Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 295

Chapter 295

"I wonder if you're able to fulfill my demand, Mr. Maxwell. After all, you're supplying at least 80% of your material to my Big brother's company, right?" Vernon asked.      


"I'm afraid that you might bite off more than you can chew. This beverage will be launched in the early spring, and you need to ship a lot of them to the factory in Southern Europe," Vernon said. "I've made it clear that I won't be funding the shipping because I can always find another supplier located in Europe instead."     

What Vernon said made sense. He wasn't really interested in taking a supply from the U.S when that beverage product would be launched in Europe.     

He could take a supply from Europe or Asia, which was connected by land, and should be cheaper.     

"You know that I never plan to take material supplies from the states, right?" Vernon said. "So, unless you can supply me with the best quality material, then there will be no deal between us, Mr. Maxwell."     

Gregory Maxwell gulped when facing such a question.     

It was true. Mr Phoenix Gray didn't announce to anyone about his plan. He talked to a few circle members about it, and Mr Maxwell got the information.      

So he came here trying to pitch a business deal because he was desperate to find a new big contract to cover the losses.      

He thought he could just give Vernon all the cans with bad quality that had been discovered by Vincent. So he could make a lot of profit without spending a dime.      

But it seemed that Vernon would've taken a clear inspection of the cans, so Gregory Maxwell couldn't do that.     

'Ugh, now I really have tons of unused material. What to do with them then?'     

Vernon smiled as he sensed that he had cornered this old man, "So, Mr. Maxwell. I might make a contract with you because you've been working with my family for two decades."     

"But you need to answer these two questions," Vernon said. "First, can you fill the amount of supply needed, since I know that my Big brother has a lot of his material coming from you? Second, will you be able to send me high-quality material? Because I will closely inspect them before using them for my new product."     

Gregory Maxwell didn't expect to be put in a tough situation again. He thought Vernon would be less troublesome than Vincent since he only had a few years of experience working on a big industrial-scale project.      

'Fuck, they're the same,' Gregory Maxwell cursed. 'What was I thinking anyway? Of course they're the same, they're brothers!'      

Mr Maxwell cursed at his own stupidity. He was trapped by another Gray now.     

If he backed off and said that he couldn't fulfil those two requirements, Vernon would definitely ask about his incompetence and say that Gregory Maxwell was wasting his time.     

'At least, that's what Vincent usually does. He will make sure to trap his business partner and make sure no time is wasted on his side.'     

Gregory Maxwell wasn't all that bothered about this young man's opinion. But if he refused right now, Vernon might call his Big brother and say Mr Maxwell wasn't professional. There was nothing scarier than facing the pissed-off Vincent.      

Thus, knowing there was no way out, Gregory Maxwell decided hastily.     

"First, I can definitely fill the supply requested by your company, Mr. Phoenix Gray," Gregory Maxwell replied. "Second, I will make sure to give you the same quality as the one I used for Mr. Vincent Gray's products."     

"Good, that means we're not wasting any time here," Vernon turned his head to the left, where Diamond stood with a document. "Secretary Johnson."     

"Yes, Sir."     

Diamond put the document she had been holding the whole time on the table. She slid it towards Mr Maxwell, who was stunned when he accidentally read the first sentence in that document.     



"Yes, it is exactly like what you thought, Mr. Maxwell," Vernon replied. "That is the contract between us. I've come prepared. Since you said you can fulfill all my requirements, I see nothing wrong with working with you."     

"You can read it first, and see if everything fits your standard," Vernon offered.      

Gregory Maxwell carefully read the contract. His breath stiffened, and his body went cold when he realized that Vernon Phoenix Gray had already made a contract that would be a perfect fit for their companies.     

He listed everything, including the required material, price per shipping, and even the tax cut.     

'Fuck, the accuracy of this contract is terrifying. Did he already predict everything? Am I playing under his hand right now?' Gregory Maxwell raised his head and met Vernon's hawk-like eyes, who stared back at him without blinking.      

Vernon smiled thin, "What's wrong, Mr. Maxwell? Is there anything wrong with the contract? I can ask my secretary to make a few adjustments if you don't agree with any point."     

"Though, I believe the contract has been made fairly. So there shouldn't be anything that's not compatible with your standard."     

'Well, because it's so fucking accurate, that's why it's terrifying!' Gregory groaned in his head. 'I feel like you have a dubious plan behind me, and you've planned everything, including my arrival here!'     

Gregory Maxwell started sweating on his back. He didn't know what would happen if he signed this contract or if he didn't.     

He was wondering if he could say a few things that needed to be discussed internally first, so he had to bring this contract to his company.     

But since the contract had no flaw, Vernon would've continued pressing about the matter and told him to clear every disagreement between them right now.      

"What's wrong, Mr. Maxwell? You don't seem well," Vernon commented, though he knew what caused this old man to be nervous.     

"A—Ah, it's nothing, Mr. Phoenix Gray…."     

"Then, if there's nothing to worry about, you may sign that document and we can start working soon."     

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