My Rich Wife

Facing The Two Great Godly Kings

Facing The Two Great Godly Kings

Upon hearing Qin Yu's words, Qu Zhu could not help but raise his brows.     

Challenging the Godly Kings of the North Plain? This was simply a pipe dream.     

"Do you know how powerful the Godly Kings of the North Plain are? They are half-step Reversion Void Stage characters. Even Jue Wu lost to them," said Qu Zhu.     

Qin Yu said coldly, "So what? Give me some time. I will kill them sooner or later."     

Qu Zhu spread his hands and said, "There are Four Great Godly Kings in the North Plain. Each one of them is extremely powerful. You are undoubtedly using an egg to strike a rock by issuing a challenge to them."     

"I know you want to take revenge for Jue Wu, but this is not how revenge works."     

Qin Yu took a deep breath. He looked at Qu Zhu and said with a smile, "Brother Qu Zhu, I understand, but I will not change my mind. The two of them must die. They must die by my hands."     

Seeing this, Qu Zhu didn't say anything more. He only advised Qin Yu to be careful.     

"Brother Qu Zhu, I'll leave Jue Wu to you for now," Qin Yu looked at Qu Zhu and said.     

Qu Zhu grunted in gratitude. He sighed and said, "I already blame myself for letting her suffer such a serious injury."     

Qin Yu sighed silently. He looked at Jue Wu lying on the bed and felt an indescribable pain in his heart.     

Although Jue Wu was already hundreds of years old, her appearance and figure always made people feel that she was a little girl. This also made people feel pity for her.     

That day, Qin Yu was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, he stayed by Jue Wu's side and observed her physical condition.     

Unfortunately, even with Qin Yu's ability, he could not detect anything.     

At night.     

Qu Zhu walked into the room.     

He sat beside Qin Yu and said casually, "Qin Yu, do you think that the battle between the North Plain and Nanzhou is a coincidence?"     

Qin Yu looked at Qu Zhu and shook his head. "Of course not. The North Plain have been coveting Nanzhou for a long time."     

Qu Zhu drank a mouthful of wine and continued, "Who do you think is playing this game of chess?"     

Qin Yu was stunned. He asked in puzzlement, "Brother Qu Zhu, what does this mean?"     

Qu zhu sighed slightly, "I always feel that everything seems to be premeditated. It's as if someone is deliberately provoking this battle."     

"Although Nanzhou is rich, the West Range and East Continent are more prosperous than Nanzhou. The experts of Nanzhou even surpass the West Range and East Continent."     

As he said this, Qu Zhu paused for a moment. He looked at Qin Yu and said, "You must know that back then, there was a saying in the entire Lizhou that the dead river obstructed the Tianyun Sect's influence."     

Qin Yu was stunned. He said with some surprise, "Is the sect master of the Tianyun Sect so strong?"     

Qu Zhu smiled without saying anything, but the meaning was already very obvious.     

"No matter how you look at it, Nanzhou is definitely not the best choice for the North Plain." Qu Zhu drank a mouthful of wine.     

Qin Yu said in a deep voice, "Could it be... that people from the other two places are trying to sow discord?"     

In response to this, Qu Zhu did not answer and only shook his head.     

When Qin Yu continued to ask questions, Qu Zhu did not say a word.     

He stood up and stretched his back, he said, "I'm not interested in these things. I only want to live my own life. Perhaps this may seem a little selfish to you, but this is my character. I will never be as righteous as Xiao Hai."     

"Alright, I should go and rest."     

After saying this, Qu Zhu pushed the door open and walked out.     

Qin Yu was confused by his words, but for some reason, he felt that Qu Zhu was hinting at something.     

Qin Yu did not sleep for the whole night.     

The next day.     

Qin Yu said goodbye to Qu Zhu and left.     

Qin Yu had more important things to do at the moment. He took out the note that Xiao Hai handed to him and read it carefully.     

There were some materials written on the slip of paper. These materials were not common, so it would not be easy to gather them.     

After thinking about it, Qin Yu finally decided to find Zhuo Jing and ask him for help.     

Just as Qin Yu left Fengzhu Mountain, the Two Great Godly Kings of the North Plain had already descended.     

They hid in the dark and silently observed Qin Yu's movements.     

But this time, they were not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, they silently followed behind.     

The reason was because this was Nanzhou. Ever since the battle with the sect master of the Tianyun Sect, they had become much more cautious.     

Qin Yu summoned the Divine Eagle. He sat on the back of the Divine Eagle and rushed towards the Zhuo residence.     

On the way, Qin Yu sat cross-legged and slowly absorbed the spiritual energy from the surroundings.     

Now, Qin Yu's state of mind had greatly improved. In addition to the Dayue fruit, his experience during this period of time had also allowed Qin Yu to gain more insights into the Great Dao of heaven and earth.     

Below, the number of cultivators in the North Plain had increased, and they could be seen almost everywhere.     

The originally peaceful Nanzhou had now become a land of war.     

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.     

At this moment, the space in front of Qin Yu suddenly fluctuated, spreading out in all directions like water ripples.     

In the next second, a crack appeared in the space.     

Seeing this scene, Qin Yu's expression changed slightly. He looked warily at the space in front of him, and his internal qi instantly rose to the maximum.     

Very quickly, two figures walked out from the space.     

These two were none other than the Two Great Godly Kings of the North Plain who had been following behind Qin Yu all this while!     

They looked down at Qin Yu from above. Their terrifying internal qi surrounded their surroundings, making people feel apprehensive.     

Even Qin Yu felt a powerful pressure.     

"Who are you people?" Qin Yu said coldly.     

The two said with some amusement, "The people who will kill you."     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Are you people from the North Plain?"     

"Hahahahaha! That's right. We are the Great Godly Kings of the North Plain. You have killed so many people from the North Plain. Today is the day you die!" The Two Great Godly Kings said coldly.     

Upon hearing these words, a trace of anger immediately surged on Qin Yu's face. The killing intent on his body was extremely cold!     

This pure killing intent made the Two Great Godly Kings feel a hint of surprise!     

"You are the Godly Kings of the North Plain?" Qin Yu said coldly.     

"Why? Do you know us?" The two said with some surprise.     

Qin Yu clenched his teeth. He clenched his fists and said coldly, "You were the ones who injured Jue Wu?"     

"Oh? Injured? She actually didn't die?" The Two Great Godly Kings could not help but be surprised when they heard this.     

Upon hearing this affirmative answer, Qin Yu immediately could not hold it in any longer.     

A terrifying golden light emanated from his entire body. The blazing temperature swept out in all directions!     

At this moment, Qin Yu was like a small sun. The golden light constantly surged in all directions, forming a stark contrast with the ice-cold killing intent on his body!     

Below, many people were shocked by this scene. They raised their heads to look at Qin Yu.     

"Who's up there? What's with that radiance?"     

"Hmm? Is this another sun?"     

"No, that's Qin Yu! It's Qin Yu's radiance!"     

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