My Rich Wife

Power of the Shadow Dragon Vein

Power of the Shadow Dragon Vein

Qin Yu's body flew back a few hundred meters. After sliding for quite some time, he was finally able to stabilize himself.     

He suddenly got up from the ground, his expression was one of displeasure.     

"As expected, these eighteen immortals are even more terrifying than I imagined," Qin Yu said in a deep voice.     

He lowered his head to look at his own hands, only to see that they were covered in scars. Even if he were to use the Ten Thousand Spell Breaking Punch, he wouldn't be able to resist it.     

"After the eighteen immortals merged, they are even more impossible to deal with," thought Qin Yu as he took a deep breath.     

Before the merge, their weakness was their physical bodies. However, after the merge, it seemed that there were no flaws left in their defense.     

Clearly, this was some very bad news for Qin Yu.     

What worried him the most was that the eighteen immortals were relying on this body to unleash the Rashomon.     

If that was the case, Qin Yu would not be able to resist them at all.     

Not long after, the eighteen immortals rushed once again in front of Qin Yu, as the First Elder followed closely behind.     

"Little bastard, let's see where you can run to this time!" the First Elder said coldly.     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smirk, "I admit that the eighteen immortals do have some ability, but you, the First Elder, are nothing."     

The veins on the First Elder's forehead bulged horribly, as he replied coldly, "Do you think I can't do anything to You?"     

"What, you want to use the Reversion Void Artifact again?" Qin Yu raised an eyebrow.     

The First Elder was stunned. He looked at Qin Yu and said defiantly, "Magical artifact is also a part of strength!"     

Qin Yu laughed and said, "Yes, I agree with you! So I have prepared a gift for you."     

The First Elder frowned slightly and said coldly, "enough with your tricks, little bastard. Without Jue Wu, no one can save you."     

"Is that so? Why do I need to be saved by anyone?!" Qin Yu shouted. Then, he leaped and stood a hundred meters away, looking at the First Elder coldly.     

"Today, I'll show you what exact are the Shadow Dragon Veins!" Qin Yu shouted loudly before he raised both of his hands. A powerful aura immediately rushed toward the First Elder.     

In the next second, the earth began to shake, as the entire Yin Palace seemed to be on the verge of explosion!     

This sudden change incite panic within First Elder immediately.     

He flew up and frowned, "What... what is going on?!"     


At this very moment, two Shadow Dragon Veins shot out from the ground!     

These were two extremely terrifying auras. They were materialized into reality, and their power was endless. It was as if two giant dragons were rearing their heads and roared!     

"If you can resort to the Reversion Void Artifact, I, too, can resort to the power of heaven and earth," Qin Yu proclaimed coldly.     

"Come, let me experience your Reversion Void Artifact for myself!"     

Following Qin Yu's furious roar, he activated the two Shadow Dragon Veins and headed straight for the First Elder!     

The First Elder's expression changed drastically, as he hurry to take out the Reversion Void Artifact to counter the attack.     

A bright ray of light shot out from the Reversion Void Artifact to meet the Shadow Dragon Veins!     

However, that beam of light appeared brittle and invisible in front of the Shadow Dragon Veins. It was shattered the moment it came into contact with the Shadow Dragon Veins. Even the Reversion Void Artifact in his hand was trembling!     

"How is this possible!"     

When the First Elder saw this, his expression changed immediately! He turned around and tried to run away.     

However, the Shadow Dragon Veins were something born from the heaven and earth after all. Now that it was used by Qin Yu, its power was not something that the First Elder could hope to contend against!     


The Shadow Dragon Veins hit the First Elder on his back and immediately smashed him into the ground!     

His bones were shattered, and his internal organs were greatly impacted. He spat out a mouthful of blood!     

"Eighteen immortals, kill him quickly!" the First Elder roared.     

After the eighteen immortals received their order, they immediately turned to look at Qin Yu with cold eyes.     

"Come, I'm waiting for you too," Qin Yu said coldly.     

The eighteen immortals didn't waste any breath on words either. Once again, they used their invincible bodies to fight head-on with Qin Yu.     

However, Qin Yu was not naïve enough to fight them head-on. With a loud shout, two Shadow Dragon Veins instantly snaked out in coils.     

"Go to hell!"     

Qin Yu roared angrily. The Shadow Dragon Veins shot out from his shoulders and headed straight for the eighteen immortals !     


At the moment of collision, the eighteen immortals were sent flying!     

Seeing this, Qin Yu was instantly overjoyed!     

As expected, even the eighteen immortals could not resist the Shadow Dragon Veins!     

"Little bastard..." the First Elder's expression was extremely terrible. He did not expect Qin Yu to be capable of such a move!     

Looking at the two huge Shadow Dragon Veins that surrounded Qin Yu, the First Elder could not help but said with a cold face, "Who is this little bastard? Why is he able to draw upon the power of heaven and earth..."     

Without expert techniques, it was impossible for such power to be used in this manner!     

Qin Yu was an rogue cultivator, a small cultivator from a planet whose spiritual qi had dried up. How could he have such unexpected depth of foundation?!     

"Could that small place... harbored some unknown masters?" thought the the First Elder as he took a deep breath.     

He had heard of the rumors about Earth. Rumor has it that earth had produced many great cultivators at the tribulation stage.     

But that was only a legend, because no one had set out to prove its veracity.     

After what he saw with his own eyes today, the First Elder was indeed a little worried.     

The eighteen immortals got up from the ground. They looked down at the wounds on their body, but no expression could be seen on their face.     

Qin Yu looked down at the eighteen immortals and the First Elder and said coldly, "Neither of you can leave today."     

"Little bastard, do you really think that I can't do anything to you just because you have the help of the Dragon Veins?" the First Elder narrowed his eyes and said.     

"The depth of Tianyun Sect is not something that a person like you can imagine!"     

Then, the First Elder looked at the eighteen immortals and said coldly, "Get rid of him NOW."     

The eighteen immortals did not say anything, but directly walked toward Qin Yu again.     

"Today, I will cripple Tianyun Sect's right-hand man once and for all!" Qin Yu roared. He activated the Shadow Dragon Veins and headed straight for the eighteen immortals!     

The eighteen immortals raised their hands and glided quickly, condensing a pitch-black void in front of them in an instant!     

This technique was created by the Tianyun Sect's sect master himself, known as the Rashomon!     

The Rashomon opened, intending to directly absorb the Shadow Dragon Veins!     

"Come, let me see how your Rashomon can control the power of heaven and earth!" Qin Yu shouted.     

The Shadow Dragon Veins were born from heaven and earth, and it was extremely mysterious. Only by relying on special methods could one borrow its power.     

And this kind of power had long been buried under ground, unable to be moved in any way. Unless it was someone with great fortune, someone who could change the heaven and earth, could the Shadow Dragon Veins be shaken loose!     

Qin Yu did not believe that the cultivation of these eighteen immortals had reached that realm!     


The Dragon Veins entered the Rashomon and disappeared without a trace.     

Not far away, the First Elder immediately burst out laughing as soon as he saw this. "Hahahaha! So what if you can borrow the power of heaven and earth! You'll still not escape death today!"     

But at this moment, the First Elder's laughter stopped abruptly.     

Rashomon was trembling non-stop. In the next second, it actually exploded!     

"Weren't you laughing? Why aren't you laughing now?" Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at the First Elder coldly.     

Each one of his hands was twining around a Dragon Vein, while his eyes were fixed on the First Elder.     

"Old dog, I'm coming to take your life right now," Qin Yu said coldly.     

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