Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 202

Chapter 202


The elevator door opened, and Vernon saw Diamond, busy at her desk, writing a report.     



As if a lightbulb suddenly appeared and shone brightly on top of his head, Vernon found the person who could teach him a thing or two about approaching Chloe carefully.     

Because this woman successfully befriended Chloe in less than a week, it seemed.     

'That's right, I could ask her how to approach Chloe. I guess I can give her a bonus for her salary if she gives me good advice,' Vernon thought. He had the firm idea that he could buy anything as long as he had money, and Diamond would definitely help him in this.      

Diamond heard the sound of the elevator hitting the top floor. She darted her eyes to the elevator and saw her boss walking out of the elevator.     

She had no good face for him. After knowing how much of an ignorant bastard, he didn't feel like acting nice in front of him.     

But, he was still her boss— for now.     

Diamond was convinced that she would be fired today or maybe in a few days as Mr. Phoenix Gray needed to find a replacement for her, and she didn't mind.     

At least, she would be fired for defending her homegirl, protecting a woman who had been abused severely.      

Diamond stood up and bowed politely towards her boss, "Good morning, Sir."     

Vernon gave her a side-glance. He was surprised that Diamond didn't resent him after their heated argument in his office yesterday.      

Vernon walked past Diamond and opened the CEO's office door. He halted his step before entering and told Diamond;     

"Diamond, go to my office right now, I have something to tell you."     

Vernon entered his office and closed the door, leaving Diamond guessing what her boss wanted to tell her.     

She had zero expectations that her boss would be so kind to her.     

She blasted at him yesterday, calling him unworthy of knowing the pain that Chloe had experienced and calling him a bastard.     

"But what I said is true, and I stand by my opinion," Diamond toughened herself.      

Money was nice, and she definitely wouldn't get this much amount of money if she returned to modeling, let alone being a secretary in another company.     

"I can survive with the money I earned from working here. I can even open my own business as I've saved a lot," Diamond thought. "Maybe I can bring my homegirl with me. She can work as my employee rather than suffering with that heartless bastard!"      

Diamond didn't feel nervous as she knocked on the door of the CEO's office as she knew her fate was already sealed.     

Knock. Knock.     


Diamond opened the door after knocking. She saw Mr. Phoenix Gray sitting on the same sofa as yesterday. The difference was the coffee table that had disappeared because he kicked the table until it flipped and shattered, so Diamond had to tell the janitors to clean it up while she ordered another coffee table for her boss, who had an anger issue.      

She closed the door behind her and stood in front of him. She ensured that she stood at least five feet away in case Mr. Phoenix Gray wanted to kick the sofa or destroy something near her. She didn't want to get stitches because of his idiocy.      

"I'm here, Sir. Can I help you with something?" Diamond asked, but she didn't smile at all. She didn't have the energy to show a fake smile in front of him.      

"Diamond, I'm calling you because I need your assistance for something," Vernon said.     

"And what is it, Sir?" Diamond tried to remember the projects and reports she had done for the past week, and she was convinced she didn't miss anything.     

So she assumed this one wasn't work-related.      

"It's about Chloe," Vernon said.     

Diamond's breath stiffened once she heard her best friend's name get mentioned.      

She became guarded instantly and asked, "What do you want from her? Sir, you know that you can't force her to tell you her experience, because you will only scare her away."     

"I know…" Vernon admitted that his heart felt heavy when remembering the scene last night. "I finally know that she had experienced severe abuse, even if she didn't tell me directly…."     

Diamond's eyes widened instantly because she expected Mr. Phoenix Gray to get angry at her for refusing to tell him about Chloe's trauma.     

But he actually found out by himself? How?     

'Something must've happened last night, he said that he knows about the abuse even though she didn't tell him directly,' Diamond suspected in her heart. 'My homegirl is pretty good at hiding her trauma, so this bastard must've done something terrible towards her.'     

"How do you know about it, Sir?" Diamond asked bluntly.      

Vernon went silent, facing that question. He was unsure whether he should tell the truth to Diamond, knowing that Diamond would always be on Chloe's side and would probably be angry once she knew what happened to Chloe last night.      

"That's not important, but I need your assistance—"     

"—No, that's important, Sir," Diamond interrupted, refusing to put this down as she knew that Vernon had done something to her.     

"If you want my assistance with anything, then you need to explain everything to me. I don't want to be kept in the dark and might accidentally help someone who will hurt my homegirl," Diamond said.      

Vernon's gaze darkened. He was being so nice to Diamond, but it seemed his secretary had become very courageous— even disrespectful towards him.     

"Diamond, know your status. You're my secretary, my employee. I can fire you and even ruin your life," Vernon warned.      

"I know that, Sir," Diamond replied. "But I'm working for your company to deal with work, not to help you hurting my own best friend."     

Vernon scoffed, "So you're ready to get fired, huh? It will be difficult for you to get a job as long as I told all my connections to refuse your application."     

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