My Rich Wife

Xiao Sheng Won

Xiao Sheng Won

After the drop of blood essence disappeared, the light suddenly became even grander. It was actually going to swallow up the Rashomon!     

Everyone was shocked. Traditionally, Rashomon was never known to have a countermeasure. Now, Zhao Jing was actually going to disrupt Rashomon?!     

"Xiao Sheng, you must die today!" Zhao Jing raised his head and roared. His hair danced wildly in the wind, as all of his internal qi was pressed into the light!     

Ironically, Xiao Sheng's expression was extremely calm. He looked coldly at Zhao Jing, as his other hand moved.     

It was his left hand. As his left hand moved in the air, it then gently pressed in Zhao Jing's direction.     


The space that Zhao Jing was in instantly collapsed!     

Zhao Jing, who was inside the space, suffered countless broken bones. His internal qi was instantly destabilized, as his face paled!     

Even if he wanted to control the light, under the power of this space, his bones were almost crushed!     


Finally, Zhao Jing couldn't take it anymore!     

He raised his head and roared, as both of his knees slammed onto the ground!     

The light formed by his blood essence disappeared as well.     

Everything returned to normal. Zhao Jing fell to the ground, looking terrible.     

His internal qi was already unstable, and he looked as if he was on the verge of death.     

After sacrificing such a large amount of blood essence, Zhao Jing no longer had any fighting strength left in him!     

"He lost. He really lost... at the Reversion Void Stage." In the dark, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.     

No one expected this battle to end like this.     

Xiao Sheng had defeated someone in the Reversion Void Stage with his Mighty Realm cultivation. If news of this spread, it would probably shock the entire Holy Region.     

Just as Xiao Sheng said, no one below the Reversion Void Stage could be his match. He was not afraid of anyone in the Reversion Void Stage.     

"He really did it," Qin Yu gave a slight sigh.     

For Zhao Jing, who had just entered the Reversion Void Stage, this was really unfortunate.     

The strange phenomenon behind Xiao Sheng disappeared. He walked steadily towards Zhao Jing and looked down at him with a coldness.     

A strong murderous intent emitted from his body. He slowly raised his hand as a powerful internal qi instantly erupted.     

Zhao Jing's expression changed greatly. He stood up quickly and shouted with all his might, "Xiao Sheng, spare me! Don't kill me!"     

Xiao Sheng didn't say a word. The radiance of his palm became more and more holy and pure.     

"Don't... Don't kill me. I don't want to Die!" Zhao Jing panicked. He had just stepped into the Reversion Void Stage, and he wasn't willing to die just like this!     

"The North Plain have come to invade. I can still be of use to you for you to keep me alive. I... I'll redeem myself!" Zhao Jing said in desperation.     

Xiao Sheng looked at Zhao Jing coldly and shook his head. "I'm not Xiao Hai."     

Before he even finished speaking, that ray of light instantly erupted and completely destroyed Zhao Jing's head.     

An invincible cultivator in the Reversion Void Stage had become a headless corpse just like that. The body looked extremely desolate as it fell lifelessly to the ground.     

"Ay, Xiao Sheng's strength has far exceeded our imagination."     

"Yeah, I thought that he would definitely lose today. I didn't expect..."     

"Zhao Jing died as simply as that. It really makes one wonder."     

The people watching from the shadows couldn't help but chatted amongst themselves. Some sighed while others gloated. However, most of them simply felt shocked.     

Qin Yu, who was not far away, remained silent. His heart was filled with mixed feelings.     

Was this the chosen one of the Holy Region? It was too terrifying to even contemplate.     

Even Qin Yu, who had always been very self-confident, could not help but felt shocked at this very moment.     

At this moment, Xiao Sheng's gaze suddenly turned toward the void not far away.     

The person hiding in the void instantly tensed up, as his expression was incomparably nervous.     

Xiao Sheng quietly stared in that direction without saying a word.     

A moment later, Xiao Sheng opened his mouth to speak.     

He said coldly, "If any of you still want to attack me, feel free to do so."     

Everyone was astounded by what he said!     

What did Xiao Sheng mean by this? ! Could it be that there were other cultivators in the Reversion Void Stage present?!     

Xiao Sheng, who had just experienced a great battle, was actually provoking the other reversion void stage cultivators? !     

No one else spoke. They were surrounded by a dead silence.     

Those cultivators who had just entered the Reversion Void Stage chose to escape in the end.     

This battle had dispelled all their fantasies. In this golden era, they weren't willing to take this kind of risk.     

In the dark, the people left one after another, and everything eventually fell into silence.     

However, Tianyun Sect had already been reduced to ruins, and it probably needed to be rebuilt.     

Xiao Sheng looked at the ruins, and there was no expression on his face.     

The deputy sect master ran over and stood in front of Xiao Sheng. He said excitedly, "Sect master, don't worry. I will get people to rebuild Tianyun Sect immediately!"     

Xiao Sheng nodded slightly, agreeing with what the deputy sect master had said.     

The rest of the people in the sect also came over. They surrounded Xiao Sheng and all of them were excited.     

It was an honor for them to follow a sect master like this.     

Qin Yu was also in the crowd. He looked at Xiao Sheng and couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh.     

If he had attacked him back then, he probably wouldn't have had much of a chance to escape whatsoever.     

"You actually did it." Qin Yu walked forward and couldn't help but let out a sigh.     

Xiao Sheng raised an eyebrow and said, "Is it so strange?"     

"It is quite strange. At the very least, I don't think I can do it," Qin Yu said without hiding anything.     

Xiao Sheng shook his head and said, "I don't think so."     

Qin Yu was stunned. But then he smiled bitterly and said, "You really do think highly of me..."     

Xiao Sheng said nonchalantly, "In this world, I only recognize two people."     

"One is my brother Xiao Hai, and the other one is you."     

"Qin Yu, I'm looking forward to fighting with you one day."     

Qin Yu opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He just nodded and said, "Sure, that day will come."     

Xiao Sheng didn't say anything else. With a few flashes, he disappeared from everyone's sight.     

The deputy sect master ran over and said excitedly, "Qin Yu, the sect master really thinks highly of you! He actually compared you to Xiao Hai!"     

Qin Yu sighed slightly. He didn't say anything as he turned to leave.     

The deputy sect master looked at Qin Yu's departing figure and couldn't help but muttered, "I really don't understand these people. They are so baffling."     


After this battle, the entire Nanzhou was talking about what had transpired.     

Xiao Sheng, who had been silent for many years, was once again pushed to the cusp of the storm.     

"Xiao Sheng is really too terrifying. As expected of someone who's the peak of Nanzhou."     

"That's right. He used the Mighty Realm to kill a cultivator in the Reversion Void Stage. That's too scary!"     

"If he were to step into the Reversion Void Stage, who would be able to defeat him? I don't even dare to imagine something like that!"     

"In that case, I'm not too worried about Yuan Xiu. Xiao Sheng will definitely be able to kill him!"     

Many people came here because of what took place and one after another, they joined Tianyun Sect.     

This made Tianyun Sect, which had been in decline not so long ago, become full of vitality once again.     

Many people came because of the fame, even just to lay eyes on Xiao Sheng one time.     

Naturally, the deputy sect master was so overjoyed that he could not keep his mouth shut. Such a grand occasion had never been seen except when the Tianyun sect was first established.     

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