My Rich Wife

Mobilization of the Tianyun Sect

Mobilization of the Tianyun Sect

Both of them sped towards the Divine Capital City. This was the only solution Qin Yu could think of.     

The Divine Capital City was very far from here. Qin Yu resolved to purchase the most expensive flying beast.     

Since his identity was already exposed, Qin Yu couldn't care less.     

After spending two days and rode two flying beasts to death, the two of them finally arrived at the Divine Capital City.     

There was still an extremely strange aura flowing about in the Divine Capital City. Qin Yu pushed open the door and quickly walked in.     

"I'll have to rely on you for the rest," Qin Yu said to Iron Egg.     

Iron Egg grunted and said, "Give me the initiative of your body."     

Qin Yu didn't say any else. He closed his eyes slightly and gave the initiative of his body over to Iron Egg, while he himself stayed behind in his mind.     

Iron Egg, after obtaining the body, first shook his own arms a little bit.     

He looked at his own body with extreme satisfaction and said with a hint of pride, "This body is really not bad. If this were mine, wouldn't it cause a bloody storm in the Holy Region?"     

"Enough, stop talking nonsense. We can't afford to waste any more time," Qin Yu said coldly.     

Iron Egg threw his hands and didn't say anything else. He immediately began to revive the divine inscriptions inside the Divine Capital City.     

This was a very complicated project; it was physically and mentally exhausting. Even Iron Egg needed several days' time to complete it.     

On the other side, those few people followed Qin Yu's instruction and came to the Wind Pavilion to release the news.     

Very quickly, the news swept through entire Nanzhou.     

Even those who were far away in the distant Tianyun Sect had gotten this news.     

"First Elder, Qin Yu has invited us to go to the Divine Capital City." Someone walked up to the First Elder and bowed.     

"Divine Capital City?" The First Elder raised an eyebrow. "What place is that?"     

"I don't know. I've never heard of it before," said the person next to him.     

The First Elder waved his hand and said, "Go and investigate immediately. As soon as we find the location, we will travel there right away!"     

"Let us handle such a trivial matter..."     

At this moment, the suddenly walked out.     

The First Elder glanced at him and said, "This matter has to be treated seriously. I must go myself."     

"Just a mere Qin Yu need not trouble the First Elder..."the old man in the linen robe continued.     

The First Elder waved his hand and said, "No need to say anything more, I have already made up my mind."     

Seeing this, the old man in the linen robe could only retreated to the side.     

With the capabilities of the Tianyun sect, it was very easy for them to find any place.     

That afternoon, someone found the location of the Divine Capital City.     

After the First Elder reported to the Sect Master, he brought the old man in the linen robe and three hundred cavalrymen, heading straight for the Divine Capital City!     

At the very front was a dragon-headed carriage being pulled by three divine horses. The First Elder and the old man in the linen robe were sitting upon it.     

Behind them were three hundred heavily armored cavalrymen. On top of the cavalrymen, there was a cold white color.     

Such a large processed naturally attracted the attention of countless people.     

They stared at this incredible scene in the sky and wondered in amazement.     

On the other side, Iron Egg was still reviving the divine inscriptions.     

This was an extremely ancient formation, based on the divine inscriptions that captured heaven and earth. Once revived, its power was boundless.     

"If we can completely resurrect this formation, Tianyun Sect isn't even worth mentioning," Iron Egg said in a low voice.     

He wiped the sweat off his forehead and continued setting up the formation.     

Time passed day after day. In the blink of an eye, three days had passed.     

"How is it going? How much longer do you need?" Qin Yu asked.     

Iron Egg gave him a look and replied, "At least two more days."     

Qin Yu frowned and said, "That is too slow. I'm afraid it'll be too late."     

Iron Egg said in a deep voice, "If you have spiritual power in your body, I could perhaps be a little faster. This is the fastest I can manage at the moment."     

Qin Yu made a quick calculation in his mind. Tianyun Sect would probably arrive either today or tomorrow.     

"As soon as possible." Qin Yu took a deep breath.     

Iron Egg nodded and continued with setting up the formation.     

Meanwhile, the entire Nanzhou was discussing this matter.     

Even Wen Da and Wen Er, who were far away on Huaning Mountain, had gotten wind of the news.     

"Little girl, how much long do we have before Auntie Jue Wu come out of the retreat?" Wen Da came forward and asked in a low voice.     

"Who knows when Lord Jue Wu will come out of retreat?" The girl shook her head.     

"We are finished, finished! By that time, the Tianyun Sect has already taken action against Qin Yu. If Auntie Jue Wu doesn't come out of the retreat soon, Qin Yu will be in trouble." Wen Da was so worried that he scratched his ears and cheeks to try to think of something.     

"That's right, that's right. If it really can't be done, can we wake Auntie Jue Wu up in advance?" Wen Er asked.     

"Absolutely not!" The two attendants hurriedly shook their heads. "If we wake Auntie Jue Wu up now, it's very likely that she will go mad."     

When they heard this, the two brothers didn't know just how this situation could be resolved.     

"Damn it! I hope Qin Yu will be able to overcome this difficulty," Wen Da muttered softly.     

Just as Iron Egg was rushing to resurrect the divine inscriptions, a thunderous sound came from the sky.     

After that, the sky gradually darkened.     

Looking Up, it seemed there was a huge black cloud that blotted out the sky and covered the sun!     

However, upon close examination, one realized that it was not a dark cloud at all, but a densely packed crowd!     

The leader of the lot was none other than the First Elder!     

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