that you and the Tianyun Sect should unite against them for the time being and not waste energy on each other."     

Hearing this, Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you want me to forgive the First Elder?"     

"No." Di Zun shook his head and said, "He killed Zhen Yue. Even I won't forgive him, let alone you."     

Qin Yu heaved a sigh of relief.     

Fortunately, this kid didn't lose his conscience.     

"We should fight side by side now. After we solve the problem of the North Plain, we'll settle the personal grudges between the two of you," Di Zun said in a deep voice.     

Qin Yu sneered and said, "You think the First Elder will let me go? A few days ago, he sent people to kill me."     

Di zun hurriedly said, "Master, the First Elder sent me here. He wants to talk to you."     

"He sent you here?" Qin Yu sneered.     

With the First Elder's temperament, how could he be so gracious?     

If he really wanted to do so, he wouldn't have sent people to kill him a few days ago.     

"It's true!" Di Zun patted his chest and said.     

"Master, believe me. The invasion of the North Plain is a serious issue. As the number one sect in Nanzhou, the Tianyun Sect should shoulder its responsibility. Right now, he hopes that you two can unite against the invaders," Di Zun said earnestly.     

Qin Yu was silent for a moment, and then asked, "Then what do you want me to do?"     

Di Zun was overjoyed when he heard that. He hurriedly said, "I'll pick a place and you guys can talk about it in person. How about it?"     

"Sure." Qin Yu nodded slightly and said, "But I have a condition."     

Di Zun nodded eagerly and said, "No problem! Ten conditions are fine!"     

Qin Yu said in a grave voice, "I'll pick the place and the time."     

"No Problem!" Di Zun said immediately.     

"Master, I'll go back and inform the First Elder!"     

"Wait." Qin Yu stopped him and said, "Tell him that we'll meet in Yin Palace in ten days."     

"Okay!" Di Zun nodded.     

He left immediately.     

After he had gone, Wen Dajin walked over and muttered, "Qin Yu, do you really believe him? This kid might have been sent by the First Elder to trick you."     

"That's right, that's right. With the First Elder's character, he would take the opportunity to make a move on you," Wen Er added.     

Qin Yu shook his head and said, "Di Zun wouldn't do that, but... he might have been deceived by the First Elder."     

"Then why did you agree to see him?" Wen Da frowned.     

Qin Yu sneered, "I have a plan. Don't worry."     

He looked at Wen Da and Wen Er and said, "The two of you stay here and don't go anywhere. I'll go to Yin Palace now."     

"You're really going?" Wen Da frowned. Qin Yu sneered and said, "We need to put an end to it sooner or later. He wants to take the opportunity to kill me, and I also want to take the opportunity to kill him!"     

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