My Rich Wife

Zhuo Jing's Help

Zhuo Jing's Help

The sword slashed towards Qin Yu's eyes. With a crisp clang, the chains on Qin Yu's body were instantly shattered!     

"Brother Qin, you can trust me now, right?" Zhuo Jing said with a faint smile.     

Qin Yu looked at the broken chains and hurriedly sat up from the bed.     

He stretched his limbs. This feeling of having regained his freedom made Qin Yu let out a long sigh of relief.     

"Thank you!" Qin Yu looked at Zhuo Jing and cupped his hands.     

Zhuo Jing smiled and said, "Brother Qin, you are too kind. If you don't mind, why don't you stay here for the time being? It will be more convenient for me to gather information."     

Qin Yu was a little wary at first, but after thinking about it, if Zhuo Jing still wanted to harm him, that treasured sword could easily take his life.     

Therefore, Qin Yu smiled and said, "Alright, then I will respectfully comply."     

Zhuo Jing grunted and said, "Brother Qin, you can rest for now. I will go out to scout for news."     

"Alright." Qin Yu agreed.     

After saying that, Zhuo Jing turned around and walked out.     

This was a rather large residence, but in the entire place, there was actually only Zhuo Jing alone. There wasn't even a single servant.     

This was completely different from what Qin Yu had imagined of a large aristocratic family.     

In truth, Qin Yu didn't believe Zhuo Jing at first. After all, he and Li Yingying were friends.     

But he didn't expect that Zhuo Jing was many times stronger than Li Yingying.     

Qin Yu walked around the Zhuo residence. It had to be said that the structure of the Zhuo residence was extremely large and grand.     

But this wasn't his home after all, so Qin Yu didn't want to explore too deeply.     

In the evening, Zhuo Jing brought food back to the Zhuo residence from outside.     

"Brother Zhuo, how's the situation?" Qin Yu asked.     

Zhuo Jing shook the wine and food in his hand and said, "Shall we talk while eating?"     

"Okay," Qin Yu replied.     

Thus, he followed Zhuo Jing and came to a pavilion.     

The scenery here was pleasant. On one side was a bamboo forest, and on the other side was leisurely spring water.     

The breeze blew, and it was quite comfortable.     

Zhuo Jing poured a glass of wine for Qin Yu, and the two chatted as they ate.     

"Brother Qin, please," Zhuo Jing said as he raised his glass.     

Qin Yu didn't stand on ceremony, and the two of them downed the wine in their hands.     

"I went out to investigate just now, but the Tianyun Sect didn't seem to make any movements," Zhuo Jing said.     

"Oh?" Qin Yu was slightly surprised.     

This shouldn't be the case. By right, the Tianyun Sect should be spending a lot of money everywhere to control and capture him.     

"Could it be... that he thinks the one who made a move is someone from the Yan family?" Qin Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised.     

It was very possible! The sect master of the Tianyun Sect had been waiting since the beginning, for fear of implicating the entire Tianyun Sect.     

He Teng took the opportunity to take him away, which was very likely to arouse suspicion.     

"Regardless of him, at least he is safe for the time being," Qin Yu said with a smile.     

Zhuo Jing nodded slightly and said, "That's right. Because of you, the Tianyun Sect has also expended a large amount of manpower and material resources. Perhaps they also want to rest."     

"Perhaps." Qin Yu did not explain too much.     

"Speaking of which, Brother Qin is really capable. You don't have any spiritual energy in his body, yet you are able to defeat the First Elder. Such a battle record is really enough to overlook the entire Nanzhou," Zhuo Jing said with a smile.     

Qin Yu said with a bitter smile, "That's because I launched a sneak attack. If I didn't launch a sneak attack, I definitely wouldn't be his match."     

Zhuo Jing raised his eyebrows and said, "Really? A few days ago, in front of so many people, the First Elder couldn't even touch you in the slightest."     

Qin Yu sighed and said, "The First Elder is seriously injured. The strength that he can display is less than half."     

"Brother Qin, you're too modest." Zhuo Jing smiled.     

Qin Yu didn't explain further. The two of them chatted casually and talked about their dreams.     

Through their conversation, they learned that Zhuo Jing's ambition was also very great. Like Qin Yu, he didn't want to stay in the small Nanzhou at all. Instead, he wanted to go to Zhongzhou and compete with the geniuses there.     

This was also one of the reasons why he didn't care about the Zhuo family at all.     

The two of them chatted from dusk until midnight. When the moon was about to set, Zhuo Jing stood up and said, "Brother Qin, it's getting late. You should go back and rest early."     

"Okay." Qin Yu cupped his hands and then returned to his room.     

That night, Qin Yu almost didn't fall asleep. All he could think about was how to deal with the current situation.     

The Tianyun Sect didn't take any action for the time being, but they would come back sooner or later and attack again at any time.     

With the cautious nature of the sect master, he was most likely waiting to see if anyone would warn him in the time to come.     

If not, he would attack again.     

The next day...     

Zhuo Jing brought breakfast to Qin Yu.     

"Brother Qin, what are your plans today?" Zhuo Jing asked.     

Qin Yu said in a deep voice, "If nothing unexpected happens, I will leave today."     

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Zhuo Jing said with a bit of surprise.     

Qin Yu nodded and said, "Time is tight. I can't afford to delay."     

Zhuo Jing thought for a moment and then guessed, "Brother Qin, are you planning to go to Yang City and continue to look for the Life Aura?"     

Hearing Zhuo Jing's words, Qin Yu said with a bit of surprise, "How do you know?"     

Zhuo Jing stroked his beard and smiled. "Everyone in the entire Nanzhou knows that you need the Life Aura. But I advise you not to go to Yang City."     

"Hmm? Why do you say that?" Qin Yu asked in puzzlement.     

Zhuo Jing said in a deep voice, "I've heard of that mountain range. It's said that there are creatures living in it that don't belong to this world.     

"And once you have too much contact with that creature, it's very likely that your soul will be taken away."     

"It's so scary?" Qin Yu frowned.     

"Yes, so I advise you not to go." Zhuo Jing nodded.     

Qin Yu was silent for a moment. He suddenly thought of another way, which was the flying spider in the Azure Rock Forest.     

"In that case, I won't go to Yang City for the time being. I'll go to the Azure Rock Forest instead," said Qin Yu.     

Zhuo Jing smiled and said, "Brother Qin, if you believe me, you might as well stay here for a few days. I have some fame and connections in Nanzhou these years. Maybe I can go and ask around."     

Hearing that, Qin Yu immediately cupped his hands and said, "That would be great. Thank you, Brother Zhuo!"     

"You're too kind, Brother Qin. Then I won't waste any more time. I'll set off now," said Zhuo Jing.     

Qin Yu nodded repeatedly. It had to be said that this kid was quite helpful. Not only did he unlock the chains for Qin Yu, but he also helped Qin Yu find clues to the Life Aura.     

For the next few days, Qin Yu waited quietly in the Zhuo residence, and Zhuo Jing didn't come back for several days.     

Qin Yu didn't waste this time. He took advantage of this time to slowly comprehend the sixth level of the fighting word formula.     

The eighth day...     

Zhuo Jing, who was gone for many days, had finally returned to the Zhuo residence.     

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