My Rich Wife

Reversion Void Pill

Reversion Void Pill

Deputy Sect Master kept shouting at the foot of Cultivation Mountain, but there was no response.     

After a long while, Deputy Sect Master gave up.     

He cleared his somewhat hoarse throat and then said sarcastically, "Sect master, Qin Yu just beheaded a Godly King will fight agasint Yuan Xiu on Yingning Mountain in three days."     

"Tsk, tsk, do you see the difference between you guys now? He dares to challenge Lord of North Plain, but you are hiding on a mountain. When was the last time you left this mountain? Tsk, tsk."     

After mocking the sect master, Deputy Sect Master turned around and was about to leave.     

But at this moment, a path lit up on Cultivation Mountain.     

Deputy Sect Master was stunned. Before he came back to his senses, the sect master had already walked over.     

In the blink of an eye, he had come to Deputy Sect Master.     

His move made Deputy Sect Master nervous, who then swallowed hard and said awkwardly, "What... What do you want? Are you going to kill me? You don't dare to attack those from North Plain, so want to vent your anger on your people, huh?"     

A faint smile was on the sect master's face.     

Apparently, he did not take Deputy Sect Master's words seriously.     

"Three days later, Yingning Mountain?" the sect master asked.     

Deputy Sect Master nodded and said, "That's right. Why? Are you going too?"     

The sect master placed his hands behind his back and sighed. "Yes, why not? I have no plan on that day anyway."     

When Deputy Sect Master heard that, he was immediately overjoyed!     

He hurriedly said, "Alright, let me plan the trip! I'll come with you!"     


People in Nanzhou were obsessed with the news about Qin Yu beheading a Godly King of North Plain.     

For a moment, almost everyone was discussing this matter.     

They had been frustrated, for they couldn't resist the powerful North Plain.     

Now that someone had made a move and beheaded a Godly King, which was a morale booster for them.     

However, Qin Yu was the only one feeling worried.     

He came to Fengzhu Mountain and sat where Qu Zhu used to be.     

Qu Zhu's wine flask and a flute were still there.     

Qin Yu reached out to caress his wine flask and said emotionally, "Was this the end for three lunatics and three extremes?"     

Facing the powerful Lord of North Plain, Qu Zu couldn't have won.     

However, cultivators like them should have their ways of protecting themselves.     

"If you are dead for real, I will set up a tombstone for you," Qin Yu said in a low voice.     

After saying this, he took the painting from the spatial magic artifact.     

Looking at the painting before him, Qin Yu couldn't help but feel somewhat vexed.     

"I wish I could make that Godly King open his mouth," Qin Yu said in a low voice.     

He tried many methods but could not get anything out of the painting.     

It was likely that the scroll had been sealed with some techniques.     

After putting away the scroll, Qin Yu stood up and left Fengzhu Mountain.     

Qin Yu wasn't sure if he could defeat Lod of North Plain, so he had to be fully prepared.     

He stood up and rushed towards Hunter.     

He had to take the iron rod back in case he needed it.     

Xiao Sheng stood before Xiao Hai's grave and poured a pot of wine on it.     

"Qin Yu killed a Godly King, and he is about to fight agasint Lord of North Plain," Xiao Sheng said indifferently.     

"It seems that we have found someone like you."     

Xiao Sheng turned emotional. Although his style was from Xiao Hai's, he still admired his brother's dedication to Nanzhou.     

"It was the right decision not to kill him back then." Xiao Sheng's brows turned cold and then slowly relaxed.     

"Actually, the one I want to fight the most is not Lord of North Plain."     

Xiao Sheng did not finish his sentence, but anyone knew what he meant.     

He sat in front of the grave for a long time and did not intend to leave.     

At this moment, Xiao Sheng sensed an internal qi approaching from the dark.     


Xiao Sheng frowned slightly, moved swiftly, and hid.     

A moment later, a man whose face was covered hurried to the tombstone.     

The fog covered this person's face, and no one could see through it.     

Faint black energy lingered around his body.     

This internal qi was completely different from the black energy of North Plain. Instead, it was like death qi.     

Xiao Sheng hid in the dark, did not make a sound, and just looked at the man quietly to see what he was doing there.     

However, the mysterious person stood before the grave long without saying a word or making a sound.     

A moment later, the mysterious person turned around and left.     

Xiao Sheng, who was hiding in the dark, frowned slightly. He immediately stood up and planned to chase after him.     

However, that mysterious person had already disappeared within a second.     

Xiao Sheng was surprised by the speed.     

"He actually escaped under my nose..." Xiao Sheng muttered.     

In the entire Nanzhou, very few people could achieve such a level.     

Xiao Sheng looked at the person's back growing smaller and seemed to think about something.     


Hunter was close to Azure Rock Forest, so the disaster in Nanzhou didn't have much impact on them.     

Seeing Qin Yu rush back, Jing Bai quickly walked up to him.     

"Qin Yu, what brings you back?" Jing Bai said in surprise.     

A hunter beside him smiled and said, "Qin Yu, are you here to give us back White Bone Club?"     

Qin Yu smiled wryly and said, "Sorry, I'm afraid we won't be able to get White Bone Club back anytime soon."     

"Haha, it was a joke. It wasn't your fault anyway." The hunter at the side patted Qin Yu's shoulder and laughed loudly.     

Qin Yu was silent for a moment before saying, "I will be fighting with Yuan Xiu at Yingning Mountain in three days. So... I'm afraid I'll have to take the iron staff with me for now."     

"Fighting with Lord of North Plain?" Everyone was shocked when they heard the news.     

Many hunters surrounded them.     

"Qin Yu, Lord of North Plain is far more powerful than three lunatics and three extremes."     

"That's right. Even the sect master of Tianyun Sect is hiding. You..."     

"The nine saints also died at his hands. Why do you have to fight with him?"     

Qin Yu sighed and said, "Of course, I know Yuan Xiu isvery strong, but someone has to face him."     

"If everyone wants to protect themselves, then Nanzhou is doomed to fail. Xiao Hai's death would be meaningless then."     

Jing Bai said in a deep voice, "I support your idea, but be careful."     

Qin Yu smiled and patted his shoulder without saying anything.     

Then, he went to the heart of the formation and took out the iron rod.     

"Let's hope you will help me..." Qin Yu thought.     

After taking the iron rod, Qin Yu planned to leave the Hunter.     

At this moment, Jing Bai suddenly appeared behind Qin Yu.     

There was a pill in his hand.     

The pill not only had a strong scent but emitted a magical glow.     

"What is this?" Qin Yu asked with a confused tone.     

Jing Bai said in a deep voice, "This is the pill left behind by the group leader."     

"Pill? What pill?"     

"Reversion Void Pill."     

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