My Rich Wife

Body Tempering Begins

Body Tempering Begins

Qin Yu made no response, but he was tempted inside.     

This was the time of the great war with the North Plain, and a treasure from Zhongzhou would indeed be of great use.     

If he could obtain a saint weapon, it might be enough to change the outcome of the war.     

It was not at all an exaggeration to say that even the Lord of the North Plain would not be able to withstand a fully resurrected saint weapon.     

Furthermore, Qin Yu was in dire need of Master Zhengyang's help for any refinement.     

When Qin Yu thought of this, he let go of Master Zhengyang.     

"I'll let you keep your worthless life for the time being," Qin Yu said coldly.     

"But I'm warning you, you better not lie to me."     

Master Zhengyang quickly nodded and said, "Definitely, definitely!"     

Master Zhengyang came from an illustrious family and held an extremely high status in the local regtion. To him, it was not worth risking his life just for a girl.     

Therefore, he did not continue to pester Qin Yu, but brought him back to his home.     

Xiao Cao was sleeping soundly in Qin Yu's arms. After taking the antidote, the effects of the aphrodisiac had already dissipated.     

Once Qin Yu brought Xiao Cao to a room and settled her down, he came before Master Zhengyang.     

"If you still want to keep your manhood , you'd better not have any more ideas as far as Xiao Cao is concerned," Qin Yu glanced at Master Zhengyang's crotch and warned him coldly.     

Master Zhengyang nodded repeatedly and said, "I understand, I understand. You have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow..."     

"Right now. I don't have so much time," Qin Yu cut him off coldly.     

When he saw this, Master Zhengyang could only agree.     

He turned and led Qin Yu to a secret chamber.     

This secret chamber was made by him personally, and it was indestructible.     

The moment the door opened, one could see that there were many divine weapons displayed inside.     

And placed right in the middle of everything was a jade-green flute.     

This flute looked extraordinary. There were many runes engraved upon it, as if there was some great power hiding within it.     

Master Zhengyang brought Qin Yu to the front of the flute before carefully taking it down.     

"This item is called Wu flute. It is a treasure obtained from Zhongzhou. However, I do not know how to use it," Master Zhengyang said.     

Qin Yu took the flute and caressed it in his hands.     

The texture of the flute was rather rough. It even felt like it might scratch his hands just by touching it.     

However, this flute was very sturdy. Even if Qin Yu used all his strength, he was unable to break it.     

"If you don't know how to use this flute, why did you keep it?" Qin Yu asked with an expressionless face.     

This old dog was extremely cunning. He would never take anything that he thought was useless.     

Master Zhengyang said with slight embarrassment, "Someone said that in order to activate this flute, some kind of spell was needed. But I have to find the spell myself, so truly, I really don't know."     

Qin Yu narrowed his eyes and said coldly, "You really don't know?"     

"I swear, I really don't know what spell to use!" Master Zhengyang said hurriedly.     

"If I knew, I would have brought it with me at all times. There's no need for me to refine any other divine weapons."     

Qin Yu saw that he didn't seem to be lying, so he temporarily kept this flute with him.     

The runes carved on the flute appeared extremely mysterious, like the characters from a certain tribe.     

However, with Qin Yu's limited knowledge, he could only guess.     

"I'll ask man with the mustache later," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

After putting flute away, Qin Yu looked at Master Zhengyang again.     

"If I don't kill you, doesn't that count as saving your life?" Qin Yu suddenly asked.     

Master Zhengyang was stunned as he replied with some confusion, "I... guess?"     

"Alright, then I'll be your savior then," Qin Yu nodded slightly.     

"As your savior, shouldn't you repay me?"     

Master Zhengyang had sensed that something was amiss. However, the right to speak was on Qin Yu's side after all, so he could only bite the bullet and agree.     

Soon after that, he saw Qin Yu kept all of the divine weapons into his bag with a simple wave of his hand.     

"I'll take this as your repayment to me," said Qin Yu.     

Master Zhengyang's expression changed drastically. He quickly said, "This won't do. I spent a lot of effort building these divine weapons. This is my life's work!"     

"This is your life's work? Are they more important than that ?"Qin Yu pointed at Master Zhengyang's crotch instead.     

Master Zhengyang covered his crotch out of reflex. He said with some pain, "Qin Yu, you can choose a few items from here, but to take all of them away... This is really too much!"     

Qin Yu patted master Zhengyang's shoulder and said, "I'm your savior. It shouldn't be a problem for your savior to take something from you."     

"Moreover, I could have snatched them without discussing it with you first, right?" Qin Yu said with a crafty smile.     

Master Zhengyang had difficulty replying. Qin Yu's greed had far exceeded his anticipation.     

"A great war is about to break out between Nanzhou and North Plain. These divine weapons of yours can be put to good use," Qin Yu said in a deep voice.     

"Don't worry. If there is a chance, I will return these divine weapons back to you."     

After saying that, Qin Yu turned around and walked out.     

Although Master Zhengyang was unhappy, he had no idea what to do at this moment.     

"There's a price to be paid for lust. Because of a woman, I lost my entire armory just like that!" Master Zhengyang couldn't help but slap himself a couple of times.     


In the refining room.     

An extremely large furnace had been placed here.     

It was unknown what material the furnace was made of, but it was emitting a dark red color.     

Compared to the refining equipment of Xiao Cao's father, this furnace was much more advanced.     

Qin Yu sat cross-legged in it. His body emitted a faint golden light as he waited for his body to be tempered.     

Master Zhengyang walked to Qin Yu. He took out the purple-red heavenly flame and said in a deep voice, "Are you really going to use your body as a weapon to be tempered?"     

"Yes," Qin Yu nodded.     

He glanced at master Zhengyang and chided him, "Don't use the purple-red heavenly flame. Use the fire in the waste pond!"     

Master Zhengyang came to his senses and hurriedly changed the flame from the purple-red heavenly flame to the one in the waste pond and threw the flame into the furnace.     

As the flame entered, Qin Yu's body began to collapse.     

With the intervention of Master Zhengyang's refining, the temperature of the flame suddenly soared!     

These flames seemed to have a life of their own, clinging to every part of Qin Yu's body, as if they were going to fuse with his body.     

It must be noted that although Master Zhengyang was somewhat of a pervert, his refining method was truly brilliant. Compared to the others in the Divine Artifact City, it was clearly several levels higher.     

Master Zhengyang controlled the flames. With the method of forging divine weapons, he was slowly refining Qin Yu's body.     

And under this kind of roasting, Qin Yu's body was constantly being destroyed as it was slowly reassembled again.     

At the same time, Nanzhou had completely fallen. Under the leadership of Yong Ji and a few other godly kings, they took over various large cities and sects in Nanzhou.     

They borrowed all the painting scrolls in North Plain to feed on the people in the major cities.     

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