My Rich Wife

Yong Ji, We Finally Meet!

Yong Ji, We Finally Meet!

Kong You regarded himself as a lobbyist and was extremely confident. He stepped into the back of the mountain and walked towards Yong Ji.     

"Mr. Yong Ji," Kong You cupped his hands slightly towards Yong Ji.     

Yong Ji was slightly surprised. This was the only person who greeted him so far today.     

"Hmm?" Yong Ji raised his eyebrows.     

Kong You smiled and said, "Mr. Yong Ji, since you have the intention to negotiate peace with Nanzhou, this is enough to show that you don't want the two sides to continue fighting. Or rather, you still care about the interests of Nanzhou."     

Hearing this, Yong Ji almost laughed out loud.     

Care about Nanzhou? Was there something wrong with this guy's brain?     

Yong Ji smiled and didn't say anything, indicating for the other party to continue.     

"Firstly, I want to express my gratitude to you. Secondly, I hope that you can convince the North Plain to end this cruel struggle. I believe that anything can be resolved through negotiations," Kong You said with a faint smile.     

Yong Ji rolled his eyes, then said, "Who do you think will win between the North Plain and Nanzhou?"     

"Hmm... It's hard to say. After all, the strength of Tianyu Sect's sect master is obvious to everyone," Kong You said.     

Yong Ji's expression became a little unnatural when the sect master was mentioned. He continued to ask, "Oh right, have you seen Tianyun Sect's sect master these past few days?"     

Kong You shook his head and said, "Not really."     

Yong Ji was delighted and immediately believed in his speculations. The sect master of the Tianyun Sect had never returned!     

"I hope that Mr. Yong Ji can become a bridge between Nanzhou and the North Plain and end this war," Kong You continued to say.     

However, Yong Ji laughed coldly in his heart. He looked at Kong You and said faintly, "Very well, I will do my best."     

"Thank you, Mr. Yong Ji!" Kong You hurriedly cupped his hands, and a trace of pride appeared on his face. He had mistakenly thought that he had convinced Yong Ji with his negotiation ability. Little did he know that Yong Ji had long had the desire to kill in his heart.     

When he returned to the crowd, the people around quickly surrounded him.     

"How is it? What did Yong Ji say?" Those beside him couldn't wait to ask.     

Kong You said calmly, "Of course, there's no problem. Mr. Yong Ji has promised that he will become a bridge of friendship between Nanzhou and the North Plain."     

"Is that true?" The people around him were slightly surprised.     

"It's absolutely true. He agreed to it himself!" Kong You said proudly.     

"Yong Ji is not a reliable person. It's better to be careful," Someone said worriedly.     

Hearing this, Kong You immediately said with some displeasure, "What do you mean? You don't believe me? I, Kong You, am a famous lobbyist in Nanzhou!"     

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I just don't believe Yong Ji. I hope he can keep his word," The person next to him sighed.     

Kong You sneered and said, "Do you know why Yong Ji chose Eternal City as the location for the negotiations? This is enough to show that he still cares about Nanzhou. So, everyone, you don't have to worry!"     

With Kong You's words, everyone felt a little more at ease.     

More and more people came to the venue one after another. Many mighty figures who had been reclusive for many years also showed up.     

These people were rare sights. Some rumors had even said that they had passed away long ago. Now that they had appeared again, it was enough to show the importance of this banquet.     

Yong Ji sat on the throne with his eyes slightly closed as if he was waiting for something.     

As time passed, the people of the Tianyu Sect also arrived at the scene.     

Under Di Zun's orders, the eighteen immortals once again pretended to be the sect master of the Tianyu Sect.     

Upon seeing this "sect master", many people at the scene walked over.     

"Greetings, sect master!" Someone cupped his hands and said.     

"Sect master, your battle was truly unprecedented. To think you killed a Godly King of the North Plain with just a Yu Hua Divine Stone. It really makes us admire you!"     

However, the sect master did not say a word. He was extremely silent.     

Di Zun was afraid that the matter would be exposed, so he quickly pulled the eighteen immortals to find a place to sit down.     

On the throne, Yong Ji frowned. Although he knew that the sect master before him was fake, he still felt uneasy.     

"It's just a fake. What's there to be afraid of!" Yong Ji tried his best to cheer himself up.     

He closed his eyes and simply did not look at the fake sect master anymore.     

In the blink of an eye, it was already noon. Almost everyone who was supposed to be here had arrived.     

"Please come and chat with me, sect master of Tianyu Sect," Yong Ji suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted in the direction of the eighteen immortals.     

However, the eighteen immortals simply sat there motionlessly and kept silent as if they didn't hear anything.     

"Please step forward, sect master of the Tianyu Sect, to discuss the important matters of Nanzhou and the North Plain," Yong Ji shouted again.     

The eighteen immortals were still sitting there motionlessly.     

Di Zun, who was at the side, saw that things were not looking good. He hurriedly stood up and said, "Yong Ji, I've already said that our sect master is unwell and can not speak nor negotiate. If there's anything, I can represent the sect master."     

When Yong Ji saw this, he could not help but sneer in his heart.     

"You deceived me once and you want to deceive me a second time?" Yong Ji said coldly in his heart.     

Therefore, he ignored Di Zun and shouted in the direction of the eighteen immortals for the third time, "Sect master of the Tianyu Sect, please take a step forward and have a chat with me!"     

At this moment, the eighteen immortals suddenly stood up!     

The sudden action scared Yong Ji so much that he trembled. He subconsciously took two steps back, and sweat broke out on his face.     

The eighteen immortals stood up, scratched their butts, and sat down again.     

When Yong Ji saw this, he couldn't help but tremble with anger. Thinking of his embarrassing actions just now, he wished he could slap himself twice!     

Yong Ji suppressed the anger in his heart and said coldly, "Sect master, please take a step forward."     

"Don't you understand human language? Why the f*ck do you keep calling him?" At this moment, a voice came from afar.     

Before everyone could regain their senses, they saw a huge Divine Eagle hovering in the sky!     

The Divine Eagle's wings shook, creating gusts of wind.     

Qin Yu and Wen Wanchong jumped down from the eagle's back and landed in the center. The former's eyes looked straight in the direction of Yong Ji and sneered, "What, Yong Ji, are you representing the North Plain? What right do you have to shout here?"     

"Qin Yu!" Looking at Qin Yu, Yong Ji instantly lost his composure.     

He abruptly stood up from his throne and glared angrily at Qin Yu, wishing he could swallow Qin Yu whole.     

"What, are you surprised to see me?" Qin Yu sneered.     

Yong Ji narrowed his eyes and said, "Kid, you finally dare to show yourself. What, aren't you a coward anymore?"     

"Shut your dog mouth. Look at your behavior. You are born to be a dog. Do you think you can replace the Tianyu Sect? Why don't you see if you have that fate?" Wen Wanchong ridiculed him from the side.     

These words undoubtedly hit Yong Ji's weakness. Being able to replace the Tianyu Sect and become the overlord of a region had always been his long-cherished wish! Unfortunately, from Nanzhou to the North Plain, he had always been inferior to others!     

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