My Rich Wife

Sima Bei Got a Shock

Sima Bei Got a Shock

In the Valley of the Fallen Life, Qin Yu tried his best to block the blow     

He almost entered a stalemate with the heavenly tribulation. His entire body was drenched in blood and sweat which instantly evaporated.     

Even though Qin Yu had already pushed himself to his limit, the heavenly tribulation was too powerful for him. In the end, Qin Yu was exhausted and ruthlessly slammed to the ground by the heavenly tribulation.     

After a loud bang, half of Qin Yu's body was smashed into the ground     

His blood mixed with the soil amongst the sounds of thunder and lightning.     

This place had completely turned into scorched land, and a pungent smell spread out.     

"Not good!" Seeing this, Zhuo Jing's expression changed!     

Li Yingying, however, was overjoyed!     

So what if you are a genius? You still died under the heavenly tribulation in the end. This is the price you pay for rejecting me!     

"Eh? Qin Yu's internal Qi doesn't seem to have weakened." Zhuo Jing suddenly exclaimed.     

Hearing these words, Li Yingying hurriedly released a strand of divine sense.     

Sure enough, although Qin Yu looked miserable, his internal Qi was still vigorous!     

"It seems that Qin Yu's resistance reduced most of the power of the heavenly tribulation!" Zhuo Jing said with some excitement.     

Li Yingying got impatient.     

If this continued, Qin Yu might survive the heavenly tribulation!     

Impatient, Li Yingying suddenly had an idea.     

She looked at Zhuo Jing and said, "Brother Zhuo, Qin Yu's talent is so terrifying. When he grows stronger, he will definitely threaten our positions!"     

Zhuo Jing's face darkened and he said coldly, "What do you mean by that?"     

Li Yingying decided to cut all pretenses. She looked in the direction of Qin Yu and said coldly, "If such a person is alive, he will definitely snatch away our glory. It's better for us to get rid of him now!"     

Zhuo Jing's eyes narrowed slightly.     

He sized up Li Yingying and said in a cold tone, "Li Yingying, do you know what you are talking about?"     

"Of course! Brother Zhuo, think about it. Don't you want to go to Zhongzhou? If Qin Yu goes with us, who in Zhongzhou will pay attention to us?" Li Yingying said earnestly.     

"If we Qin Yu, you will still be the most outstanding young talent in Nanzhou. And then..."     

"Shut up!" Zhuo Jing shouted and interrupted Li Yingying's words.     

He looked at her coldly and said, "The glory of others can never stop us from shining.     

"Li Yingying, I thought you were just a little cunning. I didn't expect you to be so vicious!"     

Li Yingying's face changed and she hurriedly said, "Brother Zhuo, I..."     

"Don't call me Brother Zhuo. I'm asking you to leave immediately before I completely hate you," Zhuo Jing said coldly.     

Li Yingying wanted to say something, but Zhuo Jing unsheathed his Silver Spring.     

Feeling his icy coldness, Li Yingying got frustrated.     

"Why are you blaming me?" She stomped her foot and said.     

Zhuo Jing said coldly, "Blaming you? Think about what you have done before you accuse others! Get lost!"     

Li Yingying gritted her teeth. Flustered and exasperated, she knew she could do nothing to convince Zhuo Jing. She could only leave this place.     

Qin Yu, who was lying on the ground, heard their conversation.     

The corner of his mouth reveal a smile as he said in a low voice, "It seems that... I didn't misjudge them..."     

Sima Bei, who was hiding in the dark, had also overheard it.     

"The woman named Li Yingying is so jealous," said the black-robed man.     

Sima Bei sneered, "Jealousy is a terrifying thing. But this kind of people is the easiest to manipulate."     

He looked at the black-robed man and said, "Take her to the North Plain."     

"Ah?" The black-robed man was stunned.     

Sima Bei said indifferently, "I can use her."     

"Yes!" The black-robed man immediately nodded.     

He secretly followed behind Li Yingying.     

In the Vally of the Fallen Life, Qin Yu struggled to get up from the ground.     

He shook off the dust and kept stuffing pills into his mouth.     

After taking a few pills, he looked much more energetic.     

"Damn, this heavenly tribulation is much more terrifying than I imagined." Qin Yu sighed.     

He tried to examine his body. With his current state, it would be very difficult for him to withstand the next rounds of the heavenly tribulation.     

In the sky, the next round of heavenly tribulation was brewing. This time, the power was even more terrifying.     

Qin Yu had no choice but to use his treasures.     

The Huangji Buddhist Flame, the iron rod, and even the divine picture might have to be used.     


The heavenly tribulation was still brewing. Qin Yu raised his head and stared at it, thinking hard.     

"There are still six rounds of Heavenly Tribulation." He took a deep breath.     

He wasn't sure that the treasures would be able to withstand the heavenly tribulation.     

"I wonder if the Venerable Fifth Mountain can do it." Qin Yu suddenly thought of his first magical artifact.     

Although this magical artifact looked ordinary, it had saved Qin Yu's life many times.     

"Whether it will work or not, let's try it first." Qin Yu took a deep breath.     

As he thought, he spat out another mouthful of blood.     

It was very obvious that he was severely injured. If it wasn't for his great willpower, the pain alone would have been enough to kill him.     


The heavenly tribulation rolled as if it was going to descend at any moment.     

Qin Yu adjusted his internal Qi and prepared for the fourth heavenly tribulation.     


Before he got ready, the fourth heavenly tribulation shot down!     

This time, the heavenly tribulation was like a lightning snake that was spitting out its tongue. It shot at Qin Yu at an extremely fast speed!     

Qin Yu turned pale at the speed!     

Without thinking, he summoned the Venerable Fifth Mountain to block it!     

The moment the mountain appeared, it grew in size at an extremely fast speed and moved forward to meet the heavenly tribulation!     

The mountain was flickering with a mysterious and ancient aura as if it was activated!     

The huge mountain blotted out the light from the Sun. It was as huge as the tribulation!     

"As expected, the Venerable Fifth Mountain is very magical!" Qin Yu was overjoyed!     

He had long suspected that the Venerable Fifth Mountain had more potential uses than he knew. Now, he knew he was right!     

Just as Qin Yu was overjoyed, he suddenly felt a mysterious aura approaching him.     

However, at this moment, he had no time to care about anything else. If he wasn't careful, he'd be turned to ashes by the tribulation!     

"No wonder even the Tianyun Sect has a headache to deal with him. He truly has some ability." A voice entered Qin Yu's ears.     

This voice was familiar, and Qin Yu quickly thought of a person!     

Sima Bei from the North Plain!     

"You... Who is there?" Zhuo Jing looked at the person warily.     

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