My Rich Wife



"Don't worry, the sect master of the Tianyun Sect isn't here. Naturally, no one will be able to accept this gift," Sima Bei continued.     

Even though that was the case, Yong Ji still didn't intend to extend his hand to accept the gift. He said somewhat awkwardly, "Lord Sima, please choose someone else. I... haven't been feeling too well recently."     

Sima Bei sneered, "Why? Just the Tianyun Sect's sect master has scared you to this extent? I told you already, he's not here!"     

"I know he's not here. I just haven't been feeling well recently," Yong Ji braced himself and said.     

Sima Bei frowned slightly. It was very obvious that he had underestimated Yong Ji's fear of the Tianyun Sect's sect master and overestimated Yong Ji's courage.     

"I've already said that he's not here! Moreover, so what if he is? You're only going to deliver a gift. As a great sect, Tianyun Sect will not act rashly against you," Sima Bei said earnestly, "If you don't go, I'll kill you right now. Of course, if you complete this matter, after the master recovers, I can help you advance to the Reversion Void Stage."     

The combination of reward and threat instantly made Yong Ji's eyes light up.     

Before Yong Ji could speak, Feng Hai at the side volunteered, "Lord Sima, since he doesn't dare to go, I will go! Since Tianyun Sect's sect master isn't here, there's nothing to be afraid of!"     

"Very well," Sima Bei made a gesture and was about to pass this gift to Feng Hai.     

But before Feng Hai could take the gift, Yong Ji snatched the gift box into his hand.     

"I'll go," Yong Ji said with a smile.     

Sima Bei snorted coldly, "Weren't you feeling unwell?"     

"I'm fine all of a sudden. It's strange, huh?" Yong Ji said shamelessly.     

He took the gift and repeatedly confirmed, "You're sure that he's in Thunder Courtyard and not in Tianyun Sect, right?"     

Sima Bei said with a dark face, "Since you're so worried, I think you'd better not go!"     

"I'll go. I'm just asking," Yong Ji said bashfully.     

Sima Bei snorted lightly and said, "Then set off now. Don't waste time."     

"Okay, I'll leave right away," Yong Ji agreed.     

With that, he stood up and rushed toward Tianyun Sect. Although he was still worried, Sima Bei didn't seem to be lying. Moreover, the reward of helping Simabei was too tempting. After all, the other party had promised to help him advance to the Reversion Void Stage.     

After Yong Ji left, Sima Bei looked at Feng Hai.     

"You've cooperated well. There is still a lack of one Godly King. I will apply to the Lord as soon as possible," Sima Bei said indifferently.     

Feng Hai hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Lord Sima!"     

"By the way... Is the sect master of the Tianyun Sect around or not?" Feng Hai changed the topic and asked suspiciously.     

"Most likely not, but I'm not sure either," Sima Bei did not lie.     

"Then is the news that he's in Thunder Courtyard fake?" Feng Hai continued to ask.     

Sima Bei sneered, "Of course it's fake. How would I know where he is?"     

Feng Hai suddenly came to a realization and could not help but break out in cold sweat for Yong Ji.     

"Yong Ji, I can only wish you good luck," Feng Hai muttered in his heart.     


In the Tianyun Sect, the sect master of many sects had gathered. They had been discussing how to deal with the current situation all day long.     

Qin Yu's whereabouts were unknown. Qu Zhu was living in seclusion on Fengzhu Mountain, while the sect leader of the Tianyun Sect was missing.     

Under such circumstances, they could only rely on themselves.     

"In my opinion, we should find an opportunity to negotiate," An elder stood up and said.     

This old man was called Kong You. He had never been willing to be hostile with others, and his sect was the same. If it weren't for the North Plain attacking them this time, Kong You would never have participated in this matter.     

"Negotiate? How?"     

"For negotiations to even be possible, we must first be on an equal footing with the opponent. The North Plain clearly wants to exterminate us."     

Kong You smiled and said, "Nothing is absolute. It all depends on how we negotiate."     

"Oh? Does that mean that Sir Kong has an idea?" Someone asked coldly.     

Kong You waved his hand and said, "I'm only saying that we can try. If we don't try, no one knows if we'll have a chance."     

"I don't agree to negotiate. The North Plain had said that they wanted to negotiate the last time, but what was the result?"     

"Hehe, if it weren't that Xiao Hai objected to the negotiations last time, it might not have been impossible to reach a consensus."     

"Didn't they always want the northern border? We'll just give it to them."     

For a time, everyone was divided into two factions. Some people agreed while others disagreed.     

As they were speaking, someone suddenly walked in from outside.     

A disciple of the Tianyun Sect walked quickly to the side of the deputy sect master and said in a low voice, "Yong Ji is here."     

As soon as he heard this, the vice sect master's expression changed drastically!     

Although the disciple's voice was very soft, the people in the meeting hall were all very powerful. His sound could not escape their ears at all!     

"What? Yong Ji is here?"     

"What does he want to do? Is he going to attack us?"     

"Where is the sect master? Yong Ji is here and the sect master still doesn't intend to show himself?"     

Everyone was panicking, and the deputy sect master's expression was extremely ugly.     

Di Zun, who was at the side, said in a deep voice, "Everyone, don't panic. I'll go ask the sect master to come out now."     

Hearing this, a trace of surprise flashed across the deputy sect master's face.     

Di Zun nodded at him, telling him to be at ease.     

When the deputy sect master saw this, he could only brace himself and agree. Then, the deputy sect master stood up and walked out of the meeting hall.     

In the hall, Yong Ji was holding a gift box and sitting there with a smile on his face.     

He was also uncertain because he didn't know whether the sect master of the Tianyun Sect was around or not. Even though his divine sense didn't catch the sect master's figure, Yong Ji still didn't dare to be too presumptuous.     

The deputy sect master walked quickly into the hall. He looked at Yong Ji and couldn't help but say coldly, "Yong Ji, you still dare to come to Tianyun Sect?!"     

Yong Ji glanced at the deputy sect master and said indifferently, "Deputy sect master, why are you so angry? It's better to resolve an enmity than to form an enemy."     

The deputy sect master glared at Yong Ji and said through gritted teeth, "You are just a treacherous villain. What is there to talk about with a person like you? Get out immediately!"     

Yong Ji's eyes narrowed slightly. He slowly stood up and said, "I heard that the sect master of the Tianyun Sect has returned. I wonder if it's true or not."     

The deputy sect master was startled. He said with some diffidence, "Of course our sect master has returned. But what does this have to do with you?!"     

"Are you serious?" Yong Ji raised his eyebrows and said tentatively, "Since he has returned, why hasn't he made a move yet? You should know that I almost caused the fall of the Tianyun Sect back then. Doesn't he want to kill me?"     

The deputy sect master opened his mouth and was speechless. He couldn't say a word.     

Seeing the deputy sect master's expression, Yong Ji was instantly confident.     

"It seems that Sima Bei didn't lie to me. The sect master of the Tianyun Sect isn't back at all!" Yong Ji said coldly in his heart.     

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