My Rich Wife

Power of Four Symbols

Power of Four Symbols

Great Dao surged, and the golden qi boiled. All the defenses were pierced through by this attack!     

Under the golden radiance, this fist was incomparably huge and smashed directly at the Gold King's body!     


His entire body was directly smashed through, and he crashed into Venerable Fifth Mountain behind him!     

The mountain moved a few meters at this moment, and the Gold King's bones were crushed between the fists and the mountain!     

The onlookers exclaimed, and some people shouted excitedly!     

At this moment, Qin Yu was their hope! They had been oppressed by North Plain for too long, and someone finally stood up for them!     

The Gold King dragged his broken body, his face filled with shock and unwillingness.     

"It's just been a few days... how could he improve so quickly..." The Godly King roared in his heart!     

He understood that he had completely underestimated Qin Yu!     

No wonder Qin Yu dared to challenge young Yuan Xiu. It was all because of the support of this powerful combat strength!     

"You are indeed the Goldly King of the North Plain. You actually withstood the punch," Qin Yu said coldly.     

The Gold King slowly stood up, and his secret technique circulated as his body slowly healed.     

The ice-cold expression on his face seemed to foreshadow his spell.     

"I underestimated you," said the Gold King coldly.     

He opened his mouth and coughed up some black blood, but the light above his head grew brighter and brighter.     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and did not care about his spell at all.     

As long as this Gold King did not escape, he would definitely kill him today!     

"You are just at Early-stage Mighty Realm, but you have terrifying combat strength. I'm very impressed," said the Gold King in a low voice.     

"If we were at the same level, you would kill me in a second."     

Qin Yu said coldly, "You talk too much."     

After saying this, Qin Yu took another step forward and threw a punch!     

He did not want to give this Gold King the slightest chance to escape but planned to get rid of him as soon as possible!     

At that moment, the Gold King suddenly let out an angry roar, and an endless amount of internal QI gushed out!     

Above his head, there was actually a huge palace hanging up!     

This palace was like a fairyland. It was very different from all his previous spells, which was a contrast compared to them!     

How could anyone from North Plain cast such a holy spell? It was confusing.     

It was clearly an Asgard.     

Divine beasts were soaring in Asgard with holy light and immortal qi flowing around.     

However, there was no human figure, like an illusory fairyland.     

Qin Yu naturally did not know the background of this Asgard, nor did he know whether it was a spell or a magical artifact.     

However, it did not matter, for he just needed to smash everything!     

The Golden Fist smashed fiercely toward the Gold King!     

At this moment, the Gold King sat down. He pressed his palms together, and wisps of internal Qi floated out from between his brows, connecting with the Asgard.     

Just as Qin Yu's fist was about to arrive, something came from Asgard.     

A divine beast stretched out from Asgard. The huge black tortoise was so fierce that it defeated even Qin Yu's fist, and the seeming turtle shell blocked this fierce attack.     

Qin Yu frowned slightly, and a trace of surprise could not help but appear on his face.     

What kind of spell was this? It was actually so strange and mysterious.     

Qin Yu's punch was extremely powerful, enough to shatter the void! It could even destroy part of the world!     

However, the black tortoise that flew out of the Asgard protected him!     

"What is it?" Qin Yu frowned.     

The Gold King said coldly, "This is the art of four symbols. My Lord has given it to me, and what I have comprehended is just the tip of the iceberg."     

The art of four symbols?     

How come Qin Yu had never heard of it before? Could it also be from the Immortal Slaying Sect?     

Qin Yu tried to ask Heavenly Blood Rainbow, but it knew nothing about it.     

"So it's not the Immortal Slaying Sect's secret technique?" Qin Yu was somewhat surprised.     

"It could be. Back then, the dream of the Immortal Slaying Sect was to become immortals and create the universe, so they might develope such a technique," said Heavenly Blood Rainbow.     

Qin Yu looked coldly at the Gold King and clenched his fist again. The next second, a monstrous power erupted and smashed toward the Gold King for the second time!     

The black tortoise power appeared once again, protecting the Gold King closely behind!     

Qin Yu didn't have time to react, and a green dragon appeared from Asgard!     

A gigantic green-scaled claw came from all directions as if a gigantic mountain range was charging over!     

Qin Yu's expression was ice-cold. With a furious roar, he raised his hand and met the attack with a Ten Thousand Spell Breaking Punch.     


The huge collision shattered the entire void!     

The huge dragon claw was pushed back by the punch and retreated into the Asgard.     

"Your physical body is really terrifying."     

Even the Gold King was shocked.     

This technique was his final trump card. Up until now, he had never encountered such a situation.     

"Even someone at Reversion Void Stage would not be able to do this," the Gold King said coldly.     

Qin Yu sneered.     

He did not know that Qin Yu had the physical body of someone at the Reversion Void Stage! Furthermore, it was a chaotic body at the Reversion Void Stage!     

Of course, his body was stronger than others in Reversion Void Stage!     

"Whatever you say. No matter what technique you use, I will smash it!" said Qin Yu coldly.     

He stepped on the line word formula and threw numerous golden fists!     

The area where the Gold King was was turned into ruins. After that, he black tortoise's power kept condensing and then dissipated.     

Under Qin Yu's continuous attacks, the black tortoise's power was destroyed!     

It shattered like pieces and was all returned to Asgard!     

Without the protection of the black tortoise power, the Gold King's body could not withstand Qin Yu's fist anymore!     

His body was completely smashed like a meat pie, and the stench of blood permeated the air. Even his bones were gone!     

"He died just like that?" Qin Yu looked at the blood and frowned.     

The crowd was also somewhat surprised.     

The Gold King of North Plain died just like that? Had he died after being punched?     

"That's not right." Qin Yu shook his head.     

He looked at the Asgard, which was still there.     

This made Qin Yu puzzled. He narrowed his eyes, waiting for something.     


At that moment, the Asgard sent down a divine fire!     

The fiery red color covered the entire area. The Gold King, who had been smashed, appeared once again in flames!     

"It's the rebirth of Divine Phoenix," Heavenly Blood Rainbow reminded Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes, looked at the Asgard, and felt the strength of the Immortal Slaying Sect was beyond measure!     

What kind of sect were they? How could they create such a terrifying technique?     

The Gold King looked coldly at Qin Yu as his eyes were filled with killing intent and coldness.     

At this moment, his body emitted an extreme killing intent! It was extremely cold!     

Soon, a huge image appeared in Asgard again.     

A snow-white palm stretched out from Asgard and headed straight for Qin Yu!     

This palm was crystal clear and as pale as a ghost.     

However, this jade-like hand contained a terrifying killing intent that made people tremble in fear!     

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