My Rich Wife

Dark Energy Grave

Dark Energy Grave

The First Elder used all of his strength, but he couldn't get a word out.     

The Deputy Sect Master saw this and quickly waved his hand, "Enough. Why don't you go and rest?"     

A few people immediately carried the First Elder inside. Looking at their departure, the Deputy Sect Master let out a long sigh.     

"Now... this sect should be managed by me," the Deputy Sect Master thought to himself.     

He had long disliked the First Elder and his actions, but he did not have the right to interfere.     

Now that the First Elder was seriously injured, as long as the sect master did not step out, the position could only be taken over by him.     

In the next few days, the Deputy Sect Master made a bold and decisive move. First, he sent the eighteen immortals to the border to counter the people from the North Plain.     

Later on, the Deputy Sect Master sent even more people to the border.     

Such actions were naturally well-received. Even Qin Yu, who was far away in the Huaning mountain area, couldn't help but feel a little surprised by it.     

"It seems that the Tianyun Sect isn't all that useless," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

But this change of event confused Qin Yu even more. The Deputy Sect Master was many times more capable than the First Elder. Why would the sect master hand over the position to the First Elder in the first place? Could it be that he wanted the First Elder to destroy the sect?     

If the Deputy Sect Master sends everyone to the border, would he have the chance to attack the First Elder? Qin Yu thought to himself.     

If that was the case, then it would be good news indeed.     

It was just that Qin Yu did not have much understanding of the Tianyun Sect and its capabilities. Such a sect may very well have set up all sorts of formation and taboos long time ago.     

With Qin Yu's ability, it wouldn't be easy for him to break in just like that.     

I can only place my hopes on Yong Ji, Qin Yu thought to himself.     

Yong Ji's actions had already demonstarted his hostility toward the Tianyun Sect. Now that the sect master was in retreat, Yong Ji could take advantage of this opportunity and attack.     

Once he broke into the Tianyun Sect, Qin Yu could wait for an opportunity to kill the First Elder and revenge Zhen Yue.     


The next day.     

Qin Yu left Huaning Mountain and arrived at Zhuo Jing's residence.     

Coincidentally, when Qin Yu arrived at the Zhuo family's residence, he happened to encountered Li Yingying and the others.     

They sat cross-legged under the arbor pavilion, drinking and having fun. They seemed quite at their ease.     

When they saw Qin Yu suddenly appeared, everyone was shocked.     

"Brother Qin?" Zhuo Jing was the first to regain his senses. He immediately put down the wine cup in his hand and walked quickly towards Qin Yu.     

Li Yingying, on the other hand, appeared very uncomfortable.     

"Brother Zhuo," Qin Yu nodded slightly to acknowledge Zhuo Jing.     

Zhuo J ing smiled and said, "Brother Qin, why are you here?"     

"I have something important to ask you," Qin Yu came straight to the point.     

Zhuo Jing pulled Qin Yu aside and said, "Brother Qin, please take a seat. Let's sit down and talk."     

Qin Yu glanced at Li Yingying and said, "Forget it. I just want to have a few words with you before I leave."     

"Brother Qin, you'd better take a seat quickly. We really admire the big moves you made recently," someone at the table said while waving his hand.     

"Yeah. Brother Qin, come and have a drink with us. Don't tell me you won't give us the time and day," the others also shouted.     

When he saw this, Qin Yu knew that he could not refuse the invitation.     

Moreover, this matter would not be solved in a short time. No one knew whether Zhuo Jing had any channels of news.     

Therefore, Qin Yu sat down with Zhuo Jing.     

Before Qin Yu could speak, Li Yingying rolled her eyes and raised her wine glass. "Brother Qin, long time no see. We miss you so much."     

Qin Yu glanced at Li Yingying, mocking her inside.     

"Miss Li, forget it. Maybe one day I will cause trouble again, and you wouldn't want me to drag you into it," Qin Yu said with a smirk.     

Li Yingying immediately became embarrassed, but she was also a little mad in her heart.     

"Brother Qin, I heard that you had fought Yong Ji's foster sons, and had slaughtered many guest elders from Tianyun Sect not too long ago; is it true?" someone on the side hurriedly came forward to mediate the situation.     

Qin Yu didn't hide anything and nodded, "They are all true."     

Although everyone had heard about this for a while, they still couldn't help their surprise when they heard Qin Yu admitting it personally.     

"Brother Qin's abilities are truly impressive."     

"Yes, in the entire Nanzhou, Brother Qin should be ranked Number One."     

"That's right. Brother Qin killed Ling Yun, who was known as the number one genius of Nanzhou when he first arrived here. Now, even the guest elders of the Tianyun Sect were no match for you. We are truly ashamed in your presence."     

Qin Yu smiled as he answered these flatteries one by one. Then, he raised his cup to drink.     

The group drank and made merry. They seemed rather happy.     

"Have you heard? The border seems to be in turmoil recently." At this moment, someone suddenly spoke up.     

"Yes, the people of the North Plain have been doing this repeatedly. They have slaughtered countless people from Nanzhou; it's infuriating."     

"That's not the point." At this moment, a young man said while shook his head.     

He shook the wine cup in his hand and said with a solemn expression, "The North Plain have mastered the spatial spell. A large number of people have already arrived here at Nanzhou, but we don't know when they will make their move. When that time comes, it will no doubt be a great disaster!"     

"That's right," another young man also voiced his agreement.     

"Nanzhou has suffered great loss. There is a huge dead river between Nanzhou and the North Plain. Without the formation, we would not be able to enter the North Plain at all. Meanwhile, the people of the North Plain can freely enter and exit Nanzhou."     

"Aye, don't tell me that Nanzhou doesn't have a teleportation formation?" someone asked.     

Zhuo Jing shook his head and replied, "All Nanzhou has are large teleportation formations, and the cost to operate those is extremely high. We can't afford to send small batches of people to the north to die, can we?"     

Hearing this, someone at the table immediately slammed his hand on the table and stood up. He said angrily, "Then Nanzhou will just defend passively? If this continues, Nanzhou will be eaten up by them sooner or later!"     

"I don't know, and no one knows." The people around the table shook their heads one after another.     

Qin Yu also frowned. He didn't expect that they had already fallen into such a state.     

On the surface, Nanzhou appeared calm and peaceful, but no one knew when they would make a move, how they would make a move, or what they would do to Nanzhou.     

"The rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of the common men. Fortunately, the Tianyun Sect has finally made their move," someone sighed.     

At this point, Zhuo Jing looked at Qin Yu.     

"Brother Qin, I heard that Lord Jue Wu also went to the northern border; is that true?" Zhuo Jing asked.     

Qin Yu nodded and said, "Yes, it's true. A few days ago, she left Huaning Mountain with Mr. Xiao."     

"Ay, it's a pity that we are nothing but ants; we're insignificant," a young man beside him lamented.     

"Let's not talk about these sad subjects," someone waved his hand.     

Then, Zhuo Jing looked at Qin Yu and asked, "Brother Qin, why are you looking for me just now?"     

Qin Yu glanced at the people around the table. Out of caution, Qin Yu pulled Zhuo Jing to the side.     

"Brother Zhuo, do you know where the Dark Energy Grave is in Nanzhou?"Qin Yu asked.     

Zhuo Jing was a little surprised by the question and replied, "Dark Energy Grave? Why are you looking for that?"     

Qin Yu was silent for a moment and then said, "Because I need dark energy."     

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