My Rich Wife

The Terrified Ba Luo!

The Terrified Ba Luo!

The red-purple heavenly flame was originally intended to temper divine weapons. Now that Qin Yu was using it to temper his body, it was enough to prove that Qin Yu's physical body was not any inferior than a divine weapon!     

If he used the same technique, he was very likely to succeed!     

Once he succeeded in doing so, it would certain shorten the time needed to temper his body a great deal!     

"Everyone, please leave for a moment. My clothes," Qin Yu said as he sat in the waste pond.     

After sending everyone away, Xiao Cao quickly took out his clothing.     

It was obvious that Xiao Cao was an extremely attentive girl. She remembered this detail from the last time.     

After Xiao Cao placed the clothes in a safe place, she ran away quickly.     

Qin Yu smiled without saying anything. He walked out of the waste pond and put on his clothes.     

As he walked further away from the waste pond, he saw Xiao Cao standing at the door with a flushed face.     

He didn't know what she was thinking in her little head. She covered her face from time to time as well as stumped her feet from time to time.     

"What are you doing?" Qin Yu walked up from behind and patted her on the shoulder gently.     

When she heard Qin Yu's voice, Xiao Cao was startled. She hurriedly shook her head and said, "Not... nothing."     

Qin Yu didn't continue this topic. He looked at Xiao Cao and asked, "Do you know where is Master Zhengyang's home?"     

"Ah, that I know," Xiao Cao hurriedly replied with a nod.     

She pointed to the extremely grand palace not far away and said, "That's where Master Zhengyang lives."     

Qin Yu frowned slightly.     

They were both master refiners, yet Xiao Cao's residence could be considered as very simple. How could Master Zhengyang's residence be so luxurious?     

Xiao Cao seemed to sense Qin Yu's doubt and explained in a low voice, "Many wealthy families would ask Master Zhengyang to refine weapons, and they are willing to spend big money. Therefore, Master Zhengyang is the richest in Divine Artifact City."     

Qin Yu nodded slightly. It seemed that the gap between the rich and the poor was everywhere, even in Divine Artifact City.     

"Let's go, let's pay Master Zhengyang a visit," said Qin Yu.     

Xiao Cao opened her mouth, as if wanting to say something.     

"What is it?" asked Qin Yu.     

Xiao Cao shook her head and said, "Nothing, let's just go."     

Thus, with Xiao Cao in the lead, Qin Yu made his way toward Master Zhengyang's palace.     

Soon, he arrived in the vicinity of the palace.     

As he looked up, he saw that the palace was flickering with an extremely dark radiance.     

This radiance was not a spell, but the dark radiance emitted from the materials themselves.     

Obviously, the materials used in this palace were extraordinary.     

Qin Yu tried to put his hand on it before slowly exerting force, but the wall did not give away in the least.     

"What a strong material," Qin Yu exclaimed in surprise.     

Xiao Cao whispered, "I heard that Master Zhengyang often skim some materials while making divine weapons."     

Qin Yu raised an eyebrow and said with a smile, "I see."     

Then, Qin Yu took Xiao Cao and walked into the palace.     

There weren't many people in this grand palace. After walking for a while, they finally saw a person.     

This person was tall and wore a cold expression. His entire body emitted a radiance that was like a cold iron.     

"Who are you looking for?" This person's tone was emotionless.     

Qin Yu put his hands together and said, "I am here to see Master Zhengyang."     

"The Master is busy. Please wait in the waiting room."     

Having said that, he directly led Qin Yu to the waiting room.     

When Qin Yu saw this massive man, he felt a sense of familiarity.     

He tried to extend his divine sense, but found that he could not detect the man's realm at all.     

"How is this possible!" Qin Yu was immediately shocked by this finding!     

Could it be that Master Zhengyang was supporting a top-notch cultivator?     

"This is a puppet made by Master Zhengyang. It's a divine general," Xiao Cao explained.     

"A puppet?" Qin Yu was immediately stunned.     

Xiao Cao continued, "Master Zhengyang used the best materials and created three divine generals. Rumor has it that the strength of these three divine generals is not less than the Reversion Void Stage."     

Qin Yu's jaw dropped when he heard this.     

Not any lesser than the Reversion Void Stage? Wasn't this a little too exaggerated?     

However, Qin Yu quickly snapped back to his senses.     

Xiao Cao was probably talking about his toughness. His strength was definitely would not be on par with the Reversion Void Stage.     

Rumor has it that the Reversion Void Stage could move mountains and overturn seas. It could destroy the world with a raise of its hand. Its strength was beyond imagination and could be called an immortal. It was definitely not something that a puppet could hope to compare to.     

After arriving at the waiting room, the divine general left them there.     

Qin Yu and Xiao Cao sat here and chatted while waiting for Master Zhengyang.     

At the same time.     

The North Plain continued its expansion of Nanzhou with no end in sight.     

This effort was spearheaded by Yong Ji, Ba Luo, and Feng Hai. Because they were powerful enough and had sufficient knowledge of Nanzhou, they were extremely suitable for the task.     

On this day, Ba Luo brought men to a small city in Nanzhou.     

A godly king suddenly appeared next to him.     

"Godly king, why are you here?" When he saw the appearance of this godly king, Ba Luo was shocked, as he immediately bowed slightly.     

This godly king glanced at Ba Luo, as he said, "I ought to be familiar with Nanzhou as well."     

"Of course my Lord is correct," Ba Luo did not dare to contradict him and quickly put his hands together.     

Then, Ba Luo led a group of men to move towards the city.     

The massive city was habited by very few people, and out of those who lived inside the city, their abilities were woefully weak. The strongest amongst them was only in the Nascent Soul Real!     

"I can't believe there is actually such a city in Nanzhou," Ba Luo could not help but said with a frown.     

Beside him, the godly king snorted coldly as well as he said, "They are actually farming? Using such resources to farm is simply a waste of natural resources!"     

"Farming?" Ba Luo was somewhat surprised.     

The godly king pointed forward and said coldly, "In that direction, there seems to be a large piece of land."     

"No wonder there are no signs of human habitation. At this time, they are probably all out there farming." Ba Luo nodded slightly.     

"These kind of useless trash ought to be killed," the godly king said coldly.     

Ba Luo quickly put his hands together and said, "Aye!"     

Thus, the group walked towards the farmland.     

After walking for a long time, the farmland finally came into view.     

As expected, more than half of the people in the city were busy working in the farmland.     

"Hmph, these trash!" The godly king saw the people in front of him and could not help but reveal a cold expression.     

When he heard this, Ba Luo immediately ordered, "Kill them all!"     

With that comment, Ba Luo took the lead and took a step forward. His terrifying aura instantly engulfing the entire city!     

The originally peaceful farmland was now engulfed in a hurricane!     

Ba Luo held the light in his hand, and with a roar, his palm ruthlessly slammed downward!     

This strike was enough to kill everyone in the farmland!     

But just as the light was about to fall, it quietly dispersed!     

"Hmm? What is going on?" Ba Luo frowned.     

He leaned over and saw a slender man in white looking up at him.     

When he saw the face clearly, Ba Luo's body suddenly stiffened!     

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