My Rich Wife

Invitation to All Major Sects

Invitation to All Major Sects

The First Elder's body had not yet been fully recovered. He suffered heavy injuries repeatedly, and now appeared to be an old man in his twilight years.     

"First Elder," the Deputy Sect Master also greeted the First Elder.     

The First Elder looked at the Deputy Sect Master coldly and said, "Do you think you have the final say in Tianyun Sect? Do you think you own it?"     

The Deputy Sect Master remained silent, but seemed to have guessed what the First Elder was going to say next. The expression on his face was not the best.     

With some difficulties, the First Elder folded his hands behind his back. He swept his gaze across the crowd and said slowly, "I agree with everyone's suggestion to negotiate with the North Plain."     

Once these words were spoken, the Deputy Sect Master's expression became quite unsightly.     

On the other hand, the many elders present laughed out loud instead.     

"Did you hear that? The First Elder has spoken. What else do you have to say for yourself?"     

"That's right. Don't forget that the First Elder is the true acting sect master."     

"Deputy Sect Master, since the First Elder has spoken, there's nothing else for you to insist upon."     

The general consensus was to withdraw from the border and give up on resisting the North Plain.     

Just as everyone was conversing, suddenly, a trace of viciousness flashed across the Deputy Sect Master's eyes.     

In the next second, he reached out with his hand and made a hard slap on the First Elder's back!     

The First Elder suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood. He turned around with great difficulty and glared at the Deputy Sect Master as if he wanted to say something.     

However, before he could say anything, he collapsed on the ground.     

When they saw this, everyone's expressions change immediately!     

"Deputy Sect Master, what do you mean by this! Are you trying to rebel!?"     

"You actually attacked the First Elder?! Have you gone mad!?"     

"First Elder, are you alright! ?"     

The Deputy Sect Master coldly swept his gaze across the crowd and said slowly, "Don't worry, I didn't kill him. He's only unconscious. It just so happens that he needs to rest anyways, so let's not overwork him too hard."     

At this point, the Deputy Sect Master folded his hands behind his back and said nonchalantly, "Without the First Elder, I have the final say in Tianyun Sect. I can override anyone's suggestions."     

The expressions on the faces of those elders who were in attendance were not the best. They clearly did not expect the Deputy Sect Master to act with such boldness!     

"Pass down my orders. Send people to reinforce the various large cities and ask the Formation Master to set up a formation," said the Deputy Sect Master coldly.     

"Deputy Sect Master, aren't you going a little too far!" someone finally shouted loudly.     

When he heard this, the Deputy Sect Master did not say anything other than raised his hand to slap the elder who spoke.     


This unfortunate elder was slapped until he vomited blood.     

"Who else has something else to say?" The Deputy Sect Master coldly swept his gaze over the crowd.     

The crowd instantly fell into a dead silence. No one spoke up again.     

"Since no one else has anything else to say , just do as I say," the Deputy Sect Master concluded coldly.     

Having said that, he turned around and left.     

When he reached the door, the Deputy Sect Master suddenly stopped in his tracks.     

He glanced at everyone and said, "From now on, anyone who proposes to negotiate with the North Plain, or anyone who has close ties to the North Plain, will be killed without exception!"     

After that, the Deputy Sect Master left the meeting room.     

In the meeting room, everyone was left looking at each other, and some even had cold sweat dripping down their foreheads.     

No one seemed to have expected that the Deputy Sect Master would act so aggressively.     


Meanwhile, at Huaning Mountain.     

Zhuo Jing and the others had already rushed over to Huaning Mountain.     

However, there was no one else besides them.     

"Look, what did I tell you? Those sect masters are all very arrogant. Why would they heed your summon?" Wen Da muttered.     

"That's right, that's right. Back then, even my grandfather couldn't get many of them together," Wen Er added.     

At the mention of Wen Wanchong, Zhuo Jing couldn't help but ask with some puzzlement, "Where is Mr. Wan?"     

"No one knows," Qin Yu shook his head.     

Ever since the last great war, no one had seen Wen Wanchong again, and no one knew where he had gone.     

"Brother Qin, do we have to continue waiting?" someone asked.     

Qin Yu took a deep breath and said, "Let's wait one more day. If no one comes, then we'll forget about the whole thing."     

Wen Da seemed to have something else to say, but in the end, he waved his hand and said, "I'd better go and drink."     

The next day.     

Qin Yu stood at the mountain gate of Huaning Mountain. He waited from morning until evening, but no one came.     


Qin Yu let out a long sigh. These people were extremely egotistical. If there were no benefits, they probably would not have come no matter what.     

The sky gradually darkened. Just as Qin Yu turned around and was about to go back, a figure suddenly rushed from afar.     

It was none other than Qu Zhu.     

"I'm sorry. I've been a little overtired recently and rested for a few days. I'm late," said Qu Zhu as he stretched lazily.     

Qin Yu hurried over with his hands clasped together and said, "Brother Qu Zhu, I'm so glad that you could come."     

As he spoke, more and more people arrived, one after another.     

In the blink of an eye, a total of eighteen people had gathered.     

This was a little surprising to Qin Yu. Was this a mere coincidence? Just when Qu Zhu had arrived, everyone else also got here at the same time?     

In fact, these people had been hiding in the dark for many days. They wanted to wait and see for a while before making their decisions.     

If it was only Qin Yu and his group of young people, they would have turned around and walked away. After all, in their opinion, these people wouldn't be able to achieve anything too earth-shaking.     

But if there were some extraordinary person joining in, then they would show up, on account that perhaps they would get something out of the whole ordeal, after all.     

Qin Yu quickly understood this logic. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Everyone, please rest for now. I'll get someone to prepare a meal."     

"There's no need for that. We didn't come all the way here to eat," someone responded.     

"That's right. Qin Yu, if you have something to say, let's hear it."     

After hearing everyone's comments, Qin Yu was silent for a moment before saying, "Alright, then I'll respectfully comply. Everyone, this way please!"     

Once he led everyone into Huaning Mountain, everyone was now gathered together in one place.     

Regardless of whether it was the sect master of the sect or some outstanding talens of a younger generation, they were all seated below at this moment, waiting for Qin Yu to speak.     

Qin Yu swept his gaze over everyone and said in a deep voice, "Thank you all for coming. I've called everyone here this time concerning the matters of the North Plain."     

"The North Plain have been committing countless crimes in recent days, killing many people. Many people in Nanzhou have already been affected. I don't know what view you all have on this matter."     

"What other views can we have? We could have negotiated with them and gotten a copy of the Sacred Heart Formula to boot, but unfortunately, some people didn't see it that way," someone said mockingly.     

"That's right. There is no room for any sense of justice; we can't even keep ourselves safe, much less everyone else."     

"Don't tell me you want us to protect those useless people? What's the point of keeping them here?"     

Qin Yu had already expected these reactions. As expected, it was very unlikely for them to resist the North Plain unless their own interests were being threatened.     

However, once the North Plain fully penetrated Nanzhou, would anyone remain unscathed?     

"Qin Yu, if you really want to resist the North Plain, you might as well head to the northern borders. Why waste your breath here?" someone said with an odd tone.     

Qin Yu swept his gaze over the crowd before replying, "After I step into the Mighty Realm, I will naturally head to the North Plain. However... before that, I'm afraid that all of you will suffer certain injuries."     

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