My Rich Wife

The Terrifying Eighteen Immortals!

The Terrifying Eighteen Immortals!

Qin Yu's arms crossed in front of him, and his body was forced back several steps.     

If it wasn't for the formation they had set up behind him, Qin Yu would have been forced back several thousand meters!     

By the time the light dissipated, Qin Yu's arms had already turned pitch black, as if they had been burned.     

But what was shocking was that even under such powerful attacks, Qin Yu's body was still intact, his injuries could only be considered as minor.     

This shocked everyone greatly! And the Alchemy King who stood in the Medicinal Saint Hall was truly astounded!     

"How can this be!" The Alchemy King grabbed onto the windowsill and fixed his eyes on Qin Yu!     

That monstrous power just now was enough to obliterate the entire Medicinal Saint City! And yet Qin Yu remained unharmed? How was this possible?!     

At this moment, the eighteen immortals also seemed to be somewhat shocked. Their eyes betrayed a hint of suspicion.     

They knew just how powerful that move was, but Qin Yu managed to withstand it.     

Qin Yu raised his head and stared at the eighteen immortals, feeling the shock in his heart.     

Of course, he was not as relaxed as he appeared on the surface.     

His physical body had indeed withstood the force of the attack, but Qin Yu's internal organs were affected, and he almost wanted to vomit blood.     

"I can't continue like this," Qin Yu muttered in a low voice.     

He extended his hand and grabbed the bronze sword once again.     

Then, Qin Yu grabbed the bronze sword with both hands. Spiritual power surged out as if he had become one with the sword.     

In the next second, Qin Yu's entire body shot up into the sky!     

He grabbed the bronze sword with both hands and drew a semicircle in the air!     

"Nine Absolute Beginning Slashes, fourth slash!"     

Qin Yu's voice shook throughout the surroundings. His powerful aura swept out in all directions in ripple effects!     

A vast and mighty sword aurora suddenly rose up and condensed in the air.     

The enormous sword aurora blotted out the sky and the sun, radiated brilliantly!     

This sword could split the sky and open the earth!     

Everyone was shocked by this sword, and countless people fled in a hurry.     

"This brat is probably going to destroy the Medicinal Saint City!" someone cried out in alarm!     

The timid and the cautious even gave up on their own herbs and directly fled the Medicinal Saint City.     

But, there were also those who weren't afraid of death and were full of greed. No matter what happens, they had to take their herbs before they were willing to leave.     


Accompanied by Qin Yu's furious roar, the fourth slash of the Nine Absolute Beginning Slashes slayed toward the eighteen immortals!     

This was the manifestation of the dao technique. It was an invincible will that shook the heavens and the earth!     

The future appeared once again, but this time, no one dared to take another look at it. All they wanted to do was to flee for their lives!     


A loud boom rang out. Finally, the surrounding buildings couldn't hold on any longer and began to collapse.     

The Medicinal Saint Hall, which had been in existence for hundreds of years, also began to rumble. In the next second, it collapsed with a loud bang!     

It was at this moment that the palms of the eighteen immortals suddenly began to shine brightly with light.     

These lights were densely packed with talismans. They were incredibly mysterious. Their palms moved as if they were summoning some profound dao technique!     

In a short moment, these rays of light actually weaved into a small world!     

This side of the world was like a prehistoric beast. It opened its bloody mouth, and pitch-black rays of light emitted from it. Soon after that, it actually swallowed up Qin Yu's sword aurora.     

Everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.     

And the eighteen immortals were still standing there, coldly looking at Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu's expression was instant horror! What kind of spell was this? What exactly had they been summoning?     

"You... you!" At this moment, Qin Yu was a little flustered, to say the least!     

No wonder the Tianyun Sect would view the eighteen immortals as their greatest killing machine. Their abilities were indeed beyond terrifying!     

Qin Yu had never seen such spell before!     

"Just how many secret weapons does the Tianyun Sect have..."Qin Yu muttered to himself in a low voice, his heart was truly terrified.     

Such horrific technique was enough to shake the soul!     

While Qin Yu was steeped in shock, the eighteen immortals once again activated the same technique, re-summoning that world.     

This time, they were not devouring a technique, but Qin Yu himself!     

The pitch-black hole gave off a powerful suction force, and in a short while, the eighteen immortals had already arrived in front of Qin Yu.     

Qin Yu's eyes sharpened. This small world could devour the Nine Absolute Beginning Slashes, let alone Qin Yu!     

In his panic, Qin Yu clenched his fist and ruthlessly smashed it at one of the eighteen immortals !     

Perhaps it was because they were concentrating on releasing the spell, they were unable to dodge this punch.     

With a bang, the eighteen immortals' body that Qin Yu had smashed into instantly exploded!     

And the world that they were creating also disappeared.     

What shocked Qin Yu even more was that even the surrounding spatial formation began to disappear at this precise moment.     

Qin Yu was stunned. He didn't have time to think too much about it, however. He immediately activated the line word formula and ran away!     

He didn't even dare to look back as he used all his strength to shot into the distance, afraid that the eighteen immortals would catch up to him!     

Qin Yu did not know how long he had been running until his spiritual power was depleted. Only then did he stop and sat on the ground, panting heavily.     

Qin Yu released his divine sense which covered the diameter within a few stars. Only when he was sure that the eighteen immortals had not caught up to him did he heave a sigh of relief.     

"Damn it, what the hell are these eighteen immortals..." Qin Yu grumbled in a low voice.     

It was too dangerous. Once he was swallowed inside, everything would probably turn to nothingness.     

Qin Yu's expression was serious, as if he was considering something.     

"This spell seems to have a flaw. That is, they must get close to me," Qin Yu recalled everything that had happened just now.     

And if any of them were to be disturbed, their spell would disappear without a trace.     

Not only that, the eighteen immortals' defensive abilities seemed to be very poor as well, which also accounted for the reason why they did not get close too easily.     

"Whew, I wonder if that one is dead," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

In Qin Yu's estimation, as long as one of them was dead, the eighteen immortals would cease to exist.     

However, Qin Yu's punch had only shattered his body, so it would probably be very difficult for him to actually die.     

"This won't do. I have to hurry back to Huaning Mountain to retreat." Qin Yu picked himself up from the ground, summoning the Divine Eagle, as he rushed his way back to Huaning Mountain.     

On the other side, in the Medicinal Saint City.     

The surroundings were piles of broken walls. One of the eighteen immortals had his body shattered by Qin Yu. He fell to the ground and was struggling to get up.     

They scanned their surroundings as if to search for Qin Yu's trails.     

After their search yielded nothing, they picked up the injured immortal and turned to leave.     

At this moment, the most panicked person was none other than the Alchemy King himself.     

His heart was filled with endless terror, and his expression was filled with panic.     

"He... he actually escaped... !" The Alchemy King panted heavily, as his heart was filled with great terror.     

Qin Yu had escaped, which meant that he would most certainly come back to settle the score with him.     

At that time, he might not even be able to preserve his own life.     

After thinking for a moment, the Alchemy King no longer cared about his title.     

He returned to the almost deserted Medicinal Saint Hall, brought a batch of herbs with him, and turned around to leave.     

His destination was Tianyun Sect. Only by hiding inside the Tianyun Sect could his life be guarantee.     


Qin Yu sat on the Divine Eagle, slowly recovering his internal qi.     

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Yu finally returned to Huaning Mountain.     

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