My Rich Wife

The Guardian

The Guardian

Yan Ruoxue was like a withered flower on the ground, stunning and beautiful.     

Qin Yu looked at her corpse, feeling somewhat sad in his heart.     

"Qin Yu, you..." Chang Mang pointed at Qin Yu, his eyes filled with disbelief.     

Qin Yu looked coldly at Chang Mang and said, "I know that all of this is not real but part of the heavenly tribulation. Neither of you shows up. Sima Bei is not dead. The heavenly tribulation is still here."     

After Chang Mang heard Qin Yu's words, his face disappeared.     

His body also slowly became dim until it vanished.     

Everything around Qin Yu also returned to normal in an instant.     

There was no sunlight, and a dark cloud still covered the earth.     

Not far away, Sima Bei was still fighting agasint Zhuo Jing.     

The only difference was that the light that lingered around Qin Yu's body slowly disappeared.     

That warm feeling had abandoned him.     

Qin Yu raised his head to look at the sky and sneered. "This trick doesn't work on me."     

These words seemed to have angered the universe.     

An extremely ear-piercing rumbling sound came from the dark clouds.     

However, none of these could affect Qin Yu's dao mind. Instead, he closed his eyes slightly and kept his heart calm as he waited for the next heavenly tribulation to descend.     

Meanwhile, Zhuo Jing could not hold on any longer.     

All of his internal qi was gathered on the chains.     

However, Sima Bei seemed to be about to break free.     

"If I were you, I would take this opportunity to escape," Sima Bei said coldly.     

Zhuo Jing grinned and said, "If I wanted to, I would have escaped long ago."     

"Your attitude is impressive. Once I break free from these chains, you will die. I will destroy your mind and your soul!" Sima Bei said coldly.     

"Let's see when you break free," Zhuo Jing answered with a firm tone.     

As he spoke, the dark clouds once again emitted a radiance.     

This time, the radiance was still very fast and immediately engulfed Qin Yu.     

What was different was that this radiance was no longer as warm as sunshine, but it was bone-piercing cold.     

The pitch-black radiance enveloped Qin Yu's entire body.     

Within this light, Qin Yu could clearly feel an extremely intense killing intent.     

"The ninth heavenly tribulation should be about to end, right?" Qin Yu said coldly.     

He stared at the surrounding light, but his heart was calm.     

However, in the next second, Qin Yu's expression changed! His face was grim!     

A man walked out of the black light.     

He had a tall and sturdy figure, and his internal qi was forceful and fierce!     

When Qin Yu saw the man's face, he felt a chill run down his back!     

It was Qin Yu's father! Guardian of the earth!     

"Fa... father, why are you here?" Qin Yu's eyes widened.     

However, the Guardian in front of him seemed to have no emotions at all but ice-cold killing intent.     

As he walked toward Qin Yu step by step, his every move contained an extremely powerful internal qi.     


Just as Qin Yu was in a daze, the Guardian made his move.     

He raised his hand and unleashed Absolute Beginning Sacred Fist, directly attacking Qin Yu's face!     

Qin Yu hurriedly dodged to the side, calmly analyzing everything in front of him.     

"Could this be the heavenly tribulation as well?" Qin Yu gasped.     

Maybe he had to defeat the Guardian to overcome the heavenly tribulation?     

If that was the case, Qin Yu had no chance of winning at all!     


The second punch arrived. Its power was beyond measure and could destroy everything in this universe.     

Even so, Qin Yu still figured out what was happening.     

As he dodged, he squinted his eyes to observe the Guardian.     

All the spells of the Guardian in front of Qin Yu were exactly the same as his, which meant he was capable of anything he could!     

On the other hand, Qin Yu felt that something was wrong. The Guardian in front of him was not as powerful as he had imagined!     

"I understand." Qin Yu took a deep breath.     

"The Guardian in front of me is the same age as me."     

"In other words, we are in the same realm."     

Qin Yu's lips curled into a smile. Then, he said in a low voice, "Father, we are at the same age. Even if it's you, I'm not afraid. Come, let's fight!"     

After understanding the situation, Qin Yu was no longer afraid. On the contrary, he was extremely excited and full of motivation to fight!     

He no longer dodged and also activated a spell. Clenching his fists for Absolute Beginning Sacred Fist, he was ready to fight against the Guardian!     

The great battle began in that instant. Both of them used the same technique, and their attacks clashed fiercely.     

Every time they clashed, a powerful shockwave swept out in all directions. It was as if they had become ancient war gods, and all they wanted was to fight till one of them died!     


The two fists collided fiercely, causing the surrounding void to collapse. Before they could even catch their breath, the second clash had already arrived!     

Both of their bodies were covered with blood, but they only turned more and more courageous. Both of their internal qi were immense!     

"You are indeed my father. Even among the same level, you are on par with me." Qin Yu was shocked!     

Those chosen by the dao were all o geniuseutsatndings!     

This massive fight continued. Qin Yu used all his techniques and all the spells he knew in this great battle.     

It was hard to tell who would win this battle, and even fighting against a Nascent Soul Realm Guardian was a challenge for Qin Yu!     

It seemed the two were evenly matched, which was a toss-up.     

At this moment, the Guardian began to evolve his dao technique, summoning the domain power and crushed toward Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu knew he was in trouble. He had not comprehended his domain power and did not know how to deal with it, so he could only rely on his strength to resist.     

"Did my father already comprehend the dao technique when he was in this realm?" Qin Yu was more and more shocked as the battle went on, and he felt somewhat inferior!     

The Guardian in front of him was not a real Guardian. Instead, he was just a figure formed by the heavenly tribulation!     

If he had been a real Guardian, Qin Yu would probably have had an even more difficult time!     

In the distance, the chains on Sima Bei's body were rattling, loud enough to wake the dead.     

Zhuo Jing's forehead was drenched with sweat, and he couldn't hold on any longer.     

"Qin Yu, how much longer do you need..." Zhuo Jing muttered in pain. However, he didn't dare to be distracted. If he lost concentration for even a moment, the chains would probably shatter immediately!     

"Stop trying," Sima Bei said coldly.     

His entire body shook violently, and cracks started to appear on the chains!     

Sima Bei took the chance to push his internal qi to the limit, and an enormous power exploded from his body!     

This power swept out in all directions and aimed at Zhuo Jing.     

Zhuo Jing was already extremely weak, so the force immediately made him fly away.     

The chains on Sima Bei's body finally couldn't bear it any longer. "Crack!" They shattered into powder right away!     

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