My Rich Wife

Tears of the Exalted

Tears of the Exalted

Back on Earth, Qin Yu had once heard rumors that the Heavenly Court had established the underworld in the East Peak.     

All along, there had been countless rumors regarding the East Peak, but they were just rumors.     

But now, the Venerable Fifth Mountain in Qin Yu's hands was actually reacting with the Shen Tu token!     

"Could it be that those rumors are true after all..."Qin Yu muttered in a low voice, feeling even more incredulous!     

At the same time, Qin Yu's interest in the token was growing even stronger.     

Regardless of whether this was related to the rumors on Earth or not, it was enough to prove that the Shen Tu token on the stage was definitely more than meets the eye!     

Not far away, the young man's gaze became increasingly fiery as well. The corners of his mouth curled up, as if he was determined to get a hold of it.     

When he saw this, a bad premonition rose in Qin Yu's heart. His face was gloomy and he did not say a word, as if he was calculating the pros and cons.     

At this moment, the host on the stage spoke.     

He held the Shen Tu token in his hand and looked somewhat uncomfortable.     

Then, he quickly put the token back into the box and said, "According to the owner's request, the owner of the token decided on bartering, and he will make the final decision himself."     


Hearing this, the people participating in the auction immediately began talking amongst themselves animatedly.     

"When I came here, I didn't hear of such a rule."     

"Yeah, barter. We weren't prepared for that."     

"Damn, I prepared so many spirit coins. Isn't it a total waste of time?"     

"Sigh, forget it. Such an item probably wouldn't fall into our hands anyways. Even if we were lucky enough to obtain it, it wouldn't be an opportunity for us, but a calamity."     

Hearing this, everyone's gazes once again turned towards the young man.     

The strength that the young man had unleashed was definitely not something that they could hope to contend.     

What was even more terrifying was his age. To have such level of cultivation at this young age, who knew what kind of background he had behind him!?     

"The auction of the token has officially begun," announced the host.     

As the sound of his voice faded, people began to take out their treasures.     

"I'm willing to exchange a sacred dragon mushroom for that token!" Someone shouted.     

"Sacred Dragon Mushroom?"     

As soon as he said this, everyone was amazed!     

The Sacred Dragon Mushroom was a special spiritual medicine. Rumor has it that it grew in the sky and was nourished by the air.     

Because its appearance was like that of a divine dragon, it was named the Sacred Dragon Mushroom.     

"It seems that these people are more than meets the eye," Qin Yu thought to himself.     

He had heard of the Sacred Dragon Mushroom. It was definitely a supreme treasure!     

With this kind of a treasure making an appearance at the beginning of the auction, it seemed that the auction was not that ordinary.     

"The Sacred Dragon Mushroom is nothing. I am willing to use the Absolute Beginning Glow to exchange for this item!" At this moment, someone else shouted.     

When they heard this, everyone was even more shocked!     

Absolute Beginning Glow! It was said that the first wisp of the divine glow from the Absolute Beginning Glow! It was a true supreme treasure!     

Of course, there were many rumors about the Absolute Beginning Glow, but they were only limited to rumors.     

Compared to the Absolute Beginning Glow, the Sacre Dragon Mushroom suddenly didn't seem quite as alluring.     

And the owner of the token had a strange glint in his eyes. He didn't seem to think that this token was able to exchange for so many treasures!     

Then, someone else took out their most precious treasures.     

Immortal Iron, Poison Scripture, Dragon Rock, and the list went on. All kinds of treasures appeared one after another, which shocked everyone!     

Qin Yu was no exception. He didn't expect these people to have so many treasures in their possession!     

The owner of the token was getting more and more excited. He couldn't wait to agree to any of them immediately.     

However, this thing had already been taken to the auction, so it had to follow the arrangements of the auction and follow their rules. Therefore, all he could do was feeling anxious on the side.     

The young man, who was not too far away, had a calm expression on his face, as a trace of an extremely confident smile still lingered around the corner of his mouth.     

It was very obvious that this person was hiding an even more alluring treasure in his possession!     

Qin Yu did not make a sound either. He rummaged through the cabinets and found many supreme treasures, even the Huangji Buddha Flame!     

However, before that young man made a move, Qin Yu was definitely not going to make a move, exposing his own bottom line.     

As time passed by, everyone made their bid and revealed all sorts of treasures.     

Soon, the auction began to quiet down. Those who should have made their moves seemed to have already made their moves.     

Qin Yu's gaze turned towards that young man once again.     

The smile on that young man's face became even wider.     

It was very obvious that the treasures these people took out were nothing in his eyes whatsoever!     

This immediately caused Qin Yu great concern in his heart. He frowned and quietly observed the young man.     

Finally, the young man spoke.     

He said indifferently, "As expected, a small place such as Nanzhou doesn't have any treasures to speak of."     

The moment these words were spoken, it immediately antagonized everyone who were present. But at the same time, it also caused people to feel even more shocked.     

After that, the young man's mind moved, as he took out a colored glass that looked like a teardrop.     

This glass is very small, and looked like a drop of water in the palm of his hand.     

But such a thing exuded an internal qi that was incomparably sacred and ancient!     

A true ancient treasure! That internal qi could not have deceived anyone!     

"What is this?"     

The people who were present were confused, and they could not stop look at the item in the palm of his hand.     

The young man smirked and said, "You idiots, this is a dream glass!"     

"Dream glass? What is that?" Everyone's brows knitted even tighter.     

The young man snorted and said, "They don't even know about it. They're just a bunch of country bumpkins."     

"Brother, please tell us what this dream glass is used for," the owner of the token asked anxiously.     

The young man laughed coldly and said, "Dream glass is a true item passed down from an ancient god. Rumor has it that it's a tear from an ancient supreme in the galaxy!"     

"Supreme cultivator? Ancient supreme cultivator?"     

"That is an existence that surpasses even the True Saints!"     

"Rumor has it that the breath of an ancient supreme cultivator can destroy all living beings and make thousands of stars lose their radiance instantly. Although it is not as powerful as a cultivator at the tribulation stage, it is definitely an existence that transcends the ages!"     

"A drop of tear from him can be considered as a Saint Weapon!"     

Qin Yu could not help his shock when he heard what the man said!     

This dream glass was a magical artifact, and its power was almost no less than a Saint Weapon!     

With such a treasure, he could basically have his way in the entire Nanzhou!     

"Good, good, this I want!" the owner of the token said impatiently.     

When the young man heard this, a proud smile immediately appeared on his face.     

"Alright, let's announce the results," The young man said to the host with great confidence.     

The host smiled and said, "Is there anyone else who wants to compete for this item?"     

There was silence below the stage. Qin Yu sat there with his brows tightly furrowed. His face was filled with conflict.     

"This is dream glass. There's no need for you to take out the scrap metal in your possession,"the young man said with a faint smile.     

When the host saw that no one had spoken for a long time, he smiled and announced, "Alright, then I'll announce..."     


Just then, Qin Yu shouted.     

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